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How To lock your cabinet doors... THE STEALTH WAY.



what about just using solenoids like people use when they shave their door handles on cars? those are remote controlled and don't require all that power. just a thought. sry for commenting so late, but i thought i would just in case other were looking at this


there are actually hidden mechanical locks i have seen that are used to childproof cabinets under sinks by home improvement people, its a normal metal lock but its invisable from the outside, and is opened by waving a magnet in front of where the lock is on the outside of the door.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Solenoids would be a better idea, you put two loops inside the door, and when there's no current to the solenoid it remains "out" and the door is locked, when the power is on, the bolt in the solenoid withdraws and you can open the doors.

This way if for some reason the power wasn't available, you wouldn't have non existent security.


Active member
I thought about the solenoid locks and I did not like them all that much, first off because I could not find ones that would be easily used that could totally lock both doors. The mechanics of it seems that it would be a PITA also.

The other reason for the magnetic locks is because if you are in a rush or an emergency visit happens, you can just engage the magnets and close your doors, no order of process needed.

Also, wtih the magnets, those doors will be pulled so tight that anyone could use all their strength to pull open your cabinet (like in my case) and they'd never be able to get light to peak out and any gaps for them to look in. It will seems as if the doors are stuck and unmovable.

Those stupid toddler locks that you unlock with a magnet are a waste of time. If you look at them funny, they'll break. Definately not secure enough for if you are growing reefer.

I was first searching for those solenoid locks and thats how I stumbled upon the magnetic locks. The thing that I disliked the most about the solenoid locks the most is that you'll never be able to make it so that when its locked that there wont be any wiggle room for someone to be able to pry it open, and if you magiaclly can then you would really need to push the doors in for it to latch.

The magnetic locks are not cheap, but it certainly is the most secure way of doing it, and security is a top priority.


To be completely honest, it doesnt need to be all that heavy duty. If the cabinet feels locked when you try the door, and remains so when you give it a good pull, then i dont think you'd bother trying any further. It's psychological. If it's locked, then you won't open it without breaking it.

They have to be strong enough to keep kids out, so thats all youll really need.

The security of the cabinet is only as strong as the material it's made from.
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Also you could De-handle the doors aswell, mounting those magnetic popping door stops. So there is nothing to really grab hold of to break the magnet locks.


you can get magnetic door locks for under $100 and than its like $15 for a remote unless its included

if you had a door that was 30 inchs tall and 4 ft wide, do you think 1 magnet thats ~250 lbs will be a good enough seal or one on the top and one on the bottom?


Have you tried Ebay, ive seen them magnetic locks extremely cheap on there.


Active member
I'd use one at the top and one at the bottom and each magnet would catch both doors. I looked on ebay and didn't see anyhting that excited me.

Taking off the handles is somethign I would not want to do. And for me...especially since I have a lot of moneys worth of stuff inside, I want it to be locked beyond a reasonable doubt so I know no one can ever get in unless they have an axe.

Since I dont grow pot, I have no probs showing off my system, though only to good friends, but I still dont care to take chances, and same with my buddy that does grow reefer, to him the money to do this up is well worth it.

I don't care what I have to spend on my cabinet, I will have everythign awesome in the end.


Active member
Ono Nadagin said:
You can buy them cheap off ebay under the name tot lock .. like $1-3 dollars

I dont know how many times a say this in this thread, those stupid tot locks are garbage when it comes to strong security, they certainly are not heavy duty enough. Someone could really just give a good yank and they would pop open, or if someone pushed on the side of the cab and tweaked the whole thing, then they'd be real easy to pop open. And plus, they aint going to help or stop someone from being able to make light peak out.

J.Magical, that is a killer find. Those are even better than what I originally purposed to use for magnets. Someone would have to have enough will to destroy the whole cabinet to get inside. And in that case, even if police were to get enough will, they'd probably bring in bomb squad to try to figure it out. LOL

But 2 of those magnets would be so ideal, especially at that price. Unbelievable. I just hope they are good quality and not some stupid knock-off model. I'll be the gineua pig for them.

