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How would you grow 24 plants?


I've got a spare 20 gallon Botanicare reservoir. Blumat sells a kit of twelve that includes a bulkhead fitting. I'm talking about the full size "Tropf" model--not Blumat Jr. that wicks out through the cone.




An 8mm line runs from the reservoir to each plant. Each plant has a cone with a 3mm silicone branch tube that connects to the 8mm with a tee. I'll be setting up a 8mm loop system as was recently suggested in the thread linked above.

Limited availability in the US--I bought from the German site. Steep shipping but not tooo bad if you keep it under 2kg. Lots of little extras are available at that site.

Edit: I can't recommend the German site because they do not protectively package the goods. My box arrived crushed. Ceramic cones appear OK, some slight flaws on the surface but I guess that happened during manufacture.


An 8mm line runs from the reservoir to each plant. Each plant has a cone with a 3mm silicone branch tube that connects to the 8mm with a tee. I'll be setting up a 8mm loop system as was recently suggested in the thread linked above.

Limited availability in the US--I bought from the German site. Steep shipping but not tooo bad if you keep it under 2kg. Lots of little extras are available at that site.
wow man those look promising! never over water a plant again and I wouldn't have to think about them for 8-10 days sounds like. word.


In order to stay legal I need to keep them in a locked room, so outside is not an option. Thanks though.

just fyi man, the law says 'enclosed, locked facility'.

There are people who are growing outside in those 'dog runs' that have chain link on top and all sides, and do double locks on the door.

People are also doing greenhouses with lockable doors.

I myself haven't got the 'sand' to be test case #1, but a few people have been messed with by cops, and let go.

But that's going to all depend on your local cops and prosecuting attorney.

I started the same way, couldn't decide. Go to local compassion club meetings, or check with local dispensary and buy some clones to start.Get however many you want, veg em, then take cuttings from the most robust and go from there.

Once you network a little,and get rolling, you'll be all set.


Sigh, 24 plants any size, legal, no wattage to worry about, what a dream. This is a dream scenario that is just calling for mpb buckets or rdwc vertical trees. I know this is a soil thread but man thats what I would do no question about it. Get a mother and go.

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