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How much money should I have before moving to california?



I just learned that I won't be getting a job I thought I had in California that would have at least guaranteed me a livable wage. Alas, I'm stuck with my heart set on California, primarily prop 215. I have about 12 grand cash. I'm young. I'm a few credits short of my liberal arts degree, and have no real skills beyond my education, which is not complete.

I'm kind of in a transition in my life. Where I am right now is not working. I'm still very young, and my thinking is that I should just make the move now instead of a hypothetical move when I'm more financially secure at 30. But as we all know, once you're kind of stuck in a career, it is sometimes harder to move once your balls deep, even if you have a superior monetary situation.

The above is my half assed justification for wanting to go now. As I said, I have 12 grand in cash. A car with a lot of miles on it, but in good shape. And no real skills. I'll probably be looking to land a wal mart job for a year or two while I finish my degree. In your opinion, is this a dumb move? Am I setting myself up for failure?

Thanks a bunch. I really would appreciate any advice or insight you more seasons tokers may have. Be well.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
theres not much work,rent is expensive and CA is incredibly overpopulated.

honestly if i had 12k and no family, i would move to wyoming or montana,,,
where i own more bubblers than the local PD has officers,,, and the cost
of living is very low....

personally i would rather live in the middle of nowhere growing weed ,,,
than stuck in a city working at some shit hole like wall mart.

my best advice? travel to where you would want to live before you up and move.
learn the area. learn the yearly weather patterns.

hell for what im paying on this house in CA,,, i could be living in a house twice the size
with a couple luxury cars in the drive way in a different state....

if "legal weed" is the only incentive to move to CA, i would seriously reconsider....
Sounds like the start of a plan to me. The job market is crap in California now, so if you will have to find a job you might want to try to do that before you move. Otherwise your money will go quick and you will probably use it to live off of instead of finishing school, which you should do first. Your diploma really should be your top priority since you are that close to finishing. As if I'm your parent.

Follow your dream young man. Keep thinking about it and talking about it and you'll come up with something that will work. For 12 grand you should be able to make it 6 months in an apartment. If you had decent credit there are cheap houses in bad neighborhoods that will cost you around $600/month for payments, taxes, and insurance. Maybe $4000 or 10% down could get you one of those. Housing is a biggest thing.

I'm headed there later this summer myself. I don't want to rely on finding a prop215 friendly landlord, so I'm going the cheap house route. Not slumtown $30g cheap, but cheaper than I have become accustomed to until I find the right area to settle down long term.

Good luck, you'll figure it out if it is really what you want to do.


theres not much work,rent is expensive and CA is incredibly overpopulated.

honestly if i had 12k and no family, i would move to wyoming or montana,,,
where i own more bubblers than the local PD has officers,,, and the cost
of living is very low....

personally i would rather live in the middle of nowhere growing weed ,,,
than stuck in a city working at some shit hole like wall mart.

my best advice? travel to where you would want to live before you up and move.
learn the area. learn the yearly weather patterns. decide if you really want to live
broke in CA or live laid in a less flamboyant state....
Thanks for this. For now, I'm living by the saying of "if you can't do the time don't do the crime." I can't afford a house anywhere, thus I'll be apartment growing, which, as you know, is very risky. So it is imperative that I have some legal protection, which is what I seek with prop 215.

I hear you on the economic situation. It sounds rough in CA. Alas, it's really bad everywhere right now. It does suck big time that the only state with sane marijuana laws is the most expensive in the country. To the point of travel, I agree philosophically, but given the fact that I have 12 grand as my life savings it just isn't really in the cards. I'd need every bit of that.

The shit job thing isn't a long term thing. I just have to finish up my education and, assuming the economy doesn't completely fall on its face, I'll be OK.

I really appreciate your perspective here man. Lots of solid points. Thanks a bunch.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
get your degree first....(few credits? wtf?)

THEN go and TRY to find a job in cali...

if you are trying to go out to cali to grow for profit, then forget about it...

thats like me tryin to setup a drive thru burger joint in between mcdonalds and burgerking...


Sounds like the start of a plan to me. The job market is crap in California now, so if you will have to find a job you might want to try to do that before you move. Otherwise your money will go quick and you will probably use it to live off of instead of finishing school, which you should do first. Your diploma really should be your top priority since you are that close to finishing. As if I'm your parent.

Follow your dream young man. Keep thinking about it and talking about it and you'll come up with something that will work. For 12 grand you should be able to make it 6 months in an apartment. If you had decent credit there are cheap houses in bad neighborhoods that will cost you around $600/month for payments, taxes, and insurance. Maybe $4000 or 10% down could get you one of those. Housing is a biggest thing.

