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how much FloraNova in DWC?


Active member
hey slow and easy,

I used fnb under a 150 and a 400... I am not sure of the conversion factor on the ppm meter I use...

sounds to me like something else is going on with ur plants. when was the last time you changed or checked the airstones? how are the roots looking? is there any stem rot going on? how are the temps in ur buckets?

imo the symptoms you describe are indicative of lack of disolved O2 to the roots either from root rot, high res temps, or clogged airstones.

change out the airstones... move the air pumps out of the cab to a cool place (pumping cool air into ur buckets acts like a res chiller - pumping warm air from the grow space will heat ur res and warm water doesn't hold much O2)

clones from ur sick plants should be fine as long as it is not systemic (fusarium is a systemic type of rot that can transfer to the clones for example) then they should be healthy.


Active member
oh and in my experience too much fnb will produce tip burn ... so with a new strain I would push it up to the point I saw slight tip burn and then back off 50 ppm


Active member
Airstiones are new and temps in buckets are 62-70. Roots are blowing up and no rot at all. The only thing that was off ever was a low pH a couple weeks ago and low humidity, which both have been fixed.
PPMs went down last night 100 on all of them. This is frustrating, never had problems before using FNB. Need to get to the bottom of this! No tip burn at all. Problems leaves look rusty freckled, and one of them the new growth is clawing down a bit. Uped the pH to 5.8 ish incase of cal-mag def, but not doing any better!
Older leaves turn crispy and crumble easily. Need help fast! Thanks!!!


Active member
What kind of ppm meter were you using? Really do not think it was nute burn, no typical tip burn. It is like something is locked out. Where you using clones or seeds? 500 ppm was your max veg, what did you start at and how long did you veg? Just wondering if they are underfed.
Until the other day ppms never moved much.
Thanks again!!


Active member
I reread your thread in the Infirmary and I think your problems started when you began to feed your seedlings after nine days in veg. That's too soon to give nutes to seedlings. I had a similar problem with seedlings that I overwatered and nuted too soon. This is the thread: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=98239

I've followed the advice given and am now withholding nutes until week three for seedlings. Results are good so far. Clones are different and can take weak nutes right away.


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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 18

Thanks for your opinion, but you are comparing apples to oranges my friend. Dirt and DWC are wayyyyyyy different! You overwatered and fed with chicken shit. Been doing DWC for about 7 years without a problem. You can give a very very mild dose of nutes from the get go with DWC, but since using new nutes decided to wait until they started to yellow.
Do agree they have been screwed up from the start, but my guess is bad pH...meter went out and it was low for a week. Humidity was low for 3 weeks, but is now fixed. They show no signs of nute burn, rather a deficency. Highly doubtful the light dose burned them, but could be wrong...anything is possible. Thanks for giving your opinion!


Active member
Yeah Sugar, new strain. Never used FNB either, but suspect it was human error. One of 3 looks good, the others not so good. Did you do water addbacks and dump every so often or top off with nutes? What pH did you keep at? At a loss here too! Thanks!!


Sugar, I am deadset on using the Lucas Formula on my next grow in E&F setup. Here are my questions.

When using the FNB for both veg and flower, do I no longer have to incorporate the GHM into the equation?

Also, I read in this Thread I can't mix the FNB until I want to use it?

Hell I have a 55g resevoir, which wouldn't work in that scenario. I have allot of info on the Lucas Formula but I don't think it addresses the Nova line. I'll have to reread it when I get home.

I just want to use the Lucas Formula while maintainig organic intergrity. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thanx in Advance.

I used floranova bloom for veg and flower

500ppm (net) of the fnb for veg it has plenty of n

flower on a nine week strain would go something like this;
750 ~ 1000 strain dependent this is where I'd top out
750 ~ 1000

I also liked to run with striaght gh bloom added to and in place of the fnb later in the cycle as i found the fnb had too much n to get a good flush so something like this again for a 9 week strain

FNB GH Bloom
700 100 or more
700 150 or more
700 150 or more
300 250
200 250
0 150


Active member
Yeah Sugar, new strain. Never used FNB either, but suspect it was human error. One of 3 looks good, the others not so good. Did you do water addbacks and dump every so often or top off with nutes? What pH did you keep at? At a loss here too! Thanks!!

hmm... is it a blue strain by chance?

I had a blue thunder that would never grow right

I never went over 600ppm with this and she just wasn't happy

I tried again with a clone and never went above 400ppm and she looked like this

and yielded miserably


fwiw I changed out twice weekly cause I was using 2 gallon buckets and needed to.


Active member
No Sugar, NL. Those spots look familiar, but never had tip burn like that! Cant believe it that is very low ppm, and looks like burn. Did the PPM ever move up or down? Was that with FNB? Did you have success with other strains that low? Could it be too low and causing mulitple deficencies? Did you adjust pH alot, it could be the small 2 gallon buckets...but you prolly did fine with others in the same buckets.
Thanks alot for your info!!


Active member
let us see.....

nl, huh, suprising as that's supposed to be fairly easy to grow?

my ppm did rise - I think... never really checked, just dump and mixed fresh each week... ph started at 5.6 for flower 5.2-5.4 for veg.

yes that plant was with fnb ... never tried going that low with other strains... I would however doubt that too low could cause issues, except slow growth and light green leaves from lack of N

what was funny about that blue thunder was that I gave a cut to a friend and he did it in soil and said it did wonderfully. some plants just don't like hydro was my take away from that one.


Active member
Yeah thought NL was easy too. Started them at 5.2-5.4 in veg too, think that was too low...that is when they started spotting. Bumped it up to 5.8-6.0 and not much change. Not sure what to think. Gonna take clones and experiment. Not much else can do guess.

Skunk, how is it goin for you?



That's a bad calcium deficiency. Refer to previous linked chart for ph ranges and nute lock out. Also hit the infirmary. There is a sticky there with nice pictures and everything with regards to nutrient deficiencies.

I'd bump the ph to 5.9 and maybe even increase the ppms. Cut all affected leaves off and watch for improvement. Should take several days to see a change.


Yeah thought NL was easy too. Started them at 5.2-5.4 in veg too, think that was too low...that is when they started spotting. Bumped it up to 5.8-6.0 and not much change. Not sure what to think. Gonna take clones and experiment. Not much else can do guess.

Skunk, how is it goin for you?
all good here just back from a ban. my views on politics are a little to harsh i guess. anyways i'm about 10 days into veg things have been slow due to transplant shock from t-5 lights to 600 hps and i've had to bump up the N & P because there is not enough of it in the floranova bloom to be used for veg for my ladies. remember i'm using FNB as my veg nutrient. i read in the Cannabis Infirmary that you need more Potassium in veg to help with Nitrogen uptake. FN grow is 7-4-10 and FN bloom is 4-8-7. so i bumped it up with Dyna Gro Pro-Tekt 0-0-3.