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How would you describe a Bud Hangover


i think we all know what im talking about ...
well to me a bud hangover is ... after a day of moderate to heavy smoking, falling asleep for like 12 hours waking up not remembering what the fuck i just dreamed about. arms useless, head all fogged up and groggy, entire body just wants to lay down, cant really feel your eyes. pull yourself out of bed go to the bathroom look in the mirror looks like your sleep walking while stoned. and every breathe i take is deep and satisfying as fuck


Horse-toothed Jackass
I definitely would say ive been hungover after smoking a LOT the previous night. however, it's not nearly as bad as a hangover from drinking too much. a bud hangover for me is just being somewhat groggy and cloudy the next morning. a good cup of joe does a lot to make it go away, but doesnt make it go away 100%, only time spent sober can do that. course, the only real cure for a bud hangover is, of course, more bud... the hair of the dog is what they call it when drinking. :joint:


well panopticist there may be some preventative .. and treatment measures to be taken to avoid a bud hangover. but without ,i think using cannabis does have some form of hangover symptons ... though maybe not as defined as alcohol use is, but there are certainly some trailing affects, for me any way ..

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
this is the second thread I have read this morning talking about bad morning after effects

I am with Pano here, I dont get these, I hop right out of bed and am wide awake. I smoke like a chimney too, I have been up for about 4 hours so far, been through 3 bowls, and will probably continue this for teh rest of teh day, Tomorrow I will be fine


New member
I've noticed some symptoms the next morning after I've been really high all night.
I'm kinda lazier and more tired than normally. I might be very hungry the whole day.
There are some negative effects to my cognitive skills due heavy smoking. Mental processing and memory functions are slower.

These things don't stop my smoking. I'll be able to stydy etc. even though I smoke some bud occasionally.


Active member
i wake up this way if I have just taken a few bong rips before within 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime.


heavy daily smoking will make one unable to notice hangovers.

its a more "subjective" hangover than liquor but its definetely there for all smokers.


ICMag Donor
A heavy indica really late at nite before bed "Sometimes" gives me kinda a groggy hangover ,which is quickly erased with something dreams are made of...


i'd describe it as money saved.

had a nice pile of kif from different strains last nite. smoked a bunch and slept for a good 12 hours kinda felt stoned still when i woke up so i didnt bake any until a coupple of hours later.

i'm always all relaxed when i have the ice-o-lator or kif.

i'd say nvm the hangover thats nice.. coming sober.. now thats some shit tbh.


stoned agin ...
Bababooey said:
I definitely would say ive been hungover after smoking a LOT the previous night. however, it's not nearly as bad as a hangover from drinking too much. a bud hangover for me is just being somewhat groggy and cloudy the next morning. a good cup of joe does a lot to make it go away, but doesnt make it go away 100%, only time spent sober can do that. course, the only real cure for a bud hangover is, of course, more bud... the hair of the dog is what they call it when drinking. :joint:
this is exactly what i get. its nowhere near a booze hangover (ugh); just fogged out. maybe its just because youre still a bit stoned, weed stays with you longer than booze, combine that with the morning squirrel slept in your mouth feeling ...


Smokin on that serious...
i definatly dont feel any crappier after waking from a pot induced coma than i do from just going to sleep... waking up just sucks, dont call it a hangover.

a hangover is when your puking from just thinking about water after a night of heavy ale.


I find that it dont matter if its bud, mill, coors or michelob

hangovers all the same


to be real honest sometimes im told that sometimes the weed is too strong and that they wake up all zombo'd after alight session the night before

my answer to them is: SMOKE MO ******


A bud hang over to me is awesome. Fall aslleep and I mean real sleep, none of that dream sleep where your not really asleep. I'm talking real sleep and when you wake you feel like your still stoned. I miss those days, haven't had any in a while myself. Would gladly take bud hang over alcohol hang over, which had me sleeping on the bathroom floor the other night and puking till 2pm the next day. Gotta love vodka...:)