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How to Garden By The Moon



thanks Hydro! sure is a little bit of heaven right here in the living room... aahh.

Thanks Trichy! I was proud of myself too. a friend came over and spied my stash and said " Oh Lola, you are soooo lucky!" to which I replied. "Luck had nothing to do with it. I worked my ass off to fill those jars!"

Thanks Jayla! Got your new weed book yet? I saw you had your freebie beans!


thanks free! what you been up to?

i am gonna go eat some pineapple coconut pie... mmmmm good.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Fed part of it to da chiggers.

Fed part of it to da chiggers.

thanks Hydro! sure is a little bit of heaven right here in the living room... aahh.

Thanks Trichy! I was proud of myself too. a friend came over and spied my stash and said " Oh Lola, you are soooo lucky!" to which I replied. "Luck had nothing to do with it. I worked my ass off to fill those jars!"

Well, pehaps there was an influence.
Li'l mo' luck? Lot mo' jars, yah?

Thanks Jayla! Got your new weed book yet? I saw you had your freebie beans!

"If you plant your weed when the Moon is right,
and water it real well,
You can harvest big fat buds,
and tell the dealers to go to hell."

An' jus' in case you could not tell,
I really like your doggerel.:tiphat:
Da Weeze


Yep yep Lola, and a couple of long time growers helping me along the way.... I'm so excited... When I grow up I wanta grow like you.....WOW


"If you plant your weed when the Moon is right,
and water it real well,
You can harvest big fat buds,
and tell the dealers to go to hell."

An' jus' in case you could not tell,
I really like your doggerel.:tiphat:
Da Weeze

I love you Weeze! :snowkiss:

Yep yep Lola, and a couple of long time growers helping me along the way.... I'm so excited... When I grow up I wanta grow like you.....WOW

Yipppie! Jala, it ain't hard, your weed will be great! I've only been growing indoors for a couple of years! All outdoors before that. And you don't learn to grow weed till you can take care of it every day. Outdoors I was lucky to tend it 3 or 4 times a season.

so I didn't know shit about growing till I started inside. The point is, it don't take long to learn.

Free: I quoted you too, but it did not take. YES! I wanna go to the Kentucky Derby. I have never made it to the big race, but it should be fun. I always watch on TV and start a betting pool among my friends.

We need to ask Doobieduck who he is betting on. He won last year on a longshot and made big bucks!


There's a big full moon tonite... go look! Oh it is pretty.

I found some buried treasure today! Found an old locket with the metal detector.

oh now I really wanna go find more treasure...


trichy do you want my pets? I got a dog pestering me to do her will and a cat jumping on my head. The dog is staring and wagging her tail.. she want out...

Also today I petted the wild rabbit in the yard outside, and fed it sugar cookies and carrots.

Then I watched a raccoon eat my suet out of my birdfeeder in broad daylight. the rascal.

wow that is a lot of pets.

They is driving me crazy.


it looks like a mosaic. It is pretty cruddy looking. I doubt it will make me rich... lol.

Oh I also found a 4 inch cast iron ring from horse equipment and in the same hole was broken glass canning jars? hahaha

I thought I hit it big when I found the broken jars.!!!!!!!!!!

I did not find the locket until I was pushing the dirt back in the hole and I saw it then!


those jars may have held loot :)
you'll prolly find some shoe buckles and other rare stuff.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
If you plant your weed when the Moon is right,
and water it real well,
You can harvest big fat buds,
and tell the dealers to go to hell.

Here's part of the harvest. I tried to stack em higher, but it did not work out.

That's a gallon jar of Cali Orange Bud, the others are 1/2 gallon and of course the little jars are quarts.
Looking real good Lola. That's an impressive stash, just awesome.


Hiya everybody! Did everyone act like a lunatic last night? I did :D
Ghost :dance: also other interesting ones in my album. same artist as the sharky in your sig.


thanks Ghostie...

I see PW is reverting back to his normal self again.... (snarling beast) :D

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