I'm headed there later this summer myself. I don't want to rely on finding a prop215 friendly landlord, so I'm going the cheap house route. Not slumtown $30g cheap, but cheaper than I have become accustomed to until I find the right area to settle down long term.

Good luck, you'll figure it out if it is really what you want to do.
Thanks so much for this. Very encouraging. I don't really have bad credit, just no credit. So unfortunately a house or condo is out of the question for me.

I'm just nervous is all. I guess that's really why I made this thread. I know this is something that I have to do; I refuse to go to jail for a plant, and I refuse to not smoke out of fear. So, not going is really not an option for me. I suppose intuitively I was really just looking for a "you can do it." Heh.

Unsettling, this whole coming up in the world with a mere liberal arts degree, no skills, and the worst economy in decades "thing..."

I guess nobody said it would be easy. Cheers man. I Hope you find happiness in Ca as well.


get your degree first....(few credits? wtf?)

THEN go and TRY to find a job in cali...

if you are trying to go out to cali to grow for profit, then forget about it...

thats like me tryin to setup a drive thru burger joint in between mcdonalds and burgerking...
Hey man. The school thing-I can actually finish up my remaining credits online, thus I can complete my degree living anywhere in the country, which is sweet.

And nah, I don't plan on commercial growing, ever. Not that I have a problem or moral issue with it, it's just not something I considered for me, for a bunch of reasons. I just want to grow my own. Not only is "decent" smoke hard to come by here, it's also ungodly expensive. The best weed around here is shit you would probably pass on, living in California. That's why I'm moving; to smoke a sativa when I feel like writing, and an indica when I have a headache.


What about canada?
Couple things. One, it's very, very difficult, if not impossible, for a non citizen to finagle his or her way through the system in order to get a work permit for unskilled labor. That is the primary issue. A secondary issue is that 12K American dollars looks fugly in Canadian dollars. Better now than it has been, but still bad.

Thanks for the thought though man! I had considered it at first too.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
why not move to amsterdam? weed isnt all that legal in CA anyway.
still plenty of asshole cops who will ring you through the system regardless
of your medical documentation...

honestly>> you need to think beyond smoking weed.

what do you want to do in your life,, or with your life?
hell i love to smoke weed,, but theres no way im going to base
my entire life around weed>>>unless it is also your career.

i found a fully furnished 4 bedroom house built in 1993 on 40 acres in wyoming for $1800.
((try to see what you can find for $1800 in CA...hehhhe guranteed wont have 40acres, or a mule))


place is fucking beautiful....hell im thinking about packing the family
and heading east...


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
first of all, i disagree with Jed (no offense Jed) but i wouldnt be buying anything until i lived there for a while and settled in. you never know, you could have a chance of heart. Or get homesick. There is no place like home, really. With the number of MMJ states popping up everywhere you have plenty of options if that is what you really are looking for. If you want to go for Cali (as i did) there are expensive parts and no so expensive. you want to live right on the beach, you're rent is high. if your cool with other shit than then your 12k will last longer. One thing, dont plan on finding even a Wal-Mart job out here right away. I have seen people get denied at subway trying to turn in applications and that job looks like it really sucks. On the other hand, if you want to go where the girls are, the beach is, the weed flows then do it. Set your max rent at something reasonable like 750 or 800 a month (check craigslist, plenty of joints) and move someplace 420 friendly. Moving in with roomamtes helps, just dont sign a lease. Month-to-month until you really know the GUYS. Once you get here bust ass looking for a job, you have a few months... keep your overhead low, keep the old car (and keep it registered in your home state until you have money to do that here and dont forget the smog test!), easy at the bars and life expenses until u have a source of income. ...Which, in california could be MMJ. Get your card ($125) and if you are an experienced grower get like a 600w or 1000w, and that can provide your income for a little while (600w = 1# if your good, call that $4000 - $5000 every 2 months, thats $2500 a month, thats more than most full-time, over-time working college grads make annually.) Dont expect to get a lot at the clubs for your grass. There's planty of heads around and the clubs make a good last resort. In the mean time, do odd jobs, talk to people, get out and do what you love... just dont do nothing, or you will never find anything.

try to stack away a few extra coins before you leave and some stuff you might need once you get here, because every little bit will help. Get your car tuned up fully before leaving.

