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HOW TO , RENTAL GROWS ( without living there )



If the window to the room is inaccessible and won't draw attention you can vent straight out the window (through a carbon filter of course) and draw the intake in from another area of the house of even the room the room the tent occupies.
I was actually considering this,but after further thought,I think it would cause too much noise to escape thru the window.And my main concern is security.


it's a good rule to have your exhaust vent to the inside of your house so you can smell it before it makes its way outside.


it's a good rule to have your exhaust vent to the inside of your house so you can smell it before it makes its way outside.
Yea I think that will be my best option.exaust to the rest of the house,use ona in the rest of the house to insure any existing smell is eliminated,and get my intake air from the room that the tent is in.
I was actually considering this,but after further thought,I think it would cause too much noise to escape thru the window.And my main concern is security.

Silencers are relatively cheap, if the window is at ground level forget it. Vent into another area of the house. Preferably somewhere where the excess heat can escape.


Silencers are relatively cheap, if the window is at ground level forget it. Vent into another area of the house. Preferably somewhere where the excess heat can escape.
I've already got a silencer and fan controller on an 8in. vortex and it is still loud as hell!!! Its not in use right now because I'm in the process of getting a new room together.I'm planning on upgrading to a 12in. fan but trying to find one quieter than my 8in. vortex.



I fixed 2 10" duct starters onto a window fan that I had. There is a 10" fan with a variac to tone it down on the line, but you really can't hear it anyway if the actual window fan is on. Having the window fan is also a good cover for the noise. One thing that might be suspicious for me is when both the A/C and the window fan is running.

Ideally I would have an exhaust line into the attic, which I could also fill with ozone. If you're using the whole place as a grow-house couldn't you just run ducts all the way to the regular attic access? If I NEVER had anybody come over to my place I would do that, but to me it's too much of a risk to have to keep the door to my grow open and have huge ducts going into the attic in plain sight, not to mention the smell would be a bit harder to contain.


Active member
Lets keep the info flowing, this is a great topic. Do you guys cut holes in the ceiling to vent exhaust? Where is your intake coming from? Do you just grow in tents for quick breakdowns when Landlord wants to inspect or what?!

I am torn between renting a house, 2 bedroom apt., or lease/rent to own.


btw, LOL at Advanced Nutrients because they have so many tools working for them, their marketing needs to be completely revamped as it makes them looks less professional.



Lets keep the info flowing, this is a great topic. Do you guys cut holes in the ceiling to vent exhaust? Where is your intake coming from? Do you just grow in tents for quick breakdowns when Landlord wants to inspect or what?!

I am torn between renting a house, 2 bedroom apt., or lease/rent to own.
I think tents are the way to go for faster breakdown.


New member
We are thinking for a small grow 4*600 sealed , no holes in ceilings can be made cause
houses are made from concrete , i was thinking for Secret jardin INTENSE300(US10)
so i can fit the mother and clones tent in there....but look at the price :(


Active member
these tents are fairly cheap on ebay, 200 for a 5x10 footer, just gotta get a cool landlord who doens't ever come by, and use a fake id so your home free


Active member
my favorite idea for a rental grow is find a spot with a huge garage....then back a trailer into that bitch and run a vertical inside there...if landlord pops up drive the trailer outside and hide it around the corner....

granted you can only run maybe 3 or 4 lights tops in a trailer....unless you got a massive garage that can fit two trailers....

man just checked local classifieds for rentals in my area....fuckin prices went up like 300 a month it seems.....damn glad i dont have to rent anymore


my favorite idea for a rental grow is find a spot with a huge garage....then back a trailer into that bitch and run a vertical inside there...if landlord pops up drive the trailer outside and hide it around the corner....

granted you can only run maybe 3 or 4 lights tops in a trailer....unless you got a massive garage that can fit two trailers....

man just checked local classifieds for rentals in my area....fuckin prices went up like 300 a month it seems.....damn glad i dont have to rent anymore

hmm... i kinda like that idea...


Active member
This is my method for mainland Europe, after a warehouse of mine got robbed I followed this business model instead for years.

Rent in shithole public housing apartments. The prefab concrete kind that line the outskirts of most Major cities.

Don't go with the cheapest ones you can find, try to find some that are more or less crime free and the people are the same color as you.

In most places you wont be paying more than 600 euro per month to rent.

Locks are easy to rekey as the tumblers in europe are all modular usually, takes 10 minutes during the day when people are at work.

8x600w per apartment, Exhaust out the window with inline fans on carbon cans and silencers. You can pretty much use passive intake and let the apartment control the temp of your grow rooms.

I ran coco slabs for logistical reasons, I could get 2 runs outta them, run them drain to waste so I didn't have to be there more than once a week.

it was a lot more work than having all the lights in one place but at the time it felt safe.

If landlords ever needed to come, it would take me no less than a couple hours to shut the place down. I also used the excuse that I was a foreigner who was out of the country 50% of the time, so they knew I wouldn't always accommodate their shit


I currently live at my grow, which is an apartment. For the most part it's a good spot, but one time the landlord quietly left a note on the back door saying they would be in with the bank the next morning to do appraisals. WTF!? Had to shutdown really quick. Luckily I had the day off work and a neighbor mentioned something about it to me. My next rental I'm re-keying the locks or something. Can't be having all that stress.


Active member
Lets keep the info flowing, this is a great topic. Do you guys cut holes in the ceiling to vent exhaust? Where is your intake coming from? Do you just grow in tents for quick breakdowns when Landlord wants to inspect or what?!

This is what I used to do, I would open the window and lower the shades on a window and build a box around it, Its as easy as securing cheap 2x2 lumber in a cube shape around the window and then sealing it with poly or coroplast.

I intake from the building (usually apartments as close to the top floor as possible) That way I can control the temperature by just controlling the apartment's temp

The grow room itself is also made from 2x2 lumber with brackets supporting all the corners/joints and lined with poly. (this shit can be chewed up by a saws-all and stuffed into the apartment's garbage bin within 30 minutes)

make everything as modular as possible. one other thing I'd recommend is that Ona gel on the exhaust, for some reason the carbon cans never get it 100% right.. For me introducing A/C and CO2 into a rental apartment seems a bit much.

Avoid anything that'll leak while you aren't there, build in redundancies like pondliner 1 foot up the wall if you really wanna be a bastard and use a water intensive hydro system.

Rekey the fucking place, i cant stress that enough, setting up a cheap computer with remote access and web cams will also help when you have paranoia streaks.

Don't get too greedy, with my apartment plan that I've run over and over I never run more than 8x600 at a single place, which means 2400 watts on at any given time. Clones I do offsite and bring them rockwool cubes when they're about 10 inches.


I currently live at my grow, which is an apartment. For the most part it's a good spot, but one time the landlord quietly left a note on the back door saying they would be in with the bank the next morning to do appraisals. WTF!? Had to shutdown really quick. Luckily I had the day off work and a neighbor mentioned something about it to me. My next rental I'm re-keying the locks or something. Can't be having all that stress.

You gotta re-key haha.

At my first grow, 2k in a 4x8 tent in an apartment.

Landlord insisted on coming in for some inspection while I was out of town.

Sent a buddy to my place and he put a key lock on the bedroom with the grow, turned the can fan down, put some odor eaters in the room.

We locked the door and put a note that said I was extremely sick and sleeping and NOT TO DISTURB.

I am in cali so them finding 18 plants wasnt the end of the world, but I took the risk and it worked! Landlord just told me it wouldn't fly for the next inspection. :jump:


The grow room itself is also made from 2x2 lumber with brackets supporting all the corners/joints and lined with poly. (this shit can be chewed up by a saws-all and stuffed into the apartment's garbage bin within 30 minutes).

saws-all?? what find of apartment do you live it... why not just go with tents they are cheap and break down faster