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How to Induce Alcohol Schizophrenia



Sorry All that this is not about Cannabis.

I really hope there are some Medicos here who can tell me how bad people do the above in order to control the thinking of Others.

You see I think my Son-in Law has done this to my Daughter who has recently begun to behave quite differently.

Inducing schizoid behaviour in order to control people is the stuff of criminal gangs, and sovereign citizen groups.

I won't write more until someone replies. Or sends us a Link to a gang or something like that.

Bye for now ...


Well-known member
Sounds like you don't like your son in law. LOL That's too bad. Better fake like you do or you'll loose your daughter.

As far as her changing. Maybe she's pregnant. Women change big time when that happens. Are they newlyweds?


Active member
I have had interactions with several schizophrenic folks chit my uncle worked in waterbury state hospital before it went under (literally) ....if i can help i will, as for the son in law.....relationships come and go.....father daughter is a lifetime!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
A link to a gang?
I'm at a loss, sorry to hear of your troubles.
Be proactive if something is really off,you don't want to say woulda,coulda,shoulda later.Thats for damn sure

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I hate to point out the obvious here, but playing with alcohol is asking for serious trouble. I’m a pack and a half a day smoker, and my rationalizations are anything but sane.

I’m also at the ass end of this argument more often than not. My girlfriend of 6-7 years suffers immensely from hormonal dysfunction. I am constantly trying to convince her to acknowledge and change her own behaviors, which can certainly be interpreted as “abusive” or “controlling”... but god damn, the incessant self-victimization!! Somebody has to put their foot down at some point or another..

It’s not “gaslighting” if you are turning the lights UP!

Neither of us drink, though. What progress we’ve made has been slow and arduous.. but if we were drinkers?! Not to make light of the situation, but .. “lol”.

Love and care is too delicate a dance to be drunk all the time, if at all.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Most of the relationships I ruined were because of alcohol.

Mr Boucher, have you tried to get her into a hormonal therapy place?

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I’ve had her seeing a therapist for the past couple years.

Girl just needs a productive hobby. I’d act the same way if I didn’t know where to direct my energies. All the therapy and meds in the world can’t replace having something productive to do with yourself.

And nobody can implant the will to be productive into another person.

End hijack.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
To answer the question tho..

I don’t think it’s fair to separate drunkenness and schizophrenia into such separate categories. They are both states of delusion. Drunkenness is generally worse and more impairing than schizophrenia, IMO, and it’s something people choose for themselves.

“How to be a crazy asshole”, “How to appear schizophrenic” “How to damage your psyche and the psyche of those around you” “How to piss of your father in law”, etc etc etc

Booze. Neat.

Mr. J

Well-known member
I don't do the crazy chick thing anymore. I have a checklist now. If they have any sort of "imbalance", see ya. If they take antidepressant drugs, see ya. If they have been diagnosed, or worse yet are self diagnosed, in any way to do with mental illness, see ya. Drinks a lot? Bye. BPD? Run for your life. It's just too much trouble and they'll suck the time and energy from you like a vampire. They will seriously ruin your life if you let them, and if you can keep them from doing that it's a full time job managing your relationship and their emotions.

I don't think that helps op but maybe it will help save someone else a whole lot of trouble.


Well-known member
I think its fair to say that you will know you daughter better than almost anyone...and if your noticing changes in her behaviour that arnt for the better...well that may be cause for concern...probably better to speak to a professional an her therapist regarding this matter...at least you care..some people dont even bother...even with ther own blood.


Well-known member
If they have any sort of "imbalance", see ya. If they take antidepressant drugs, see ya. If they have been diagnosed, or worse yet are self diagnosed, in any way to do with mental illness, see ya. Drinks a lot? Bye. BPD? Run for your life. It's just too much trouble and they'll suck the time and energy from you like a vampire. They will seriously ruin your life if you let them, and if you can keep them from doing that it's a full time job managing your relationship and their emotions.

[In my best Curly voice] Hey, I resemble that remark... nyuk nyuk nyuk.


thanks Ringo ... nothing at all like you suggest. They are in their 50's. He is a local government Councillor and has been corrupted by a group within the Infrastructure department of our local Council (what do you call them in the states?) who each time the Road MaintenNCE cREW turns up they degrade our access to our land when they're supposed to improve it. Eg: I askedson-in-law if when the grader comes could it smooth out some roughness on the road verge in front of our place so that I could slash it to reduce the fuel. When they came they dug deep grooves in the land so that it was practically impossible to slash. No the Crew is NOT supervised and I see that is part of the corruption.

Sounds like you don't like your son in law. LOL That's too bad. Better fake like you do or you'll loose your daughter.

As far as her changing. Maybe she's pregnant. Women change big time when that happens. Are they newlyweds?


Adolph Hitler, in Mein Kampf, advised that people are most easily influenced late in the evening after consuming lots of alcohol.

Ms Boucher mentioned delusion. There seems to be a way to get people very drunk and tell them bullshit, which they continue to believe later even when sober. That is, they become deluded in that one area. They believe what they have been told and act accordingly.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I was just talking with a woman this afternoon who has taken up painting. She does pictures from photos, and in 6 months is damn good. Probably an expensive hobby though.


Active member
true scizophrenia is a chronic and uncurable disease. I truly hope thats not what your daughter is displaying.


No Man ... there's a state of mind that severe alcoholics achieve which is called 'schizophrenia' because it's like a split personality. One day they are like so, then next day they are the opposite. They behave the opposite to what you'd expect.
For example: I speak to these local machinery operators and they seem ok. Then when they come to do the job they stink of rum from being at the neighbours place 'til late drinking his homemade ... and they make a mess of the job because of the neighbour's anti-Me propaganda.
If they weren't still drunk they wouldn't have done what they did.

The Daughter is behaving opposite to the way our Daughters normally behave and we don't know why. We figure that a third party must have altered her family viewpoint and we wonder if he got our Daughter very/often drunk to achieve this. (He's a local government politician who is corrupt and I 'm 'on to him'.)
So our Daughter is being stupidly loyal. (Well, so's my Wife so I can't really criticise ...!)

I know you have family troubles so thanks for posting.

true scizophrenia is a chronic and uncurable disease. I truly hope thats not what your daughter is displaying.


Maybe its called schizophrenic buy the people and a doc would call it other. There is something like alcohol induced psychosis but that comes with halluzinations and is rare. But addiction often comes with personality change.

Try to talk with her and try to understand her point of view to keep your relationship. Try not to blame her or push her to do things. When the situation is right try to ask if she also noticed changes on her self with alcohol.