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How would one substitute?


I am wondering how one might go about making baked goods without cannabutter? Recently my wife went through some allergy tests and found she is highly allergic to dairy, so she has removed dairy from her diet, and thus cannabutter.

Anyone have any suggestions for a substitute, was also wondering if coconut oil could be used as a sub?


pure dynamite
any vegetal oil should work, but from tests I done with olive oil, it won't incorporate same dose as butter. So, I'd say you need more oil than you would use butter to take the same amount of thc and other cannabinoids.
btw, just as a tought.. maybe ghee (clarified butter) would work without allergic reactions? do some research on the matter.


howdy Sir_Syzurp

how you do?

indeed coconut oil
much healthy alternative

various fat and oil to display various trait with respect to infusion to cannabis
such and such various point to boil, various point to saturation, such and such

enjoy you coconut infused cannabis
lovely indeed

positive vibrations


Active member
I am wondering how one might go about making baked goods without cannabutter? Recently my wife went through some allergy tests and found she is highly allergic to dairy, so she has removed dairy from her diet, and thus cannabutter.
Make ghee and see if that works for her. Should be just fine.

Ghee is clarified butter. You simmer it for 10-15 minutes, skimming off the bad crap that foams up. Pour the clear liquid through a fine strainer and that stops the hard 'bad' stuff on the bottom.

The clear liquid is ghee. Shelf stable, no need for keeping it cool... as long as you keep liquid and crud out of it. (lids work well)

Ghee is good for all blood types, unlike regular 'milk' or 'dairy' products. What they call an 'allergy' is actually her blood type reacting to cow dairy. My blood type is A and my secretor status is 'secretor'... I have horrible reactions to what people call 'dairy'. Ghee is great though. ;) She should be able to eat "REAL" mozarella cheese as well. Milk/cream/enzymes/salt... nothing else. Have her try a tiny bite.

Use the ghee like butter and make canna-ghee, bake accordingly. You'll be happy that you found a 'dairy' alternative to butter. ;)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Thank you all for your replies. I will check more in depth on making the ghee, I didn't realize it took care of the reaction people have to dairy.

On the coconut oil note, I was actually going to look in to it for cooking in general, I prefer to cook with it or grape seed oil but haven't really thought about infusing it with cannabis for every day use until recently, I figure I would be better off if I could get those nutrients in to my regular digestive cycle, instead of "treats" like cake slices, cookies, candies, brownies, caramels, etc lol.


Cocounut oil is suppose to be better because it is higher in fat than butter. Whether or not it is at least as good as butter. Some recipes that call for 1/2 c butter, use 1/3 oil. To me that can be a drawback because of potency.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Olive Oil, Any nut oil will work.... You could also make a Tincture and just add a few drops to what ever you like ...


As far as clarifying the butter first, the process of making canna butter seperates it from the whey and milk solids anyway. Canna butter or oil doesn't have the 20% water that regular butter has, so you should only use 80% of what's called for in the recipe....and add a splash of water. This way your baked goods will have the intended texture.


I feel you on trying to get it in a healthier way op, somewhat recently gave up sugar and wheat completely, didn't realize i was an addict til i stopped(been eatin shit my whole life it seems). Coco oil is great for cooking extracting eating etc. I've made tons of caps with extract(thc oil, hash, w/e) and virgin coco oil/MCT oil cause we found it had more effect for us and the people who needed it.

Medium Chain Triglycerides(60% of organic virgin coco oil are mcts) are awesome, i take some every morning. Your body dosn't have to use any of its own energy to utilize them. Also if you do some interweb readin, lots of people and doctas are curing themselves and their patients ails with virgin coco oil (earth clinic is pretty good, admins are good about removing marketing posts). Sorry if i went a bit off tangent, just been seeing some real positive changes in my body since i started takin the VCO, Good Luck Bud!


Active member
As far as clarifying the butter first, the process of making canna butter seperates it from the whey and milk solids anyway.
Hrmm... seems to be a huge difference in end product between making ghee first and just making canna butter.

I also have issues with the butter in canna-butter when I make it. I don't have the same problems when using pre-made ghee.

I seriously doubt I'll ever use straight butter again. Just saying.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Hrmm... seems to be a huge difference in end product between making ghee first and just making canna butter.

I also have issues with the butter in canna-butter when I make it. I don't have the same problems when using pre-made ghee.

I seriously doubt I'll ever use straight butter again. Just saying.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Well, when you use whole butter, you will notice all the milk solids sitting at the bottom of the chilled canna butter chunk. It's a simple matter of scraping it off, which most peeps probably do anyway. Same process as clarifying it, except you're also infusing it with the herb.....unless I'm missing something.


Active member
Well, when you use whole butter, you will notice all the milk solids sitting at the bottom of the chilled canna butter chunk. It's a simple matter of scraping it off, which most peeps probably do anyway. Same process as clarifying it, except you're also infusing it with the herb.....unless I'm missing something.

You're missing the skimming of the foam off the top. That's the other bad(tm) stuff that non-butter people can't handle.

