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How to get fastest growth rate in veg


There is no reason to go past 2 gallon pots if you are going to feed multiple times a day and only do a 5 week veg. Each transplant will slow growth down for a day or more. Now with the light changes, why do you think that's necessary? Go from clone to your final veg light. Start with the light high when you first put a clone under it, then lower the light. You are making all of this why more over complicated than it needs to be. Every single person on this thread is trying to tell you the same thing. Shouldn't that be hinting something to you? The point is your multiple transplants is counter productive to your goal of multiple feeds/faster growth rates. One last point is you are not doing a coco grow. With that little of a ratio of coco to hydroton, you have more of a hydro grow than a coco grow.


So the way I'm thinking now is that if I cut my mix with 75% hydroton in a 1 gallon pot I'm theoretically growing in 1 liter equivalent of coco.

That means I would need to use bigger pots as I get closer to flowering reather than smaller pots using 100% coco.


HQ should I be using a hydro specific nutes or still stick with coco nutes.
The coco nutes has less k and more cal/mag.


With either hydro or coco you can grow huge plants in small containers. They are both one in the same. When it comes to the nute question, i have a hard time answering that one. I personally use heavy 16 and only that in tupur with no extra supplements. I adjust the ratio of A to B accordingly for what the plants want at that time. But that is what works for me. Personally if you want faster growth rates look into nft and dwc. Those two have the fastest growth rates


I'm using a 0-14-15 and 15-0-0

I set the base injecter at 350 ppm and calcium nitrate at 250 ppm. 600 ppm total with ro water.

No I don't want to use dwc. I'm sure I can achieve dwc growth with my drip system.


Active member
HQ should I be using a hydro specific nutes or still stick with coco nutes.
The coco nutes has less k and more cal/mag.

Gold Label sells bags of premixed hydrocorn and coco.
They recommend coco nutes with their 60/40 mix, and hydro nutes with their 80/40 mix.


Active member
My suggestion:

"To get the fastest Growth rate in Veg"
Don't transplant so much.

I go from Solo's to two gallon smart pots.



Yeah try something like 1 liter and then go 2 gallons and just blast it with as much light and multifeeds as they can handle. Should work very well for a 5 week veg.


80/40 mix? You mean 80/20.

But I think going from a 1 liter to a 2 gal I would only be able to water once every other day. Or y'all talking about a #2 pot that's not really 2 gallons?


Two gallon smart pot. Don't worry about the first week of just feeding every other day. Within about two weeks you should be able to feed once a day and by the fourth week you should be at three or more times a day


Active member
This was transplanting from the Solo's to the 2 gal smart pots. and water regime.

4/25, handwatered every to to three days

5/04, after transplant, watered every other day till the roots filled the pots.

5/22, Bound to screens and minor defo on 5/18, watering 3 times a day, (drip, 2 gal min for 8 min), times are 8 minutes on for two of the times and 10 min for the last time. Get minor runoff with the first two times and about 20 to 30% with the last time.


Continued next post.
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Active member
Not big enough I'm only doing 2 per 1k lighting.

How much light were you vegging under?

Still in veg and will be for a few more weeks.

Started them all with one 315W CMH, just added the second 315 lamp. Only using the lower lamp sparingly as I am still wanting stretch in veg.
4x4 tent.


The key to super fast veg is climate control. Your spot on with higher temps and humidity and co2 in the room. Also a good method is to really focus on the root zone. Especially when they arw young.Transplant less and focus on exploding root growth every time you do. Make or use a root growth promoter...lots of hormones...lots of auxins. I go from a red dixie cup straight to 2 gallon fabric pots. With what i do and my environment...they dont slow down at all. Within a week of transplanting...I got massive roots exploding out the sides and bottoms of thefabroc pots. Using straight coco coir. By the time they arw ready for the flower rooms....plant pots are fairly dry and ready for a feed daily. This is key. Super fast root and top growth...and needing a feed to runoff (sometimes even more) daily. You want super healthy plants that are on that high metabolism "edge".

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
A high in P fertilizer is needed for healthy starts and rapid growth. You can make tea or source a premade nutrient. Roots equal fruits.

I see a boost in growth every time I transplant.