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How much impact will a recession/depression have on the price of weed?


Common sense tells us that with less disposable income people will cut back on recreational activities. I don't know about elsewhere but where I live, our market is flooded with weed (more supply than demand), prices are a record low (good for the small guy, not so much for the guys doing it for a living.) Most of our stuff is going across the border, if the u.s economy takes a turn for the worst on the scale of the early 1990s recession, how will that effect cannabis prices?

Perhaps someone who've lived through the 1987 stock market crash and the recession thereafter can tell us what effect that had on the price of weed.


Active member
ive always found that is fares the same as booze...

...the more peeps make the more they spend on gettin fuked up

...the less they make they spend the same on gettin fuked up.

...it prolly wont change much.


Active member
i figure if enough people hit hard times and can't find work some people will turn to growing to support themselves. there will always be a market for it somewhere. look at eastern Kentucky. them folks been livin in poverty there whole lives and a lot of them got by with moonshine and now a lot of 'em get by with marijuana.


Active member
MDT said:
Common sense tells us that with less disposable income people will cut back on recreational activities.

I'd say that the opposite happens. Look at history - - - entertainment and recreation have always done fine, especially in hard times, regardless of how poor people are. If somebody wants to drink, they're going to drink, and if somebody wants to smoke weed, they're going to smoke weed, especially when they don't have shit. After hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, there was no shortage of people spending their govt checks on booze..........Look at WW II and the entertainment industry........Nope, the opposite happens........

:joint: :wave:


im sure most stoners would cut back on other recreational activities rather than the buying of herb ..
in my experience ive often noticed the hard times are the times folks wanna get out of it the most ...
given that it would be a shame to see the price rise , though we know humans will try to profit wherever they can , some folks anyhow ...
in the late 80 s and early 90 s in the southern part of australia cannabis was being sold for up to $750 an oz , around double the normal price ....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I agree w/all saying no effect at all or price going up as usual. Weed, booze, cigarettes, entertainment all recession proof. In the most trying times people cling to their vices.

When $$$'s tight folks will still need weed so bartering will kick in.
I don't sell weed but anyone who does will likely wind up with a lot of cars, motorcycles, boats, RVs, guns, 4 wheelers, snowmobiles etc in trade.......
i think it will increase the amount of growers significantly. so they can save their money for other things. if it really gets bad, you might have to turn your growroom into a food producer for winter time grub. youll have a little place in the corner of your growroom for a couple mj plants.


stone fool
It is a good time to try to help a med user if you know any, these times will be tough on folks, and some will not be able to afford meds. We can help by sharing what we can with the folks who need it. Karma is priceless.


Active member
prices will drop. I am sure that many other people have the exact same back up plan if our economy goes to shit. Do you think the feds will get away with spending thousands of dollars per hour on helicopters?
Haps: good point. I would love to be a part of a low/no cost medicine program.