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How the wife stole the grow show..


Active member
I guess i should start with how we got to this moment.

I had started a micro op and was using the op to test different nutrients/strengths and strains, while providing a head stash. My work situation changed and i now travel. Alot. so much so that my growing has taken a dive because of only being home on the weekends. Well after the op sat idle for 6 months and i started purchasing rather then growing, the dent that was making in my finances had the wife asking; When are you going to fire it up again?

This lead to the conversation that i didnt have enough time to devote to do it right and i try to never do things half assed. It was about this time that the wife asked if she could do it. My eyebrows raised and i said i dont see why not.

We started out with taking care of my moms in soil, she killed them. Well at least we have the clones in peat pellets. also dead in a week. Good thing i have spread the love and can get things back. So we started fresh from the ground up. New clone in dirt. and i emphasized the basics. pick the pot up, understand that it doesnt need to be watered everyday. and slowly she began to understand that soil requires enough love but not too much.

Then while i was away i asked her to take clones, which after asking her she adamantly stated she didnt need a refresher on. Imagine my surprise when i came home and there were two _leaves_ in the peat pellets. To her horror i ripped them out laughing and took proper specimens.... (it really is the small things in life). She explained that she always watched what i was doing but when it came time to cut she couldnt decide what to remove with the razor blade, so the leaves were used.

Once we got the clones rooted, i turned my sights to the system and explained to her that we were stepping off the deepend, she was gonna run a recirculating deep water culture as her first go at growing herb. i explained rather bluntly that if we got anything off the run i would be impressed. I also tried to caution her that if we do fail, not to give up as its just one notch in the growers belt. So off we went cleaning and disinfecting the system. We filled it up and i gave her the most simplistic run down i could.

-Never add nutrients to the reservoir unless we are doing a water change
-PH is always to drift down - set at 6.0 and drift down to 5.5
-PH adjustments were to be made with tap water only
-we would be using a nutrient schedule that i have had success with in the past, no going of into uncharted waters.
-under no circumstances was the PPM to exceed 450ppm.
-Water change every week.

With these guidelines we placed our clones in the lava rock, and my wife went off into the unknown. I took the hands off approach. I'd peek in to check the status and only offer help when she asked for it. And if she had questions she was more then happy to call me and ask. she did all the water changes, she measured out all the nutrients and balanced the pH (like a pro i might add).

Well we took them to 70 days and then i had her break out the microscope to look at trics. she proudly announced that they were ready on day 78. I was home just in time to help with the trim (you didnt think i was getting away scott free did you?). we weighted it up. 823.1 grams wet off two square feet. Now, that might not mean anything to you. Considering my personal best out of that same box was 699.2 grams..:noway: yea she stomped me out.

So thats how the wife stole the grow show. ill post some dry pics of the final product. its stellar. Heres to many more!
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Active member
That's great.

Has she been rubbin it in your face?You know how they can be......sometimes(sorry ladies)

Now you gotta teach her how to do a tune-up.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
It's all good...until she smokes up your/her whole stash.


Active member

My wife doesnt toke. at all. never even smoked so much as a ciggarette. Life is good today.


She had her moment after the weigh in. But now shes looking forward to the next run and proving me wrong that this wasn't just a fluke. This time shes doing all the clean up post grow stuff, i think she really appreicates the work involved now.
Haha,awesome. She does all the work and you get to enjoy the fruits? You should get her a present....shoes or something...they like shoes.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
You have a keeper my friend. Congrats.


Lammen Gorthaur
My wife has a real green thumb but has no interest (at all) in marijuana botany, just as I have no interest really in growing anything that is not smokable... Good for your wife. She snagged a great grow and her first time out to boot! K++


Active member
LOL... Awesome! :)

Just started teaching the wife the other day myself... looking forward to 'happy' mums for a change. (When improperly medicated, my autism can get in the way of doing things in a 'timely' way. *sigh*)

Should be VERY interesting. LOL

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I don't suppose she's got a sister who wants to move to England and saddle herself with an anti-social ex junkie with a bad temper and a disdain for people in general???


Active member
Awesome story hazydreams! Props to you, and the ole lady.

Do you think with her being much more involved she might want to try it out for once ? I'm just curious, since she's cool with it, and now grows it, how come she's never tried?

Just curious .

Thanks for sharing ! I'm going to go tell my significant other your story :). (Who doesn't grow, but can eyeball a sack, or.bud better than I ! )


Active member

She had her moment after the weigh in. But now shes looking forward to the next run and proving me wrong that this wasn't just a fluke. This time shes doing all the clean up post grow stuff, i think she really appreicates the work involved now.

You should get her a trophy for her on the next harvest......She'll probably get more than this run.

Make it a chocolate trophy......she digs chocolate right??

But cool thing is she digs it,like you said....appreciation.

It's an easy thing to fall in love with.:plant grow: