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How to tell if a male is worth breeding....


Well-known member
"If a male produces enough resins to be of interest they will be visible.

All that glitters is not gold, but of course ,good possible indication.

"I'm guilty of smoking growing tips to determine qualities of a male"

Excellent, that is the only real way, though possibly a good agri-seance may help


The Voice of Reason
Rgd said:
"I'm guilty of smoking growing tips to determine qualities of a male"

Excellent, that is the only real way....
Nope... that won't tell anything about how the trait inherits... ONLY way to do that is to test breed it. though just like visible resins it can be a good indicator...

However you may be trashing males which would pass along the same traits. whether or not the trait is dispalyed in a given male is not necessicarily indication of the dominance/recessiveness of the trait, only observance of progeny of said male and several different females could really tell you that.

The best way to narrow down males is to cull negative traits.


Active member
H3ad I can't find the little animation for the beating of the dead horse but seems that's what is happening here....

I suggested on the second post, the bringing up of the progeny was the best way indeed, and you have reiterated that point countless times, and still the sheep seem lost. :confused:


good thread all...

good thread all...

yup, no doubt a grower can determine if a male is worth breeding by breeding it out. Most hobby growers don't have that luxury, so are stuck "nuttin' in the dark".

So choose a handsome male with the pheno traits you're looking for. General potency and type of stone can be determined by smoking some of the tips. Keep in mind potency is at its lowest one week into flowering so test grow tips at end of veg stage.

IME, at three weeks flowering Papi has already has shot his load and can be culled to make room for the fertilized females.

For the last three grows fertilization has consistently occurred between 17-20 days flowering.

check out this Blueberry x NL Daddy. At 20 days flowering, he's done his work and got the ax.

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Dr. Narrowleaf
I myself am in the middle of a male testing process. I'm using ruderalis related genetics and the f2 generation plants may consist of mainly cbd types, thc types and cbd & thc types. The ONLY way of telling what the main cannabinoid is, is smoking the male flowers and leaves. These rudy types can be quite resinous sometimes, but that's no indication of potency.


Well-known member
"Nope... that won't tell anything about how the trait inherits... ONLY way to do that is to test breed it?"

Dude i cannot agrue with that.

Smoking the male and having it be a good one should be THE indication,
infact it is the only way to know if the male is potent

But what you say is true....its how it combines .

Makes the task even more hocus pocus


The Voice of Reason
Indeed it does... that's why you can never count out the 'intuition factor' that some breeders rely on... and also why the best strategy is to cull negative traits, not try to pick out positive ones which may or may not inherit...


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
H3AD: Maybe the best way to get across what you are trying to say would be to post a Punnet (sp) Square..... I'll try to find one for ya....


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Several Variations for ya...

Several Variations for ya...



See guys, he's trying to say how things that are left "hidden" in the male that were passed on by the male's parents can SKIP a generation and reappear in the offspring (basically)


Yes, there can always be a hidden trait in a plant that may be better than the original plant. When paired with another female, if in fact the dominant trait, in the male plant, that was smoked was indeed very good, you can be sure with enough breeding you can bring that same trait out once again.


Well-known member
Grat3fulh3ad said:
Indeed it does... that's why you can never count out the 'intuition factor' that some breeders rely on...
and also why the best strategy is to cull negative traits, not try to pick out positive ones which may or may not inherit...

The only thing you can count on is that nothing can be counted on.

I would give the test the male factor as more credence than anything else.

Then perhaps a well tuned seance.
All the graphs look way cool though.

Intuition usually comes from living with the genetics and seeing what it can and has done.

"Scientists" are ok but unless they are actually doing some thing with the genetics....then they are slightly below spin the bottle[joke].
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I just smoked my last bowl of hermied bud.Intense sativa high,but tasts like overheated electrical wiring smells.....