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how the ^$%# do you get rid of root aphids?


Active member
I have used everything...merit 75, pyretheum, azomax, and azotrol.....these frickin' things keep resurging....PLEASE, all my grow brethren, HELP me. What really works...REALLY....I am not super flush, but will go broke trying shit, that isn't working...duh, or I wouldn't be asking....PLEASE...what has worked for y'all????? Thanks, and stay HIGH, it's better than being lOw!!!!!!


passing the gas
big box home store, Bayer Complete, 5ml/gal. hit em again in 7 -10 days. best to be in veg.
It's worked for me in soil hydro and coco. RA free for 1 year.


Active member
chunkypigs, wtf is big box home store, is that a store when you can get with chicks with a big box??????? I wanna shop wt you....where can I get that stuff???????????????Have a good one, and stay HIGH, it's better than being lOw!!!!!!


Active member
A big box store is something like Home Depot and those types of places...

A store which has big boxes...:). or in other words... A big brand name store...

Honestly, the Merit 75 (Imid) should have worked. The issue is that it has to be repeatedly applied over a span of a few weeks to a month so you get them all...eggs. larvae, pupae and adults in their different stages of development. It only takes one to remain and there we go all over again.

I know it sucks and sucks hard. All I can say is if you manage to get this grow done... Get rid of everything and start from scratch..........

Here's wishing you all the best karma in the world man and really hoping that the growing Gods are smiling upon you...

Good Luck


passing the gas
I had a couple plants that suffered a bad harvest but I didn't have to trash my genetics.
I continue to give every crop of babies a dose or 2 in veg.

Bayer complete has another killer in it besides the imid.



I have used everything...merit 75, pyretheum, azomax, and azotrol.....these frickin' things keep resurging....PLEASE, all my grow brethren, HELP me. What really works...REALLY....I am not super flush, but will go broke trying shit, that isn't working...duh, or I wouldn't be asking....PLEASE...what has worked for y'all????? Thanks, and stay HIGH, it's better than being lOw!!!!!!

The Merit75 should have done the job, so I'm going to suggest that you weren't thorough in your treatment. Have you treated EVERY area a teeny tiny flyer could hide in? Corners, lights, electric receptacles, floors, ceilings, buckets, EVERYTHING? Because you will *not* get rid of them if you don't treat EVERYTHING.

What worked for me was Spectracide with Triazicide. However, it hasn't worked for everyone. The Bayer is another imidacloprid product, and all such product have an issue in that the imid remains in plant tissues. How long it remains is much a function of the concentration. So, where the Bayer at something like 1.47% might remain in plant tissues for, say, 30 days, the Merit75 will remain for 60 or more, depending on a few factors.*

*Caveat: the length of time the product remains in plant tissues is me going from memory, it's been over 2yrs since I had to deal with these little fuckers.


Active member
I have used everything...merit 75, pyretheum, azomax, and azotrol.....these frickin' things keep resurging....

Have you located the source? Where did/are they coming from originally?

If you have intakes for fresh air, they should always be filtered. If you're getting them from soil you're using, you may need to pasteurize it or switch to something different.

Do you have infected house plants? Outside plants you're walking past all the time? Pets that walk/play in an infested area?

Once you've located the source, almost anything that kills them needs to be used in a routine for a while to break their life-cycle of eggs.

You'll get it. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


H-S, root aphids don't typically have an egg cycle. They are born as pregnant females. Once population density rises to a certain point, then 'flyers' begin to emerge. These flyers reproduce via something called viviparous parthenogenesis, which is a form of reproduction whereby an adult female gives birth to female progeny.

This is much the same cycle as cabbage aphids and let me tell you, never a more difficult pestilence have I battled, NEVAH! I lost the war, not even the occasional battle and my cole crops tell the tale.

It is these females that must be eradicated. And they hide EVERYWHERE.

Check out this guy's site, just found it searching on different root aphid lifecycles: http://theaphidroom.wordpress.com/about/


Active member
Thanks for those "knowledge" you are shaing in here !!

Hope You win those "war" CP-that sounds very sad what you going throug ..

Get those bastards !!!


Active member
H-S, root aphids don't typically have an egg cycle. They are born as pregnant females.

It is these females that must be eradicated. And they hide EVERYWHERE.

Ayup... hence the repeat applications, of whatever you're using, to kill off the hiders and recently born.

Disgusting problem. :(

It's another reason I don't like bagged soil products. Too many threads where they were the infection point. Even hydro can get them but it's much more rare.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


New member
A product called mallet, active ingredient imidacloprid, works awesome! One or two applications as a root drench and they are gone! Also set off a dr doom to kill any flyers also and you'll be rid of them forever. Mallet application rate is 1/2ML per gallon.


My first infestation 'came' in an outdoor, pure perlite hempy tub grow. I noticed ants, then flying 'gnats'.

I break rules, what can I say? :dunno:


New member
Met52 works without being harsh on the plant and the end user. Its a natural way to kill them off. best used as a preventive. clean everyhting out and pre-treat growing media with met. it works!


Active member
i bought clones from a dispensary and brought in aphids, infected my entire veg tent

Been using Bayer fruit and vegetable....has imid in it...Only use in veg and stopping a week before i throw any plants into flower.....I started @ 25ml/g which fucked them up at first, cold water, saturate the whole medium....then again next watering, then again.....

Now im hitting them with 60-70ml. It does control them but hasnt killed them all 100%...2 hot shot pest strips in there as well.


Active member
I have killed the lil suckers.....it was a 10 month treatment regimen or merit 75, go gnats, gnatrol, and pyretheum bombs. I haen't seen a flying bastard on the sticky tape, in the air, or along the canopy...but I will also continue to treat.


Hot water worked for me . Here is the link I found that resolved my issue. http://owri.oregonstate.edu/sites/o...ent of Planting Stock With Hot Water Dips.pdf
I have since seen where someone posted that phylloxera are not root thrips. I am not even sure to respond to that. I only know that with the kitchen sink, a thermometer, and my hot water heater and the information from that link, I was able to resolve a very bad problem with ease.

Uh, wait a couple weeks, they will be back.

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