Ono Nadagin

Active member
They work fine for me...

If someone is giving your cab a 'good yank' it isnt the strength of the lock that is the problem it is the dumbass messing with the box....

and if the cab comes open because someone leans on it and torques the box enough the door pops open it is the build quility of the box at issue not the quality of the lock.

Oh and also if you think a LOCK is going to stop light leaks the problem is with YOU not the lock... a lock has zero to do with preventing a light leak... that is 100% the responsibility of the person whom crafted the cabinet....
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Active member
Well, those tot locks dont do it for me, I will not rely on some cheap plasic thing.

And YES, these magnet locks will help prevent light leaks. I mean, think about it, m a g n e t s, what do magnets pull towards them? Other magnets and metal. So if you do use these it will help pull your door tightly closed.

But, I DID make my cabinet rather light proof. I did an excellent job on my cabinet, if you didn't check out my link in my sig, then do it. I hate to sound like this, but I do have one of the best, if not the best, c24 cab on this site.

But before you decide to get all huffy puffy and making a stink, you should probably read the whole thread, I'm getting sick of repeating myself.

But as I said before, and I'll fucking say it again, for you to use any mechanical locks like that, they have to have a little bit of room so they will easily latch, which allows there to just have a little slag of looseness for the locks. So, with that lets say 1 mm of wiggle room, it is enough for someone to pull on them and have some light come out. And plus, really, those lock may work for you, but they dont work for me. a little too cheap and not strong enough

Ono Nadagin

Active member
love your attitude man... the locks work sorry you could not make them work.

If your getting sick of repeating yourself stop repeating yourself dont lay it on me... You know other people beside youknow what thefuck they are doing you wise ass, I read your other thread and you are s smug little thing arent you... Your box is nice but that doesnt make you an expert on all things ma, tone down the smug self righteousness.
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Active member
Ono Nadagin said:
love your attitude man... the locks work sorry you could not make them work.

If your getting sick of repeating yourself stop repeating yourself dont lay it on me... You know other people beside youknow what thefuck they are doing you wise ass, I read your other thread and you are s smug little thing arent you... Your box is nice but that doesnt make you an expert on all things ma, tone down the smug self righteousness.

Listen buddy, you started with the attitude first, so I gave it back to you, if you can't handle it then dont start shit. Like I fucking said, they make work for you, but they aren't good enough for me. If you can't handle that not everyone want to do things your way, tough shit. I gave my reason of why I dont like it, too bad u r about the 5th person to mention those tot lock, so if you read the whole thread then you would have known it.

Don't have a fucking attitude with me. I dont like your way, deal with it.


Active member
Ono Nadagin said:
Oh and also if you think a LOCK is going to stop light leaks the problem is with YOU not the lock...

And thats how you started the attitude.

I dont care if you put security or privacy as your fist priority as I do, but just because you dont mind the way you do it, it certainly does not mean my way is invalid. Many people like this idea so far.

At least I am original and not just taking the ideas that everyone else uses, but most I come up with on my own. I think for the best of the best and not just what worked.

I have my reasons for not liking your way as I have said so many times before, too bad you persisit as to try to tell me that your way is better is what I should do.

Read the rest of the thread before posting.

Ono Nadagin

Active member
1st you quote me then say
dont know how many times a say this in this thread, those stupid tot locks are garbage
Sorry I take that as you insinuating I didnt read the thread and insulting my idea. Then you start fabricating lame ass 'what ifs' that backed your claim the locks are no good.... only problems is you 'what ifs' are not issues with the locks. Learn to use some tact in your comments if you dont want to come across as a know it all asshat...

You just like throwing $ at a problem, 3000$ for that growbox LMAO... a fool and his money are soon parted.