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How my iphone got me busted!

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TOR is crap.

I remember basically growing up on OG...the days when most pot growers I talked to online were genuine, old school hippies. Failing that, incredibly nice people.

Now, it's a large collective of shady pseudo-gangster types who seem to have an almost sexual fetish with "the game," and reiterating how intelligent and under the radar they are to fend off insecurities and failures in the corporate world.

I think if pot does become legal, a lot of people around here are going to be left with no personality crutch to hide behind. It'll just be regular people out in the open, smoking and enjoying cannabis. No more E-gangsta-persona necessary.

Don't take it personal and start dropping blocks of text, but If you're saying there's too much talk of security... To the contrary, it would appear people like OP are proving the need for more intelligent, under the radar, no-room-for-failure type discussion and attitude, eh?

maybe you should pin point the insecure, e-gangster failures you speak of and direct your message to them. probably a more successful approach then labeling all of us as shady e-gangsters.

for the record I'm not in favor of extremely harsh criticism when people already feel bad, but I am here to learn. nuff said.


Active member
Thank you for all the support, suggestions, and hard criticism. I deserve everything received here.

I do have questions. Many people are suggesting a good Jewish lawyer. Why? What is the best way to go about finding a good lawyer? I have several consults scheduled.

Any idea on the possible price for a lawyer in this case? Ballpark?

I recieved advice rom a lawyer friend that in this type of case it is most likely going to be treated similar to a DUI. Since there is a confession, the strategy will be to try and get charges dropped or reduced. Is a high price lawyer really going to make that much of a diference for something like this?

I assume of course that there is surveillance on me. My question is for how long and to what extent can I expect that to be happening?

Phone and license most likely tapped and traced. What else?

Could they have access through a warrant for all of my internet activity through my ISP?

What am I dealing with as far as the DEA or big brother goes for the foreseeable future?

Yes get a good lawyer, the best lawyer you can get personal loans for and not some bullshit lawyer but one who is good. Have some friends find contact their friends with friends, spend the time to find a good lawyer. I have seen high plant count busts never go to trial. With a good lawyer and some high priced favors it can happen but you better be ready to volunteer picking up trash, serving bums at the soup kitchen, spraying down dog kennels, whatever it takes. I have seen it happen but I have also seen people get butt-raped by the legal system. Call in every favor from every person you know who can help you. This is about the rest of your life man. Good luck.
online anonymity

online anonymity

Another line of CHIT...
More scare tactics and crap to get you to use TOR...???

Makes me wonder who the fux TOR is???

Does this site ADVERTISE for TOR?


A lot of people on here recommend HPS lights too, doesnt mean there is an ulterior motive.

If you dont use tor, either use someone elses wireless connection, or use 1 or more proxies and non ISP DNS to hide where you are going (I dont suggest using googles DNS because they can tie it to your google account via your IP address).

If you are using tor, Dont ever do anything personal over it (like checking your personal mail) without HTTPS because anyone along the tor line can sniff the connection and get the info (Same is true for unencrypted wireless) .

For anonymously going to a website with minimal evidence, Tor is helpful, but incomplete without DNS considerations as well as script blocking on your browser.

Or you can just assume Im drinking the kool aid and wait for the man to eventually kick in your door (assuming you are in the U.S.)


Thanks to all who have succeeded in creating more paranoia in my head. I appreciate your blunt honesty. Really. Believe me much of your message was received and will be contemplated. But the truth is that none of you know jack about me, except words on a screen. I wonder how many of you would stand up to scrutiny if you were open about your lives. Also, thanks to all who have stood up for me. I read it all and am very appreciative. However in all fairness, you don't know me from a hole in the wall either. Fortunately, a small portion of that paranoia has been relieved today.

Due to a certain circumstance, the lead agent had an opportunity to see me again face to face, and did not ask me for any more 'favors' as so many people have suggested will certainly happen. He again said he has put in as good of word as possible, and wished me luck in court.

From the way it was said, I don't think they'll be contacting me again. So that's that.

I do have one thing to say to the only person who I think is actually a piece of poop....

Dontstepongrass: may your laughter and disrespect be a boomerang that glides back into your life when things go wrong. That attitude of yours is just plain disgusting. And everyone else but you knows it.
Yes it's so unsafe. I have been visiting forums like this everyday for many years and guess what they are still here and so am I. If these kinda sites are so unsafe why do youall use them? Seriously you think the dea cancomebust down your door because you posted a picture of some plants on the internet? How likely is it that that evidence would even be admissable in court? Cops could probably register here and read every word we say..big deal. It doesn't mean shit. Get real you guys I'm new and never seen such fear mongering on a pot growing community before ever. You guys talk like a picture of a plant you grew and photographed 10 years ago gonna put you away...guess what there is no evidence only a photograph, a photograph that coulda been taken anywhere by anyone and photoshopped to boot.

For thhe record I am a registered medical marijuana patient and caregiver, (yes not everyone here is growing totally illegally w/out regard to the law) and I rew pot before that. Yep I grew a whole shitload of plants before I was legal guess they will be knocking on my door any second now cause I just posted on the internet so it's gotta be the truth and totally admissable in court and evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. LMAO. And ICmag did not get him busted his phone did. You think cops are gonna get yet another search warrant to come look at his computer to see what websites he views and find IC like Holy shit there are thousands of people on the internet posting pictures about growing who knew? We aren't doing anything illegal here anyone of us could be a cop I presume just talking and giving flse pics of their grows. So stop being so damn paranoid no 1 is getting busted cuz they are on a forum-shit maybe I just like reading stoners talk-and lose the attitude this site has more Aholes per capita than I think I've ever seen, makes me wanna just go somewhere else.


weed fiend
Thanks betta. Any recommendations for a non DNS proxy or are you recommending TOR itself w/ non-ISP DNS?

In other words, is there a better free or open-source program other than TOR to match with non-ISP DNS?


But the truth is that none of you know jack about me, except words on a screen.

That is why I said .......do not worry what others say in negativity.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor

thanks for all the nasty words in my rep comments hahahaha

some people don't like hearing the truth, even when it pertains to others and not even them.


it's called 'kicking a man when he's down' and it's not very cool.
as for him being on the internet, well they've already found his grow so it's pretty academic really.
but using tor or some other means to hide your identity online is a precaution that i take and would advise others to do. easy to do.



A lot of people on here recommend HPS lights too, doesnt mean there is an ulterior motive.

If you dont use tor, either use someone elses wireless connection, or use 1 or more proxies and non ISP DNS to hide where you are going (I dont suggest using googles DNS because they can tie it to your google account via your IP address).

If you are using tor, Dont ever do anything personal over it (like checking your personal mail) without HTTPS because anyone along the tor line can sniff the connection and get the info (Same is true for unencrypted wireless) .

For anonymously going to a website with minimal evidence, Tor is helpful, but incomplete without DNS considerations as well as script blocking on your browser.

Or you can just assume Im drinking the kool aid and wait for the man to eventually kick in your door (assuming you are in the U.S.)

Just so you know if I worked for your ISP and even considering you're doing all that you stated I could very easily track everything you're doing weather you're using TOR or another ISP DNS server. Like I've said in another thread, SSL = garbage. Also, just because you're using another ISP DNS server doesn't mean your original subscribed ISP doesn't know or can't monitor it. They see the request going to x.x.x.x port 53 and it's all plain text. If you don't understand it means they can see it easy. TOR is a security risk in itself. I won't go into detail but read my other posts about it in another thread.


Active member
Seriously you think the dea cancomebust down your door because you posted a picture of some plants on the internet?.
Yes, they can and have.
I don't have a link for it, but I remember the case when it made the news.
Dumb kid(18-19?) posts pics of his lame ass two plant closet grow on facebook, it gets reported, he gets raided.


Active member
So stop being so damn paranoid no 1 is getting busted cuz they are on a forum-shit maybe I just like reading stoners talk-and lose the attitude this site has more Aholes per capita than I think I've ever seen, makes me wanna just go somewhere else.

In a thread where a guy just got busted for pics, and where we are trying to discuss legitimate safety concerns, this is your attitude?
That we're all paranoid assholes?

Why don't you do what you said, and go somewhere else then.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
hopefully my last post in here (why is thread still open?)

hopefully my last post in here (why is thread still open?)

it's called 'kicking a man when he's down' and it's not very cool.

he brought it on himself by making this thread and making this our business. if ic doesn't want open forum comments on the topic, they should probably just close the thread...

on another note, this thread (imo) isn't about the OP anymore but making a public spectacle of this ordeal so that future stoners don't follow in OP's foot steps.

p.s. thanks for all the rep comments and pm's saying u all hope i burn in hell, get raided, etc... grow up and get a grip, u people have less lives than i do apparently lol


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i didnt rep you, bad or otherwise - the predicament of the OP speaks for itself - as do the lessons learned. righteous indignation is un-necessary when the poor guy already got busted.

nearly half of the posts in this thread are from either sanctimonious a-holes or black belts in statin' the bleedin' obvious

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