A story of encouragement: I moved here 3 years ago with a few thousand in the bank. After some rough times where i ALMOST gave up i am now happy i didnt. Now about 6 friends from home all moved within a few houses from me and i have met a ton of people from back home. No one was sure when the left home but NOW IS THE CLOSEST U ARE EVER GONNA GET. The older you get the further it will slip away.

oh, and state schools are cheap as shit for residents out here (1 yr) if you want to bang those classes out.

Peace bro. Read the top part of my signature and get it happening if your heart truly desires.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
why not move to amsterdam? weed isnt all that legal in CA anyway.
still plenty of asshole cops who will ring you through the system regardless
of your medical documentation...

honestly>> you need to think beyond smoking weed.

what do you want to do in your life,, or with your life?
hell i love to smoke weed,, but theres no way im going to base
my entire life around weed>>>unless it is also your career.

i found a fully furnished 4 bedroom house built in 1993 on 40 acres in wyoming for $1800.


place is fucking beautiful....hell im thinking about packing the family
and heading east...

good words my friend...

i like how you think...

that house is bomb though for the record, since that link will eventually expire..


"Follow your bliss" homie. -Joseph Campbell
Where there is a Will there is a way, and you will make it my friend. If you have the cake then go. We were never promised another day so make this one like its one of your last and go. Let your Will guide you and follow all instincts (gut feelings) they are always correct. WM


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
why not move to amsterdam? weed isnt all that legal in CA anyway.
still plenty of asshole cops who will ring you through the system regardless
of your medical documentation...

honestly>> you need to think beyond smoking weed.

what do you want to do in your life,, or with your life?
hell i love to smoke weed,, but theres no way im going to base
my entire life around weed>>>unless it is also your career.

i found a fully furnished 4 bedroom house built in 1993 on 40 acres in wyoming for $1800.


place is fucking beautiful....hell im thinking about packing the family
and heading east...

damn this thread blew up in the last half hour. A lot of people want to help you bro. Yo BigHErb. That place is SICK. I would love that. I'm winding down from the hustle bussle and hoping to get some land soon. Nice advice bro.

A lot of people throwing ideas out for ya Cally. Just make sure you do it for the right reasons. My suggestion about growing is not as easy as it sounds. first, i suggest craigslist and find place with 3 or 4 other roommates that are 420 friendly. then over time you can find a place to grow if it works out that way. First get a job where your living. anything.

best of luck man.


why not move to amsterdam? weed isnt all that legal in CA anyway.
still plenty of asshole cops who will ring you through the system regardless
of your medical documentation...

honestly>> you need to think beyond smoking weed.

what do you want to do in your life,, or with your life?
hell i love to smoke weed,, but theres no way im going to base
my entire life around weed>>>unless it is also your career.

i found a fully furnished 4 bedroom house built in 1993 on 40 acres in wyoming for $1800.
(((try to see what you can find for $1800 in CA.....hehhhe guranteed wont have 40acres)))


place is fucking beautiful....hell im thinking about packing the family
and heading east...
Amsterdam makes California seem like northern africa in terms of cost of living, heh. And I could never get a work permit. As to perspective: I hear you. I don't want my life to revolve around a plant. It's just that when not smoking decent herb is a huge quality of life hit, and smoking decent herb can you get assraped in state prison while your mother cries herself to sleep at night..it's just a tough situation. I know it kind of sounds wacky to be looking around for places that I can smoke in, but honestly I think it's a smart move if you're a dedicated smoker/grower. It beats prison. I can't risk that. Roach infested apartments, hell homelessness beats that.

Ultimately, I have no idea what I want to do with my life, career wise or other. What I do know, however, is that I really enjoy smoking pot, and I really don't the prospect of jail as a result. So I'm trying to take smart steps forward to at least take care of what I know I do want.
first of all, i disagree with Jed (no offense Jed) but i wouldnt be buying anything until i lived there for a while and settled in. you never know, you could have a chance of heart. Or get homesick. There is no place like home, really. With the number of MMJ states popping up everywhere you have plenty of options if that is what you really are looking for. If you want to go for Cali (as i did) there are expensive parts and no so expensive. you want to live right on the beach, you're rent is high. if your cool with other shit than then your 12k will last longer. One thing, dont plan on finding even a Wal-Mart job out here right away. I have seen people get denied at subway trying to turn in applications and that job looks like it really sucks. On the other hand, if you want to go where the girls are, the beach is, the weed flows then do it. Set your max rent at something reasonable like 750 or 800 a month (check craigslist, plenty of joints) and move someplace 420 friendly. Moving in with roomamtes helps, just dont sign a lease. Month-to-month until you really know the GUYS. Once you get here bust ass looking for a job, you have a few months... keep your overhead low, keep the old car (and keep it registered in your home state until you have money to do that here and dont forget the smog test!), easy at the bars and life expenses until u have a source of income. ...Which, in california could be MMJ. Get your card ($125) and if you are an experienced grower get like a 600w or 1000w, and that can provide your income for a little while (600w = 1# if your good, call that $4000 - $5000 every 2 months, thats $2500 a month, thats more than most full-time, over-time working college grads make annually.) Dont expect to get a lot at the clubs for your grass. There's planty of heads around and the clubs make a good last resort. In the mean time, do odd jobs, talk to people, get out and do what you love... just dont do nothing, or you will never find anything.

try to stack away a few extra coins before you leave and some stuff you might need once you get here, because every little bit will help. Get your car tuned up fully before leaving.

A story of encouragement: I moved here 3 years ago with a few thousand in the bank. After some rough times where i ALMOST gave up i am now happy i didnt. Now about 6 friends from home all moved within a few houses from me and i have met a ton of people from back home. No one was sure when the left home but NOW IS THE CLOSEST U ARE EVER GONNA GET. The older you get the further it will slip away.

oh, and state schools are cheap as shit for residents out here (1 yr) if you want to bang those classes out.

Peace bro. Read the top part of my signature and get it happening if your heart truly desires.

great stuff man. I really appreciate you taking the time to write all that out. As for roommates, I thought about it man, but it's tough to find people on the net that are cool with growing and somewhat normal. That seems a rare combination...I kid. Kinda depressing to hear that even subway jobs are hard to come by. Geesh.

I don't know what I'm going to do. I was looking at maine since they have very lax mj laws and low cost of living, but you think the economy sucks in california...man. They have like ZERO menial jobs for people like me.

I'm not giving up though.


damn this thread blew up in the last half hour. A lot of people want to help you bro. Yo BigHErb. That place is SICK. I would love that. I'm winding down from the hustle bussle and hoping to get some land soon. Nice advice bro.

A lot of people throwing ideas out for ya Cally. Just make sure you do it for the right reasons. My suggestion about growing is not as easy as it sounds. first, i suggest craigslist and find place with 3 or 4 other roommates that are 420 friendly. then over time you can find a place to grow if it works out that way. First get a job where your living. anything.

best of luck man.
Yeah man, awesome, helpful, smart people around here. I appreciate this immensely. Incredible resource to have.

You make a smart point about meeting 420 friendly people to room with, then eventually talking about growing together down the road. Smoke the local stuff in the intermediary. Very good point, that for whatever reason slipped past my one track mind of "grow NOW!"

Hell, and I wasn't going to make this thread. Very glad I did. great advice from everyone. And yeah, that place on craigslist was fucking awesome!


Registered Non-Conformist
Growing in NorCal is politically awful as of now... 7 plants = felony, in one of the Emerald Triangle Counties EVER so disgustingly detailed by the detestable TV show Marijuana Inc.

As I wrote elsewhere, Landlords are tough nowadays... Neighbors can be even tougher. Selling to Cannabis Clubs is VERY competitive. It has to be the best....

I see maybe 1 of 8 people who come out to CA to grow actually make it work.

I am moving out of state after many years. Finally, the costs of CA are something I do not wanna continue paying. Gonna go enjoy my hard work before all the savings are gone.

San Francisco is one of the best Cities on the world, but is neck-and-neck with Manhattan in terms of costs.. If one moves to SF, be comfortable being a minority (if Caucasian), because that is the reality. I see it as a positive diversity factor, but not everyone feels that way.

Again, I suggest, seek a state with new MMJ laws, if there is one near you. This place is Crazy, if growing pot is the goal.. Wild West - Rural White Trash Tweaker heaven .


Apply at a hospital.
Cali: Santa Cruz
Hawaii: Big Island
Either rent a room in a shared house or get a small apt. in either of those places.
I agree with the Craigslist advice. Lots of good stuff there. Always keep enough cash on hand to get back.


Growing in NorCal is politically awful as of now... 7 plants = felony, in one of the Emerald Triangle Counties EVER so disgustingly detailed by the detestable TV show Marijuana Inc.

As I wrote elsewhere, Landlords are tough nowadays... Neighbors can be even tougher. Selling to Cannabis Clubs is VERY competitive. It has to be the best....

I see maybe 1 of 8 people who come out to CA to grow actually make it work.

