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How much do you smoke in a month


Active member
Well when I first started smoking, I had a good income plus I was learning to/growing my own on a decent scale. So I always had bud, and bud grabbed me hard. I was smoking a bit more than 1/4 ounce a day. I would roll about (4) or (5) 1.0-1.2g blunts for myself. Take personal bong rips before bed, in the morning, before dinner etc. I would also roll for friends and smoke blunts rolled by friends as me and my roommates always had a couple friends over every night. So roughly eight or nine ounces a month.. It was a crazy year..

Now I smoke about 2g a day.. So roughly 2 oz per month. Unless I'm running dry between harvest (not too often), then you might see me on a budget of like 0.5-1.0g per day.
0.5g per day is actually somewhat impossible especially if its a long school day. But the fact that I attempt it keeps me at or under 1.0g. But thankfully my grows have been producing enough to keep me happy.


Kiss My Ring
3 grams a day, 21 a week, 84 a month. 330+ every cycle, not counting the green dragon or the olive oil, which is kinda hard to quantify.

then again i'm not counting either.


About 3oz a month. I'm 33, about 10 years ago i would have said 7-9 gm's per week or 1 to 1 & 1/2 oz per month, but it slowly creeps up over time, lol.

Actually i do mix tobacco with my herb, still smoke pretty green mixes though. I think everyone should write wether they use bacci or not because i have always said that i reckon i would smoke 1/2 as much weed if i didn't mix it with bacci - 1/2 of the time when i smoke a cone it's not because i want to get more stoned - i just want to rip a big bong, lol. But i can't smoke good weed straight, the lung expansion (or throat tickle as i call it) is to much. But a freind of mine who was very keen to get off the bacco found a legal herb called Blue Lotus Flower or Nymphea Cerulea and you can use it as a bacci replacement and it is flavourless so it deosn't ruin the taste of the weed like some other legal herbs that my friend tried. So i'll prob use Blue Lotus instead of bacci one of these days when i get around to it.

I just hope that the proposed anti-cancer properties of cannabis are enough to protect me from the small amount of that evil, evil tobacco that i smoke, lol.

One thing i realized recently is that the tobacco in a cigarette wieghs .6 gm's (here in Aus. anyway) so an average pack of 25 has 15 gms of bacci. So a pack a day smoker smokes over half an ounce of tobacco per day!!!!! Or 465 gm's per month - over a pound!!!



Try to ration myself to a gram/day except around when I'm harvesting or working a lot... then it jumps up about 50% probably.


Roughly an oz a month. :) Defiantly depends on the month though lol.

mr cheese

dam i need to cut down i think! on a good day 1/4 oz on a bad day 1/2 oz..... still cnt bloody sleep tho! seems the older i get the less sleep i need! ......mrc


May your race always be in your favor
2 or 3 oz generally speaking not counting concentrates or going out to a friends etc. Or as much as I need LOL!!!


Active member
1 ounce give or take a few grams

i've noticed that i smoke a lot more on non work days, so times like christmas when there are many days off i probably go through a bit more

also i smoke a lot more if i go out at night, the past few months i just haven't been going out, staying close to home, if i'm out i roll many joints and just bring those along, going through 2 ~ 3 ounces per month if i'm going out every weekend


14 grams of BHO
1 oz of Buds - about 1 large masson jar full.
30 to 60 eatables.

and sometimes more.


Active member
i do about 2-3 grams a day...so at 2.5g a day i smoke 2.6 ounces a month. [probably pushing 3 because i have many 3 gram + days....shit today probably chiefed a quarter...


Active member
here I've been thinking I smoked a lot... lol, but about a gram a day average. I smoke too much (but not enough).


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
between my sister and myself we prolly smoke 3-5gs a day. sure is nice to be self-sufficient :)


High Grade Specialist
wow you guys are hardcore!
i thought i was smoking much lol.

smoke maybe 1-2 grams on an average day. sth between 1 and 2 pounds a year.

El Toker

I find that I reach a saturation level on about 2g a day were I can't get any more stoned. Anything I consume beyond that is wasted.

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