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How to Garden By The Moon


Garden Nymph
Sounds like a good day. There is still not much to do around here.
Is there still snow on the ground where you are at, Lola? How hot/cold does it get during the day?
I'm still waiting to even smell spring. Sometimes I can see the snow start to melt, but the next day, it is cloudy and snowy again. And this repeats. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I won't think about spring til late April.
Then we'll go fishing for largemouth bass. :jump: I hope I catch the 15-pounder this year.


The little snows we got this year only lasted a few days to a week depending.

Today it was up in the 50s, there were daffodils fixin to bloom in the yard.

No weeds and stuff growing yet, so it was a good time to wrassle me out a OD patch site.

I like growing there, I grew a whopper in that same spot years ago.

I don't like growing on creeks, cause of rippers, but what the heck, it's just a clone or two.

Wonder what I got that would be good outdoors? I will hafta think on it.

I may put out some of Mr. Nice Mystery Haze A clones. wish I knew what it was.

It is hard to get out there as much with all my old rodeo injuries paining me... lol.

I gots a bass boat out in the barn. I never catch any 15 pounders though!

But it was nice to be down in a little valley, with the wind cut off by the hills, and play in the creek.

I think I found some kind of giant tooth lying in the creek. I guess it must be a buffalo tooth or something funky? It is hard as a rock, so I guess it is petrified. Maybe it is a rare dinosaur tooth. ??

I want to go find a meteorite and get rich after watchin that show on tv.


Garden Nymph
You used to ride in rodeos?
I almost caught a pretty big bass last spring, but my line broke because it got snagged on a railroad tie. Its mouth was almost as big as my face lol.
Maybe that tooth is one of those megalodon shark teeth. Some can be pretty pricey.
Maybe there's a lot of meteorites in the desert that no one has picked up yet.
Did you see any gold?


I saw some big chunks of yellow rocks with sparkly stuff in them all over the place.

But I think the gold is on a nother creek, I was just playin in the creek today like old times.

Yes, I used to race barrels, and ride cowboys. I also did some bronc riding and got threw by a few mechanical bulls. I grew up with horses around and all that jazz. 4-H clubs, the whole country scene.

I have retired from horse riding now, cause the big lugs will step on ya, fall on ya, etc. and they weigh a ton. lol.

Now I stick to fast cars and bad boys with leather jackets. Those cowboys are too much work. (Up at dawn, on the farm, all that horse riding...)

You should invent us a bass lure that looks like a cicada and twitches a little and floats on top of the water. Those bass love those big cicadas. Get a piece of wax and carve your mold then use those plastics that you put over molds. Then get your mold off in plastic stuff and cast us up some good lures. We will get rich. You are talented with jewelry, should be right up your alley!


Garden Nymph
I may be able to do that..We will get millions! :muahaha:
Would it be a top floater? We would have to make it like how they make flies for fly fishing. Except use a mold to cast it, like you said. I have seen that done before, except it was for making a sterling silver pendant. But it is probably the same or similar method.
Did you know John Cougar Mellencamp is trying to run for Indiana governor?


No, I didn't... lol. Cougar for Gov. hahahaha.

Yes, I think that a top floater would be cool. We should put tiny solar cells in them so it makes them twitch a little bit. heehe.

I wonder why nobody uses furry mice lures? Realistic looking mice that swim their legs in the water like a real mouse with the solar cells in them for power source. Or at least twitch their tails a little bit while you reel em in?

we can set the power cells down under a layer of transparent gel that hardens to keep them waterproof?


Garden Nymph
This is a cicada lure
Except it doesn't look very realistic. I dunno if fish are that dumb? lol Or blind?
They should at least move as if they were stuck on the water.
Lol the furry mice lure might work :chin: Hope my line doesn't break if I decide to try it out, or else a fish is gonna have a whole lotta fur in his mouth hahaa


New member
Fish like shiny moving things... and they are not dumb but have ADD. Sunday is going to be in the 60's here so I might head down to the lake and see if I can light it up!


Garden Nymph
I agree Teefers. Alot of the big ones are pretty smart. They have terrible short term memory, much like dogs. Good luck catching 'em!


Bloomin, bloomin, bloomin all nite

Bloomin, bloomin, bloomin all nite

What's Up Ya'll? I ain't heard from lots of ya'll for ages! I have tried to post these pics a couple of times, here's some random shots. I just wanted to show the Sea of Lunar Green I had going. Let me know what you think!








Now is the best time to be planting and cloning.

I just potted up 18 and fixing to go cut another boxful and start them, in case I want them for summer time planting or something.


How do you start your clones? Do you use the rapid rooters or do you just stick 'em in dirt with the rooting gel?

After trying all methods, I find Jiffy Brand peat pellets work the best and are the easiest for me to use.

I cut em on a 45, dip em in hormone, stick in peat pellet.

The last time, I stuck the 18 clones into a plastic ice cream bucket and put a Charmin plastic bag over the top, left em for a few weeks and all 18 rooted.

Anything should clone right now...


Garden Nymph
Cool, should have probably sprung for a few of those....we're trying it out with soil and I'm scared lol :hide: Hope it works! Thanks for the info.


Thanks Ya'll! I am proud of them, a few have some PH problems cause my water supply is whack.

5.9 pH one time, 8.8 pH next watering. City water sucks.

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