I am moving out of state after many years. Finally, the costs of CA are something I do not wanna continue paying. Gonna go enjoy my hard work before all the savings are gone.

San Francisco is one of the best Cities on the world, but is neck-and-neck with Manhattan in terms of costs.. If one moves to SF, be comfortable being a minority (if Caucasian), because that is the reality. I see it as a positive diversity factor, but not everyone feels that way.

Again, I suggest, seek a state with new MMJ laws, if there is one near you. This place is Crazy, if growing pot is the goal.. Wild West - Rural White Trash Tweaker heaven .
Good call. Yeah, I saw that piece of shit show that used the guise of journalism. Pretty gross. San Fran is amazing; I wish I could afford it, heh.

The landlords are catching on in a big way; I can tell just from craigslist alone, particularly in norcal. they mention no grow clauses in the first fucking sentence of the ads! Can't say I blame them all things considered. Lots of douchebags out there.

Thanks for your post. I've considered broadening my horizons to states that are slightly less friendly than CA, but it's a tough happy medium to find. People say stuff about the cops, then norml says another, then you google sentencing and it says something different than both, etc.

Colorado is an example of this. You can grow six plants, but if you're caught with more than 2 oz of product you can go to jail. lol wtf is that? Somebody out there grow 2 gram plants? It's a joke; it's just begging cops to take advantage of a poorly written law.


Edit, thought Ild add first that if you dnt have good credit, the deposit is first months rent + 3 paystubs + last months rent in alot of places. Some its just the 1st rent +security. Aot of places wont accept bad credit but some will.
Thanks so much for this. Very encouraging. I don't really have bad credit, just no credit. So unfortunately a house or condo is out of the question for me.

I'm just nervous is all. I guess that's really why I made this thread. I know this is something that I have to do; I refuse to go to jail for a plant, and I refuse to not smoke out of fear. So, not going is really not an option for me. I suppose intuitively I was really just looking for a "you can do it." Heh.

Unsettling, this whole coming up in the world with a mere liberal arts degree, no skills, and the worst economy in decades "thing..."

I guess nobody said it would be easy. Cheers man. I Hope you find happiness in Ca as well.

If you dont have a jb out here, plan on spending at least 1k/month just to be housed and fed.....maybe a little gas in the cities. Pulling 35k/yr will set you up real nice but those job are very far and few between right now and not exactly poised to spring open anytime soon, might get worse? Might not though, who knows. I am in the exact opposite of what your doing......vacating to a less populated area. Im not struggling but most of my friends are, and the job loss is pretty damn scary for anyone, even union gigs. If you work @ walmart youll most likley end up burning your money just on living $$, like a car repairs, tickets, ect. within a couple years. Making enought to get medical isnt the best situation in the world.

215 is still VERY greay out here buddy. Now that the feds have had thier chains shortened a bit still doesnt make every county the same. Even when Im in the best ones to live in for 215...the local leo will still try to bust you or at least SEVERLY harass you, just not as bad as in other places.
I personally would much rather live in a less populated area were rent is 1/2-1/4 the price for a house in a similar sized city than here until it gets legalised. Im also in prime territory for activism and dispensaries....so ya.
Just my feel though, and ya a recs on hand so Im not just talking of what I havent experienced. Even with a rec on hand Ive only used it a few times, as the raids have contiued till very recently and who knows whas going to happen.

If you moved near any medium-larger city basically from the Sac to Diego your looking at 600 per on the very low side for any place thats even worth movng outta state for. A decent place within hours of Frisco is lookin steep, unless you dont mind the crime and you can find a studio flat for like $500 + utilities (lika another $80-$130 w/out hids). DMV out here aint no joke either..lol.
There are afew finds but nearly all are over priced. hit craigslist for a good snap shot of the housing situation in general.
Im still in school, Im not moving an inch till I finish. If your not in your own spot already...Illd get steam goin till you found a solid solid lead on a good gig out here.
If you can get past all that and are obsessed w/ cali it can be tons of fun working all week and playin in the citites on the weekends. Alot of norcal folks I know have made the jump outta state and are making it sound nice with 2000+ sqft house for about the price of a decent apartment out here.
I hope you finish school first bro, I know I am.
Ooutta state tuition is fucking bonkers bro, like more than double in most areas. And, alot of schols out here are picky as hell, so if you do leap make sure everythings transferable. Oh and the water is fridgid till you hit pretty damn far south....lol. Im nice and stoney so Im sure Ive missed (or maybe even added....= P ) afew things :rolleyes:
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