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how much and where molassis


your input please

your input please

so i thought about it and came up with the idea if auto feeder injects it nutes via the filter fitting why not just add another for extra nutes such as molassis and canazyme. My question here is that when i turn up the molasis the EC of the nutes drops from 30 to 23 ish turn off the molassis and it goes back up ?? Should i swap over the molasis from before the nute or is there a reason the molasis effects the EC levels ?


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New member
using molasses in hydro is risky biz dude.
i would say you are much better off gettin some Floralicious or similar. Molasses is mainly used for soil grows, outdoor & in. ive heard of peeplz using it in their hydro setups and clogging their shit all up, gettin bacteria like crazy, and foaming all over the place.


yeh i was looking at that and black strap i just added some maple syrup as i had it in the pantry it has similar levels in it to molasses but will go to shops and get molasses as our local does not stock either of these.



Thanks as you can see in the new pic there are air stones in the nute tanks and they keep the nutes all mixed up seems to be working ok so far, ill keep it going and look out for blockages the leaves have now got a nice shine to them only after a few days on it time will tell.

PS thanks again.


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sorry jumped in too quick i see you only use it on flush, anyone please chime in on any details of molasses affecting EC levels.


Grow like nobody is watching
No, molasses will raise your EC. EC is measuring electrical conductivity of salts in the water and molasses has salts in it, thus it will raise the EC. When mixed at the recommended rates, mine raises by approx 0.1 ec but that will depend on the brand and how much sodium is on the label. I'm not aware that anything can lower your EC like you say except adding more water. You can't make that salt disappear, know what I mean?

Could it be that the molasses is so thick it interferes with the other dosers so they don't pump as much nutes in? I dunno... That's all I got. Looks great anyway.

Btw, flush is the one time I don't use molasses. Flush is to starve the plant, not feed it.


Thanks for the reply scrub ninga,

Yeh i know what you mean that's why im asking i have no explanation for it, i actually moved the nute and molasses injectors around the other way so nutes first then molasses (BTW im only using 1/4 strength molasses ATM) but it still lowers the EC ill keep an eye on the plants to see if they get any nute def, none at this stage only the leaves are nice and shiny and all looking healthy.


I forgot to ask you do you notice that your EC level drops when you add molasses ?

Are you saying it lowers your solutions EC Pre-feeding or that it lowers the EC in your res more than normal post feeding? Because it does cause your plants to take up more nutrients, quicker, with less chance of stress/burn/lockout issues. Blackstrap is amazing and cheap! :)


my res is non recirculating it is an auto doe feeder and when i put in molasses it drops the EC way before it sees the plants ? See picture of my res

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