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How safe is it to post pics and progress here?


stone fool
It is neither good nor bad, it is a risk. For some, their lives and liberty are always at stake, for others, it is no big deal. Each must decide what to risk in any game, so it is here.


Active member
been doing it a few years now legal and illegal never an issue. IMO IC mag wont get you busted stupidity will . , but its like Haps says


Feeling good is good enough.
If Orlando is where you really reside....:

I would think it twice.

Now, if Orlando is just an inside joke to amuse and confuse, then I would say that this is as safe as you wanna make it and post away. Just check each pic twice before posting it, those pesky backgrounds can bite you in the ass... LOL

Stay safe!


Freedom Fighter
9 out of 10 ppl who post pics here...end up in Gitmo!! :wave:
Just kidding-- You have a better chance of getting hit by an airplane, than you do getting busted for posting pic on an online weed site...and this one is more secure than most--
Honestly...Does anybody have any stats for how many ppl do get busted?? I hear of sites getting shut down, but not much of the users getting popped....OG was how many years ago now??:tiphat:


Go with what YOUR gut tells you and what your comfortable with, not by someone else's.


Thank you for the sage advise.Just want to keep on enjoying my hobby and share experiences with like minded people.Any pictures I share will be past-tense,surely.I've been lurking here and procuring seeds from"the boo" since '06 without any hassles from anybody. Listen to the words of wiseone and...no tell...no sell...no smell.


New member
You'll probably be OK but I wouldn't risk it myself without taking precautions. Use a proxy server for piece of mind.

In saying that, I posted pics on OG & gave out tons of advice, met some sound people too, I wouldn't do it nowadays though.

Each to their own though, I just hope the dudes posting big grows know what a proxy is :dance013:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
can anyone really prove it is really you

can anyone prove they are your pics? or your plants

Keep names and the like off the pics and you will be fine

I have talked about growing for years and never had an issue, but alot fo it would have to do with what you do in your personal life.... you tell people to watch your icmag grow...then you may have an issue
Thanks for the input. Alot of good info. And no one in my personal life knows of my blog. Besides its the most rewarding hobby Ive ever had, and I can help out some sick friends at the same time. Ill keep watchin for new post , You can never learn too much about being safe. Thanx everyone.


Feeling good is good enough.
None of my everyday friends and contacts know about my ICmag name or grows...

This is my Sanctuary and shall remain that way!



Considering where this server is located i dont think we're at risk yet. I would worry more if you got caught and the cops started roaming through your puter looking for evidence, finding your grows in here might add some charges/pounds.

But all in all i would suspect its pretty safe, just take your precautions, dont go wheelchairing without a helmet.


It is a safe as Gypsy can make it in an unsafe world. Enjoy your stay and just like everyday life.......a little common sense goes a long way.


Max Headroom

Well-known member
It may or may not apply to you but many digital cameras store information in the picture file itself regarding camera make and model, location etc. This info can be removed/scrubbed using a utility called ExifCleaner. I run it on any pic I plan to upload. FYI.



also be wary of cameras that store the GPS location in the picture!


Enormous Member
I'd always like to think that international law provides enough hurdles for LEO so that there are easier, lower hanging fruit to collect first. The server is in amsterdam, international subpeonas don't hold as much weight.


the issue is IP address [computer addy].i know of dudes who've been banned and then re-appear with a different username,so good old 'el presidente' must discard are ip's or something like..without that THE LAW CAN DO NOTHIN' [if they decided to pry],but we are more 'connoisseurs' of ganja and not barons so i doubt they would anyway.

hats off to GN. :good:

[-hope thats the case anyway! eikkk!...:woohoo:]

John Bourne

Hi Guys,

I'd like to chime in on this thread if I may.

There is nothing we take more seriously than member safety. With that said, security is the number one priority here. Period.

Our servers are located in Holland, in a bomb proof bunker that no one can touch.

Furthermore, I'd like to add on a personal note, that all the ICMAG mods and Admins go to great lengths to ensure this community is as safe as possible. It's a personal mission for us all.

You can freely post on ICMAG, but as always use precautions. I would never advocate anyone posting any personal information or pics of their faces. That's just common sense IMO.

But make no mistake about it, Gypsy, myself and every other Admin and mod on this site regards member security as our absolute number 1 priority.

I can even tell you, without getting into specifics, that Gypsy has made many decisions behind closed doors that could have proved to be lucrative, but didn't because he felt that there might be even the slightest possible security risk.

Security is something I personally take with the utmost urgency and importance, I'm constantly working towards ensuring the safety of our members. This is absolutely the same case with all the mods and admins on ICMAG.

I hope that helps answer some questions.

- John


I feel this a reasonably safe home. That said, I'm not tech savvy enough to risk posting pics that would give the game away.

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