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How to select a female


Andinismo Hierbatero
when i read the title of the thread, i thought why was it not posted on the breeders forum...

now i see... was thrown off by the female term...

you need a lady, not a female, that is one of the few things you need for your approach hehehe...


How to select a female?

Like most other guys out there.....by thinking with the little head mostly.
Past relationships tells me us guys need to start thinking with the big head as well.

I did it 1.5 years ago and it worked!!! we haven't even had 1 tiny argument yet and she never gets "headaches".
If she were a plant she'd be that rare pheno you only ever come across once in your growing career.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah I said some stuff that may have insulted the females on the board. I am mad and fighting with a woman right now and I started to type. Not a good combination. But that little cop bitch 303 gave me a negative rep. If I could have just deleted the thread I would have. Now I have a war with that little piggy.

Wow, reputation points mean that much to you? You're going to go to war with someone over rep points?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Thanks Care. I am just figuring out what the rep stuff is. And for the record I never gave anyone anything negative here. But thanks. I just cannot believe how some people are. I am still fighting with that looney bitch too.

Rep points are really just eye candy and a way to get a simple message off to someone quickly. Rep points evolved from what was called Karma Points at Overgrow (which was a popular canna site that got busted in 2006 if you didn't know) Now there Karma was not only just good or bad but it was also either grow related or non grow related. The ideal was to have lots of positive karma that was all or mostly grow related. The intention was to provide people with a way to judge at a glance whether or not someone is helpful and experienced in growing. Of course it got perverted because eveyone wanted to be the best and so people found ways to cheat the system.

Now a days most canna forums have something like reputation points and it is absolutely meaningless because people don't use it the way it was meant to be used. They use it to play games, to taunt people where others can't see it, etc. The way 303 did it was the correct way. If you saw a post you felt was inappropriate you sent negative karma with a brief message saying why. Likewise if you saw a post you liked you would give positive karma and an explaination why. The intent was that the recipient would take it as constructive criticism and not get all bent out of shape or act like they've been wronged.

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
Rep points are really just eye candy and a way to get a simple message off to someone quickly. Rep points evolved from what was called Karma Points at Overgrow (which was a popular canna site that got busted in 2006 if you didn't know) Now there Karma was not only just good or bad but it was also either grow related or non grow related. The ideal was to have lots of positive karma that was all or mostly grow related. The intention was to provide people with a way to judge at a glance whether or not someone is helpful and experienced in growing. Of course it got perverted because eveyone wanted to be the best and so people found ways to cheat the system.

Now a days most canna forums have something like reputation points and it is absolutely meaningless because people don't use it the way it was meant to be used. They use it to play games, to taunt people where others can't see it, etc. The way 303 did it was the correct way. If you saw a post you felt was inappropriate you sent negative karma with a brief message saying why. Likewise if you saw a post you liked you would give positive karma and an explaination why. The intent was that the recipient would take it as constructive criticism and not get all bent out of shape or act like they've been wronged.

I feel this post is deserving of some rep :).
This thread didn't get as funny as I thought it would.
Haha. Exactly.


as for women.. you guys talking about, making women run after you, and not giving them full attention man

I feel it's like some kind of cat and mouse game

makes me wonder if that really what it is all about

in my mind, if I meet a girl, she will be a normal human being, smart, god damn I am some romantic but, I see a girl liking me for all my nice qualities, and me liking her, in my mind we will work for a common goal, also enjoy ourselves (on our own and together), what I mean is, we will go towards our personnal goals too

you guys that say, women pick men... lol

yeah women have the choice when their young but then they start getting older.. and start losing their magic :)

but honestly...

I feel playing those games isn't the honest way to do things, it's like your one step ahead of the other

animal, jungle

there will be always companions on our road, what's important for me now is school, and career
health (physical and mental) and having some kind of satisfaction/enjoyment

if I don't get a partner.. whatever... i'll travel the world, do my own things, we are never alone

I will give myself to a noble cause or something...

I am in no real hurry.. I am not really looking, but I keep my eyes open


Active member
na . long as their good looking and not fat . and i wont bother with women that have had too many kids. you can only stretch out that bad boy so many times



so basically women are mainly sex objects for you ?

there are exercises a woman can do to tighten up

jack Haze

Alright...Here goes my serious reply. I consider myself an authority on dating psychotic, imbalanced and just plain out the ''wrong'' women. It got to the point I simply assumed they were all batty, manic psychopaths. I'm certain at some point in the last 20 years. I figured they were all Hell bent to destroy my life and make life miserable...

Turns out I'm the manic lunatic. Being as such, I'm hopelessly attracted to those as crazy or moreso as myself...Hopelessly... I now understand how crackheads feel. Fact of the matter is. Male, Female or anything in between are always attracted to those similar to themselves.


Active member
Only piece of advice I can offer is to stay away from broads who ride horses...unequivocally crazier than loons. Don't get caught in the snare of the snatch! good luck


lol @ jack_haze's post

I feel that people who date bad people (all the time... constantly finding only bad people)
have something to learn from them, and until they learn it, they will always be back to these people..


I understand a bit... but at the same time..

maybe i'm just different but I would like to be able to enjoy someone's presence and doing activities together
in every realationship. there a reacher, and a settler.. its a fact, someone always loves more than the other.. it is a game of cat and mouse.. common goal is not always enough.. without a challenge after a couple years of the same old, even if they dont admit it they rather have fun elsewhere.. for women or men.. we arent in the 50's anymore and its a new game... id love nothing more to know that ill die happily next to my wife, but the fact is if i dont keep working at it, ill be shit outta luck..

people can have many loves in your life. personnally i dont believe in soul mates, and with all the tempations nowadays its pretty easy for anyone to get tired of what they have..


Here is how it goes for me.. I look through the sea of women and pretty much hit on all the decent ones. I just can't help it. Some of them take that cue and run with it. If a woman wants me, she will indicate to me that sex is likely. Some are not quite that subtle. Once you have sex with them you are in a de facto relationship, like it or not. From that point on you are fucked.


@akasomeone else: reading your post was depressing
no offense :)

I know what you said could be true though...

I have heard the reacher and the settler / one loves more than the other saying...

How does one measure love? How do we know the capacity for love or the depth of feeling one person has versus some other person? There's no real way to compare it as even someones actions don't always reflect what is in their heart.

It's likely that the people in a couple do not feel exactly the same for one another, but that is because they are different people, with different feelings, different life experiences, different emotional triggers, and may even view love differently. Ask a group of people what "love" is and you'll get a different answer from each one...
Sometimes true. A girl at work told me she prefers that the guy be more in love with her. That way, he'll dote on her and not cheat on her. I wouldn't date someone who was less in love with me than I was to her. You need balance for it to work.
I disagree, only because I don't think love comes in degrees. I think there is love and abscence of love. No inbetween.
People express it in different ways, but it only comes in one strength.
Most people don't agree with me on that, but it was presented to me years ago and only in the last 10 yrs have I decided it's true.
and I think it can change during the relationship...

one may love the other more with time and one may love one less with time


oh well what can you do

as long as you never forget yourself/your happyness first

and don't let the other person become your happyness

to be fair with my other post..

I don't often come across women that I could see myself with
I do come across some every now and then


Well-known member
Alright...Here goes my serious reply. I consider myself an authority on dating psychotic, imbalanced and just plain out the ''wrong'' women. It got to the point I simply assumed they were all batty, manic psychopaths. I'm certain at some point in the last 20 years. I figured they were all Hell bent to destroy my life and make life miserable...

Turns out I'm the manic lunatic. Being as such, I'm hopelessly attracted to those as crazy or moreso as myself...Hopelessly... I now understand how crackheads feel. Fact of the matter is. Male, Female or anything in between are always attracted to those similar to themselves.

Ok here’s a real answer from a real man. The bitch is never crazy you are. Finally a answer from someone who actually is man enough to tell the real shit. Did you hear that all you guys whining about how crazy the bitch was you knew that day two and your so damn crazy you didn’t get the hell out.

alright my man jack haze!!! good for you thanks for putting this shit in the right.

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