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How to tell if garden discovered..


Hey folks. quick question before I run out for the day;

If my grow has been discovered, even if it's tiny...would the landlords be likely to call the police first thing and come home to an eviction notice and/or word from LEO? ...or would they wait, like preadators? They were there probably Saturday or Sunday and it's now Tuesday.

Over the weekend, I had to go out of town to visit the inlaws. A day before leaving, landlords called to say they were coming by over weekend to do some long overdue repairs. I have four small plants in two 18 gal. rubbermaids in the corner of my basement...no smell, small light leaks, but everything was cloaked in a pile of junk over in a far corner. You might be able to see light coming from the cab, but only if you came down with the lights off. These plants are tiny folks, the only one in full flower is totally LSTed to the max and is only like six inches tall...the other seedlings are still in red dixie cups (I came home to discover 3/4 females though!)

Came home last night and found that my cab had been unplugged and the floor was totally flooded. I know the water came from a runoff valve on the hot water heater...but even though the box is plugged from ten feet away to an extension that is threaded through the rafters...I am still a bit paranoid. This was the last visit they needed to make for like six months and am getting ready to do a bigger run with a 250 in a commerically made grow tent. The landlords were doing repairs the floor above the basement (four floor townhouse/duplex) and probably only went down there to use the wash tub that is on the opposite side of the room from the cloaked boxes.

It just seemed weird in there as the walls were all wet from the flooding that had occured....really not what I wanted to come home to after a first visit from landlords while grow was going and me not there.

Everything in my corner seemed to be undisturbed, and these people are very thorough, so I wouldn't be surprised if they just unplugged that cord since the floor was wet. I just haven't heard from them.

Cut it down now. you know it's the right thing to do, your regret over losing a crop will be nothing compared to your regret if they know and are gathering evidence, ect.


If they were in the property legally, and found your grow then the cops would have been there already, if they reported it.

I would say you are in the clear now, they probably just unplugged your box because they were using the water and knew it would flood a little. I would do the same thing.
Nobody wants to be standing in water when there is a live outlet plugged in.

If your still nervous, try to find a new location to move them to temporarily, or if your timing is right even move them outdoors.


Active member
I would move everything out no sense in risking your freedom. In a couple of months you'll know if the were discovered. A power cord coming from a pile of junk would arouse anyones curiosity. Better safe than sorry


Another thing that I should have mentioned is go talk to a lawyer ASAP. Get a free consolation at least and see what they say. Not everyone (im sure someone is...) on here is a lawyer, and if you happen to do get caught then you'll want one.


Thanks for the replies so far. I think there are some really prudent suggestions here.

Goosie, I am leaning with what you said...if they were in the house legally, wouldn't they have called the police? This rubbermaid tub is nothing that could be misconstrued as commerical...it's totally DIY and has such tiny plants in it.

Would LEO take the time to gather evidence on such as small POS rubbermaid grow tub?

....thinking, thinking...

I am still contemplating taking them down.


UPDATE: Landlord came over just now to fix some things that were leftover from the weekend. He was totally cool and even did some more repairs in the basement while I was there. Totally unaware of the box, which was once again well hidden. I /did/ have to drive home like crazy when he called to say he was coming over.

All in all, yes..I know; I /need/ /need/ /need/ to beef up security, but that's why I am buying a tent and an air filter this week.

I would say overall that my current crisis is likely 96% averted. Any input is still appreciated tho!


I wouldn't say that they "had" to call the cops if they saw it. If only one person see's it, they could just as easily mind their own business and keep working on whatever they came to do. As long as rent is on time, why bother trying to find a new *good* tenant.

But since it is his property and he was on it legally, if he would have called the cops then they would have most likely been to your house before you even got there. This is why I said you are most likely fine.

Also, learn the laws as far as when you have to let your landlord in. Most states its like 72 hours or something like that, unless there is an emergency. If they say that they have to come over today, tell them that they have to reschedule and give you 72 hours notice. If he threatens to call the cops, there is nothing that they can do unless you got that 72 hours notice, you don't have to let them into the house either.

Also its always a good idea to change the locks wherever you are growing.


He will miss the tent. Thanks for the reply. It's 20x36x64 inches and plain black on the outside and I would have at least twice the confidence leaving it...not to mention I can move to or keep that in a bedroom closet away from anything they might need to work on.

Think about it man, would you rather keep a small black tent that could have ANYTHING inside of it or a couple rigged up rubbermaids with light leaks and a fan blowin' out the top. I will also be using a 4" inline fan and filter to keep the smell on the downlow. I kinda like our basement for this anyhow as it smells more like cat than anything. Do you think that some typical, middle aged americans would see a black tent and assume it's a marijuana grow op inside? I'll also be keeping stacks of big rubbermaid tubs in front and on the sides of it so it looks like a junk corner. If they even see some black structure behind the tubs and they have no other indicators (smell, light leaks) do you think they'd be motivated enough to move my shit outta the way to look inside? Keep in mind, in case you forgot somewhere during reading all four posts in the thread; this is a super tiny personal grow. This is a total no sell, no tell kinda thing.

Also, I gladly let the landlords in when they ask except in extreme, extenuating circumstances (which hasnt happened yet). I think that would arouse their suspicion more than anything! My landlord really is one of those guys that comes in, gets shit done and leaves. They've got absolutely no idea what's going on. We've paid rent on time in three month chunks, keep an extremely clean well kept house with no pot smell (you'd laugh if you saw how tiny my plants are), have friendly, cheerful relations with neighbors and landlords, etc.

Goosie, I didn't say that they /had/ to call the cops; I said if they found it, considering that they are some conservative squares, they would have just /had/ to call the cops-as in they wouldn't be able to resist themselves.

I'm still at my resting, healthier rate of paranoia, but I don't think for a second that they've found my rubbermaid tubs in this last visit.

I appreciate all y'alls thoughts and still welcome any!!


Make sure the tent you get is a good one without the light leaks. I got a cheap one off e-bay and I'm stuck running my autoflowers on 24/0 because I'm scared of them going hermi if I give them a dark period. This tent glows on every zipper, every duct hole, and random places around it. It would clearly draw someones attention if they were every to see it. And it'll take entirely too much work to fix them with tape and have to untape/retape every time i need to open it.

Just so you know, I would stick with the name-brand tents. Secret Jardin, Sunhut, ect... stay away from the e-bay one.


New member
I was really surprised actually that a lot of people dont know what weed looks like. sometimes not even police do unless they look for it specifically...

if u suspect the landlord or anyone else knows then pull the plug at least for awhile. its one of those hard manly decisions you just have to make w/o emotion, sorry dude

my friend's landlord barged in the door once (apartment) and caught my friend tending to his plants. basically told him give me the plants and all the equip, and get the fuck out, or im calling the cops. friend didn't think twice... did as he was told. i think the landlord fucker sold the equip.

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