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How to get smell away?

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Hi, I have a medicinal garden and its time where the buds are beginning to stink. I go to church 3-4 times a week, thus like to smell nice and be clean. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to get the smell off my skin...I can take 3 showers and the smell still seems to be there. I understand that not everyone enjoys the smell, thus Id like to smell normal instead of wreeking of marijuana. I like the smell but that doesn't mean everyone els does. Does anyone have tips on how I could get the smell off me... Its only going to get worse when its time to harvest.. Thank you and god bless!


Roll around in the grass a bit....

Don't knock it till you've tried it :dance013:


Overkill is under-rated.
I keep 70% rubbing alcohol in the shower for hands and arms, mix with soap and then wash the rest of yourself with a strong scented soap (axe shower gel or the like) and you will be fine.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Perhaps stop going to church ?

:) or try


Rubbing alcohol works good on my sticky/skunky hands, and if i have been handling flowering plants i just try to remember to change clothes before i go out in public


Vinegar neutralizes many odors. Women rinse their hair with it to bring out the shine and eliminate shampoo buildup. Use a cup in the rinse water of your laundry. Spray some diluted over yourself. With so many flavored/scented varieties, you will smell like the produce section.


Active member
LOL you are probably the only one who can smell it from spending the much needed time in your garden so the smell is psychologically embedded in your brain cause i swear I can smell my corp everywhere I go and what a sweet smell it is!
lol...Ive noticed this. Sometimes I will be working on my indoor garden before I go to work. Even though I shower I can slightly smell it.
i think your biggest problem is going to church 3-4 times a week...

If i scrubbed the smell off my body that many times a week my skin would be raw.

Jesus forgives you

Stay home to worship!


Olive oil works. Best thing I've found (although I didn't look too hard) is some hemp oil based massage oil. It takes everything off of my hands after a trim session. Plus I smell like cherries.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Personally I'd roll around in feces and old fast food wrappers. That'll put the kibosh on the weed smell.....and then they'll just think you're homeless. You also won't be expected to put anything in the basket come collection time! (<-------HUGE BONUS!)
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