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today i smoked 5 joints. And there's still a few hours before i go to sleep...

But i smoke joints the european way, with tobacco and small (short papers). So i consume around 1 gram/day.

I think to fight tolerance the best way is swimming. I assure you that this can KILL your tolerance... When i was used to swim daily i smoked much more (in netherlands up to 5 g/day) and always the joint fucked me up.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Have you guys ever tried vaping? Smoking all those bongs, bowls, and J's is rough on the pipes.


I like to hit the bowl every few hours if I have the green - I can drive, work and socialize while blasted, and have been doing so since the mid 1970's...
i basically smoke all day everyday
yeah-of course. So do I-its the right thing for me to do. Thats around 1.5-2oz of superduper high grade a week. There is no right or wrong amount-it's an individual thing.
However i think that it is possible for me to smoke too much of a particular type of weed. If i hit a particularly strong and lethargic indica for a few weeks it can leave me feeling a bit negative and low, youknow, a bit too introspective. The remedy isn't abstainence-it's Jack Herer-or Madsat-or SSH.

I don't think that the alcohol analogy is useful-it is a dangerous drug that can easily kill you if you take too much in one go.


original haze


Active member
i go through a oz of shwagg a week,give or take a day....with good buds i can get by with a 2 grams a day,

smoke when i wake up

smoke at 3 pm

smoke agian at 5-530 pm

then 9 pm

then if i have enough i'll smoke 11-12 am

then i always smoke at 1 am (for bed)

and then maybe if i have enough weed and i'm still up i'll smoke a small bowl at 3:00-3:30am

most of the bowls aren't filled to the top,but the 1 am,3pm,5pm bowls usely are.......

shit,i'm late for my 5 oclock,haha


Sneak attack critical
Fuck limits...

I smoke as much as I want to, and no amount of legalization legislation will change that. It's a personal issue, as some people I know can get baked off of one solid binger, where it'll take me three or four rips to get to a good spot...


The phrase "too much" in relation to a substance normally involves an overdose which I have been working on for 30 plus years,I'll keep you posted.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
maybe 2-3 joints a day maybe more..not every day tho. Running out of pot too fast dammit :D..

..I usually dont like smoking out of dry pieces so i think i need to get me a bong. Broke my last one.


I usually do a bag on the Volcano when my day is done, then maybe 1 or 2 nice rips on the Vapor Bros later on while reading a good book or playing a video game. I used to get high all the time but for the past couple of years I have found that the old saying "less is more" is quite true. When you're high all the time, it becomes something that you have to do just to feel normal. It got to the point where I wasn't even getting anything out of it.... and for me that sucked. Not taking anything away from the heavy users, everyone's different.

Which reminds me, it's time for that 'cano bag... : )


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It's more enjoyable after every tolerance break....

Have tried the 'wake & bake all day, all night' and soon found out it's pointless (for me). Sure it feels great to be high but there's just allday things I'm not accomplishing so well when stoned. I just ended a streak of three months of daily smoking, half a gram of self grown heavy indica in the evening and I was pretty down and passive over the last weeks... for me the best thing to aim at is twice a week. In good company.

My friends refuse to smoke anything that isnt mixed with tobacco so that kinda gets on the lungs. Theirs are probably too whacked up already to notice. Gotta get into vaping someday.


I sure feel like a dopefiend around all you lightweights.Not you mangled


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thcbound said:
You won't ever want to smoke again. Well, at least I dont.

you may be correct. in a way it's a bummer, if the vape isn't around... and i think i wouldn't carry it all over the place, especialyl a volcano.


Yellowmoon said:
you may be correct. in a way it's a bummer, if the vape isn't around... and i think i wouldn't carry it all over the place, especialyl a volcano.

Yeah you're right about that, portability is an issue, it also sucks when the power is out... but at least it's given me an excuse to not drive around with illegal substances in my car : )

Not that I've COMPLETELY given up smoking... I'll still take a hit or two in social situations like parties and whatnot... but now that my lungs are clean I definitely feel it the next day when I do smoke.. and to me vapor is soooo much better tasting than smoke I just don't enjoy the taste of smoke at all anymore... O well.

If you do get a vape and stick with it, your body will thank you for it.


Active member
I smoke personal bowls all day. I am talking bowls that are about the size of Airsoft pellets. I will have about one, maybe 2 per hour. I picked up $50 bag (probably 3.5 grams), it is about half gone now and it is been 2 days. But if I had a constant supply of my own stash, I will admit that I would probably make it into hash of some sort so I would use less of it to get the same effect, but I assure you that I would be puffing more than a gram or 2 a day.
There is always a point of too much... but who is to say that too much for George W. Bush is not too much for, me or vice versa. Ones needs may be dependant on MJ. It is NOT POSSIBLE TO OVERDOSE ON THC!!!! You cannot possibly imbibe the amount required to kill you.
People have said that how much is too much is based on your tolerance, needs and how well you function when high, and that is true.
But a better question might be, do you find that smoking, or more appropriately, being high, hinders you to a degree that you find or other would find unacceptable?
Some have posted that they're smoking from the time they get up to the time they go to bed, and an eighth of dank would last them a day or two at the most. Some have posted that they smoke one bowl a day or every other day, and an eighth of dank would last them over a month.

Probably a good percentage of the heavy smokers would say that their usage doesn't at all affect their ability to work, socialize and generally maintain their lives. And that is certainly possible.

BUT I would also like to know what these people do for a living, and whether they have families or not. Just would be interesting to see how well they're maintaining... Could you manage a high stress job and a family with multiple small ones, all while constantly blazing up? If you are, more kudos to you. :rasta:

And while marijuana is certainly less destructive than alcohol, I think we would all agree that there are certain tasks that you would prefer the doer to perform sober, such as:
1. Surgery
2. Piloting a plane
3. Operating heavy equipment
Taking this analogy further, would any of you agree that, even though you're handling life just fine at your current level of mj usage, do you think your life would improve if you cut back? Do you think you'd get more work done, more chores done, have more friends, be in better shape if you cut back on your usage?

I expect many of you to say no, absolutely not, but I'm just asking you to be honest with yourselves and think how your life would be if you smoked less frequently than you do now.


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oaktree said:
man dbuzz is a hater

why should someone just quit smoking if they only smoke once a week?

hater? no. i just think folks should smoke more than once a week. once a day is better. :puppydoge

on topic: how much is too much? that's simple...when it starts to affect your life in a negative way. just like anything esle.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
i agree that there should be a limit to anything, BUT that limit should be decided by the individual and not some "scientific board".

since the crop came in, i have been smokin in the mornin', afternoon and night. but i have started to cut back some.

i couldnt wait to have all that weed, and now that i have it, have passed most of it out, and still have more, i have to agree that too much of a good can be seen as a bad thing (please keep in mind i didnt say it is i said it "can be seen as" a bad thing!!!! lol)