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How to Garden By The Moon


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
:tiphat: Reject Obama's Nomination of Michele Leonhart For DEA Director

President Barack Obama has nominated Michele Leonhart to head the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. NORML is asking you to contact your Senator today and urge him or her to reject this nomination.

As interim director, Ms. Leonhart has obstructed efforts to end the destructive conflict between federal and state medical marijuana laws while overseeing federal raids and arrests in disregard of state law - contrary to the present policy of this administration.

Furthermore, she has blocked scientific research on medical marijuana, in disregard of this administration's pledge to let science, rather than ideology, guide public policy.

In particular, Ms. Leonhart has neglected to reply to an eight-year old petition to reschedule marijuana for medical use, which is supported by NORML and was called for by the AMA and a growing number of states and federal judges.

She has further denied the application of the University of Massachusetts to establish a research facility for FDA development of marijuana, overruling the recommendation of the DEA's own administrative law judge that this was not in the public interest.

Ms. Leonhart has incomprehensibly called the rising death toll civilians attributable to the U.S./Mexican drug war "a signpost of the success" of her agency's policies.

Ms. Leonhart's actions and ambitions are incompatible with common sense marijuana law reform and the stated policies of this administration. Please urge Congress to reject this nomination. For your convenience, a prewritten letter will be e-mailed to your member of the U.S. Senate when you visit NORML's 'Take Action' Center here:



How could she do all that stuff and not even be a judge? She has not been a judge before.

No anti-democratic sentiments in the Moon Garden please....

I am a yellow dog democrat.... ;) from the old South !!!

(yellow dog democrats would vote for a yellow dog if the Democratic Party nominates it) lol.


Why ole Rod is such a nice guy there Hippie... ;)

I bought some good fake driver's licenses from him heehee...


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Yeah, freeganja if that ain't the truth, then what is? < The terrorests are running the country.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
I just updated the group thread, but checking in here too.... with some ACTUAL Gardening By The Moon info!

Threw down 36 beans on the 28th... 34 are above ground and after "mouthing" the last two I am still crossing my fingers for all 36!

Thanks for the thread!


Sweet growclean... no gardening going on here at all. Just a few moms left over.

It's summer vacation... no water jugs! No attacking spider mites... It is sweet.....

of course I got a lil stash for the summer to make living worthwhile ;)


Do you have enough to hold you thru this winter?

No. Only got about enough to last Maybe till Christmas, maybe.. but hope to have a new crop coming in by Christmas.

Besides, I am tired of toting water! I did 3 years of some sort of continuous indoor grow without a break.

It is just too hot here in the summer. AC could not keep up, so I give up... no more summer grows indoors.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
I hope you make out good this christmas and have some christmas buds, I always liked that. I guess I'm lucky where I live and I don't mean in Florida, I mean the house here has a decent AC so I doing good for now, time will tell later if the same is still true. I know without it that I'd be screwed right now with my micro grows. "Go in a good way my sister"

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Germinating seeds during the new moon of September is an ideal time for a Thanksgiving/Christmas harvest....

"Houston, the Eagle has landed"...:yay: