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How much koolbloom for hempy


in the thick of it
I think the answer you're looking for will have a little something to do with strain...my strain can't handle 2 tsp of anything but karma per gallon. Sorry to be of very little help....you could run a few comparison buckets and see what amount works best for your situation.


Well-known member
never did hempy buckets. top drip an recirc dwc i apply usually KB powder at 150-160ppm, not over 200, and atleast at 100ppm.

160-180 ppm is about a tsp to a 5 gal bucket. I like powder Koolbloom

Liquid KB i've used up to 5mil per gal early stages of flower, and late at 7 mil per gall just before flush.

I like the powder, more bang for the buck i feel, my tub of powder kb lasts me a long time.

Shit now im worried I used to much. Just did it this morning. I used 1 tsp in a gallon on top of my other nutes. I really hope I dont burn the hell out of them. :/


Well-known member
Very easy to over do with powder KB, the Liquid KB isnt as bad, any PK booster can overdue easily enough for that fact. Less is best till you know what they can handle.

i fucked upyears back an never used any pk boost for awhile. Been doing well an i eased back in an tried the pk boosters again.

I like adding the pk in early bloom like 15-18 days in, when the sites get bigger then a dime an more like nickel size. Then i know there more then less in full bloom mode and can handle a lower dose. i then run the pk for 5-7 days an drop it. then back to bloom strength plus abit more bloom. I hold that for awhile till day 40-45ish. and then reintroduce pk booster again at higher strength then first pk. I run it for 5 days, then light bloom. day 52ish to 56 real light, day 56 flush till finish.

More is always not best thou. ...

if u run gh, definetly try the rez formula. I have had, and alot of others, have had great success. with some tweaking you can get them dialed in. i really like the 6/9 gh micro bloom formula based off of the lucas formula. Some can take more, some less.

It is a nice option to feed without with reduced N in mid bloom, then no N late bloom. I have found a new understanding of feeding an reading plants with gh M/B formulas.

1 tsp is 5mil, so 5mil shouldn't be to much in some situations. If u have tiny plants, low level lighting, then it may be abit to much with the extra to the normal bloom feed. But most should handle 5mil to a gal of lKB. 5 mill of liquid KB isnt so much, but what its added to is the other question. 7 mil of liquid KB is approx equall to 5 mil of a standard pk 13/14.

Btw i think the formula for floranova B is 8mil per gallon. so it may have been a little high with the LKB added in. Some say the 8mil per gallon is to strong in most cases and run with 6mil per gal instead.

How many gallons of nutes did u add that to? U got a PPM meter?

When in doubt start with a fresh rez.

Thanks for the responses dub and gman.

Im going to look into the rez formula and see what I think. I have huge bottles of bloom and micro sitting here but decided to go with Nova because of being so inexpierenced and the ease of a one bottle fert.

My plants all seemed to take well to the feeding yesterday. No burnt tips or anything. This did however scare me enough to just put the koolbloom away until I have a little more control over everything. A ppm meter would have really helped.

Thank again guys!


Well-known member
What I do for my hempys in early bloom like week 3 is use 1 tsp of flora nova per gallon and I cant remember how much liquid koolbloom gives you 200 ppm but I think its 1 tsp per gal. Check the label and add 200 ppm worth of it. That will get you thru until about day 40 then up your floranova 1/4 to 1/2 tsp more per gal and keep the koolbloom at 200 ppm all the way until 2 weeks of flush. Just make sure to set your ph at 6.0 after you add your nutes this recipe has worked for me with at least 10 different strains and they have all loved it. Give it a try it will surely boost your yields.
Good luck


Do you guys recommend the liquid or powder version of Koolbloom?

And does anyone remember when the product was called kabloom?