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How to spot a grow house.



Might be funny but its true. If they wanted to they could bust every tiny grow op. You got those smart meters yet?? Just thru those alone im sure 95 percent of grow ops could be detected. Just sayin....
Keep the windows un-fogged, and watch the smells....And take out the garbage and mow the f-ing lawn....

Oh and be nice to your neighbors..... Mebbe take out their garbage too..... You would be surprised how far a bit of sweet corn goes in keeping the SHEEPLE quiet.

^This.. Plus it's nice to be nice. It's funny, what Cannabis can teach us. It's like the Cannabis is literally forcing you to be nice to others, just so you don't get caught growing it..

But really. That's how people are. If you don't talk to them, then you're suspicious. If you talk with them too much, they'll want to come into your house to hangout. The best bet is to keep them at bay with those simple driveway conversations and little things like taking their garbage can back to their garage for them, or mowing the lawn if you notice it's a bit long (especially if elderly), or removing a giant tree branch that's been laying in their front yard for 7 months..

People really do cherish it when others do things like that for them. Get a few neighbors on your good side and nobody will ever suspect a thing. Just don't be too friendly, and NEVER get involved with neighborhood drama or neighborly disputes.


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Foil in every window. Haha


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