Curious about how much essential oil ends up in the waste as well... ya know? :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


You're missing the skimming of the foam off the top. That's the other bad(tm) stuff that non-butter people can't handle.

Curious about how much essential oil ends up in the waste as well... ya know? :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Well, the whey is water soluble, so that's gone along with all the other liquid, especially once you rinse the green butter. The solids can also be gently rinsed from the butter chunk with little to no waste. Just thought it was worth pointing out.


Have you tried roast vegetables? I'd say infuse vegetable oil or Rapeseed oil with cannabis (basically the same as you would with canna butter), coat some sweet potatoes (yams), potatoes, carrots, parsnips, that kind of stuff, put it in a roasting dish and put in the oven, I usually do 180 degrees Celcius (350 F) and wait until it smells like roast dinner. :p

You could probably do it with chicken or turkey too if you fancy a thanksgiving to remember. :p

Hash Man

Add hash or kief

Add hash or kief

Just add hash or kief to the dry part of your recipe, mix everything together and add the liquid parts of your recipe.


Active member
Don't forget Crisco. Great for baking.
This enough for one batch of Betty Cockers Deluxe Brownies, yields 16 brownies when baked in a 9x9x2 inch pan:
- 2/3 cup of Crisco and one ounce of very dry trim.
I'm old fashioned and have always used Crisco for extraction. A solid vegitable oil available everywhere with a high flash point.
I start with a generous cup of Crisco. You need a cup to get about 2/3 cup after straining. This stuff does not burn at high heat as butter and many other oils, including olive oil do. Higher heat results in quicker extraction. I find it more convenient than boiling water and butter and trim for hours and hours. Tastes better if done properly. No loss of potency.
I use an ounce of very dry, crumbled up, good quality frosty trim to a cup of Crisco.
Use a pan small enough that the melted Crisco covers the trim
Melt the Crisco. Use medium heat. Bring it up to heat. Get it good and hot before adding the trim.
Stir the trim in.
Allow it to get hot again for a couple minutes.
Then sauté on medium heat for twenty minutes. Stir occasionally.
This allows the hot Crisco to melt off all the natural oils. The trim will brown and give the oil a delicious toasty taste.
Raise the heat for a minute or two until the oil just starts to smoke. Watch very carefuly. If it smokes for very long it will burn the trim and adversly effect the taste. Maybe start a fire.
Remove from heat and strain just as it starts to smoke.
I strain through a single layer of thin clean cloth, old t shirts work great, covering a metal mesh strainer to recover oil.
Getting it very hot before straining recovers more Crisco/THC from the saturated trim.
Separating trim from oil dramatically improves taste and texture of brownies.
I've used this recipe for cooking since the seventies.
PM me if you want Betty Cockers Brownie recipe


Active member
Crisco? Really? Ouch.

Are you saying butter is healthy? Are you saying eating cannabis is healthy? It is medicinal but is it healthy?

Allergies to dairy and finding a substitute in cooking does not mean Crisco can't be considered. What is more important? Being able to take your meds, even if made with Crisco. Then being able to function, or, doing without because coconut oil or olive oil doesn't cut it for you.

The alterantive of smoking your medicine is not good for the lungs nor would it be considerd healthy either.

As a butter substitute Crisco sn't bad. No choesterol and so on. Just vegitable oil. As a small part of the diet and active lifestyle, is it really unhealthy? Who says so?

Please show us any peer reviewed literature showing butter is healthier than Crisco.
I'll take one of them there Oreos please.


I think the key point Hydro was trying to show was that Crisco is a hydrogenated oil, it isn't "pure" like coconut, olive, grapeseed, etc.

Definition of what hydrogenation accomplishes - Hydrogenation of unsaturated fats produces saturated fats. In the case of partial hydrogenation, trans fats may be generated as well.

I do want to thank you though, for thinking outside the box. If I wasn't as concerned for trans fats and saturated fats as I am I would definitely give the crisco thing a shot.


Active member
Sir_Syzurp, you are very welcome.

As to the rest. Food fads come and go. One year butter is bad, the next its' not so bad. One year coconut oil is bad, because of hydrogenated fats, now its' thought of as not so bad for other reasons. One year eggs are bad, or chocolate is bad, and so on and so forth. Now, once again, all of these same foods have changed status. Science says now that they aren't so bad when eaten in moderation.

Woody Allen jokes about this in his 1973 comedy "Sleeper". The plot involves the adventures of the owner (played by Woody Allen) of a health food store who is cryogenically frozen in 1973 and defrosted 200 years later in an inept totalitarian state, when he is resucitated to lead the revolt.

Woody is offered cigarettes and chocolate and refuses because they aren't "good" for you. Everybody laughs at his primitive lack of knowledge. Science had gone on to find these substances and Deep Fried are actually some of the best things you can do for yourself.

Woody was dead on with the chocolate joke! Our superior science of 2013 now thinks it is not so bad. What will tomorrow reveal? God only knows.

Five folks have PMd for the recipe. I'm very happy to share. Done right this extraction tastes wonderful and kicks you into heaven.

Moderation in all things.

Beware the "Religion of Science!"

God Bless us all,

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