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how toxic are typical hydro nutes for humans and other animals?


I occasionally spill nutrient solution on my pond liner covered floor and sometimes splash droplets on my hand/arm. (on accident of course!) This is either GH or Ionic nutes combined with GH or Advanced's PH Down. Does anyone know how hazardous nutrient solution is?

My biggest concern is my cat loves to hang out in my room. I worry about some dried up nutrient salt residue on the floor (from evaporated spills) getting on his paws and then into his body when he licks his paws. Cats tend to be pretty sensitive to toxins.

I try to be careful but sometimes shit happens and sometimes solution dries up in hard to reach places. Any input from anyone would be really appreciated!


i dont know but when i was a little kid I read one of those Goosebumps books in which the main character discovered his parents were monsters who ate plant food. kinda scary back then



Hawaiian Inebriatti
I occasionally spill nutrient solution on my pond liner covered floor and sometimes splash droplets on my hand/arm. (on accident of course!) This is either GH or Ionic nutes combined with GH or Advanced's PH Down. Does anyone know how hazardous nutrient solution is?

My biggest concern is my cat loves to hang out in my room. I worry about some dried up nutrient salt residue on the floor (from evaporated spills) getting on his paws and then into his body when he licks his paws. Cats tend to be pretty sensitive to toxins.

I try to be careful but sometimes shit happens and sometimes solution dries up in hard to reach places. Any input from anyone would be really appreciated!

Just google "General hydroponics MSDS"
Pick your flavor, and read all about it.

Basically, most of their line are irritants, but the PH down is quite dangerous. I have been burned by it.

Thanks for asking though, I'm off to google up an MSDS for the nutes that I use.



3rd-Eye Jedi
there is a thread on here about a dog drinking run off from a chem grow and dying


i dont have alink unfortunately but there is a post on here somewhere explaining the dangers, if was in response to people stirring rezs with their arm. wouldnt be touching it anyhow.


i dont have alink unfortunately but there is a post on here somewhere explaining the dangers, if was in response to people stirring rezs with their arm. wouldnt be touching it anyhow.

If it does that to your arms imagine what it's doing to your buds, and your body when you smoke them.


Active member
Don't use them to begin with and eliminate the worry. You do plan to consume or use the cannabis is some way don't you.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Cat hair on finished bud enhances the mystic.

The cat may start to grow, keep him at 12/12 and see what happens.


Active member
I grow organically, and I would be a whole lot more concerned about your cat's eyesight, hanging around under HID lights than the chem nutes. If the cat drinks the runoff it could be a problem, but as finicky as most cats are about their chow, doesn't seem likely. But you know your cat, I don't. Good luck. -granger


TC Nursery est 2020


Registered User
this is anecdotal, but was moving a rez that was half filled, just needed it over 6" or so... splashed up the side & good wave of it went over the lip & onto my foot, soaked the sock. rinsed it immediately, but over the coarse of the next several of months two of my toe nails grew funny... like knots in the center beginning at the cuticle. formed a hump & heavy slant down at both sides, if that makes any sense. looked fucked up & took about 6months to grow through it, where i was filing it down every other week. could it have been something other than the nute bath...? maybe, never had a toe nail issue before, and the one on the big toe is still 'thicker' and more rounded on the sides, not like my other nails. dunno. anecdotal at best.


Thanks for the replies everyone! The GH PH Down sounds pretty bad... from the MSDS:

Corrosive to the respiratory system. Exposure to decomposition products may cause a
health hazard. Serious effects may be delayed following exposure.

I hate to fix what ain't broken but I may switch from tap to RO just to avoid having to use PH Down now.

this is anecdotal, but was moving a rez that was half filled, just needed it over 6" or so... splashed up the side & good wave of it went over the lip & onto my foot, soaked the sock. rinsed it immediately, but over the coarse of the next several of months two of my toe nails grew funny... like knots in the center beginning at the cuticle. formed a hump & heavy slant down at both sides, if that makes any sense. looked fucked up & took about 6months to grow through it, where i was filing it down every other week. could it have been something other than the nute bath...? maybe, never had a toe nail issue before, and the one on the big toe is still 'thicker' and more rounded on the sides, not like my other nails. dunno. anecdotal at best.

Wow MIway, that's pretty freaky!
I've thought I've gotten little welts from solution splashing on my hand/arm before but now I'm not sure because I get the same itchy and welts from my skin touching pot leaves. I have had to dunk my whole arm into a res on multiple occasions in the past and was okay washing immediately afterwards, but don't want to do it again...


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Those welts can be caused by predator mites.
They're carnivorous, too small to see, and not very picky.

Nutes are mostly simple salts, phosphates, nitrates, etc.
Not exceptionally caustic, and once diluted, relatively harmless.

Even the PH down.
It is concentrated Phosphoric acid usually.
Full strength, it's quite caustic, but diluted, not so much.

You are drinking it every time you have a cola drink.

No believe me?
Read the ingredients in Coke or Pepsi.

So, relax a bit.
Do handle the full strength PH down with extreme care of course.
But once it's added to your tap water it's no problem.
I have actually tasted it to gauge it's acidity when my PH meter went south.
(If it tastes sour, the PH is too low).

Once I add the ferts though, even in low concentrations, I pass on the tasting. :)
Potassium Nitrate is an anti-boner pill. :D



Because ph Down and GH Bloom and Grow are medium concentrated acids, I can think of 2 accidents that are worth avoiding -
* splash - into your eye. not a good place to get acid. Worth wearing safety glasses - Standard Operating Procedure when you're handling medium strength acids.
* pets eating/ drinking/ licking them. I have this problem with pet chickens.

The chickens like anything small and white. A lot of farm fertilizer is pelletized or a powder, and white. Bad news if a chicken eats it.

If I have an area where I have spilled some solid fertilizer, I either sweep it up or throw a large rag on top of it, or spread a newspaper. Something to keep the chickens from coming along and getting a toxic meal.

It it's a liquid solution, since the chickens will try and drink it, I grab a bucket full of water and dilute whatever it is.

But as long as you're aware that the plant food is not animal food, and take steps to keep Fido and Kitty out of it ...


Active member
For the record, ever come across a more arrogant grower?

Arrogant? Bring it on! I'm here and I'll help you find me. Colorado Amendment 64 means I can throw down and make you eat your own attitude.

Think your organic is better? Would LOVE to come across it. Till then... my 'earned' attitude will remain as such. LOL

Keep it Clean! :D
p.s. Commercial "Superior Quality" cannabis is coming to Colorado soon, due solely to my supposed "Arrogance" LOL
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i wear dishwashing gloves just incase when mixing nutrients i just dont like to get it on my hands especially when im using ph down im just very catious

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