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How to buy a house for $16


Active member
his naighbors are jealous,they have no other argument than he needs to pay what they did,what biggots.
the alternitive is a empty house that goes to waste.
I agree none of the neighbors would have said squat if he was white , and didn't brag to anyone how he got it. Now if it was a white guy and he bragged then the neighbors would be upset, but it would still not be a "newsworthy" story.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I'm pretty sure getting a 300,000+ home (looks sweet, btw) for $16 would make news even if the occupant was a white guy.

The neighbors with their panties in a bunch? Fuck 'em.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
They made no comments on the color of his skin, shame on those of you who have though. Racism goes both ways folks, and a few of you get labeled today as such.

Smart ass dude and i hope he gets the house :yes:


Jealous bitches, I give that guy credit, he's a smart mofo.

It's funny that the neighbors would rather watch the house rot to the ground and become infested with animals rather than have someone live in it and take care of it regardless of how he got it.

If the world ever does officially collapse I bet this is how people will come to own homes, just walk in a stake a claim. There's millions of forclosed houses all over the US, it's going to become a real shit hole someday when all these house become condemned because there was nobody there to take care of them.


brother bear, you aint never lived down there have you?
i once had a house not 5 miles from that neighborhood. i lived (and grew) in one of those mcmansions. and worked 60 hours a week with the people who live in those houses, and i am here to tell you:
they are the most hatefull and racist bourgeois group of little eichman's you should never have the misfortune of meeting. they dont say the n word on camera, you got me there.

on another note,
i wonder if he will get in trouble if i send him a zip in the mail?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Just imagine what the people who got foreclosed on are thinking when they see this shit on tv... hey... that's MY house.

Who wants to bet they get their own "affidavit of adverse possession" and do a little house hunting of their own?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Shit im sure all of those people would do the same thing he did if they knew about it. Much respect for the dude for knowing the laws and using them to his advantage.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Happens every day.

Happens every day.

Sure is!

Most states have adverse possession laws.

All you need do, is "fly your flag"
That means take possession openly.
Use it as your primary dwelling, (You have to live there continuously for a number of years, unchallenged by other claimants)
And pay the property taxes.
That's a biggie!

If the taxes are not payed, the state will take the house.

Adverse possession can be done but can also fall to a challenge.
Still worth a shot, yah?
And even if it fails, bottom line, you lived rent free for a while, yah?
Seriously folks, if you are paying rent somewhere, do some research.
Once you have title, in most states, you can sell that house, and start over.:)

Jus pennies twain,
he did exclaim.
and then returned
from whence he came.



East Coast Grower
Seriously, fuck the neighbors. It was foreclosed upon and then he got a lucky break of the mortgage co. going out of business, he filed with the courts etc. He didn't just show up one day. Dick move trying to get him arrested, find something better to do with your life, esp. if you're already living in a 300k house, shit.


I will research this process now... It might help me expand...lol.