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How to find THC and CBD levels


Active member
Hey everyone,

I was wondering what tools Would I need to get the amount of thc and CBDs. Ive seen lots of people who sells seeds saying like 31% thc and 5% CBD how do they get those numbers? I mean some are prob made up, but the ones that are legit how would you go about doing this?



Test tubes Liquid and stuff lol.!?
Np. :D

Seen Some Dude on that WEED COUNTRY[[Norcal-Emerald Triangle] extract CBD's.. (via the above etc)

And being TOTALLY Serious of course :D :smoker:


Dunno but when that guy ATE the Bud I LMAO
Mainly cuz he was saying " how's it Taste! CHEW WELL!!? Etc BaHaHa
On a Serious note.Id type CBD/THC Detector.Extraction etc on Google (?) and See what comes up
(If I was looking into such matters)

(Gonna be kits of Relative Fluids n stuff ain't tha)


Thin layer chromatography /TLC/ might be something one could try at home with fairly decent and fast results.

TLC will only give accurate qualitative results:
The dissolved compounds will travel up the strip in blotches and stall at different heights. Its very difficult to look at each blotch on the strip and estimate amount of cannabinoid.

Gas and liquid chromatography are quantitative methods. Gas being more common (I think) because it generates less waste and is extremely sensitive.


New member
I sent three different samples of the same exact bud to a lab. They came back with three different findings all far apart. I think it is some smart people getting us to pay them to smoke r bud.