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How many weeks to harvest?


New member
Sativa dominant plant..






Active member
It's pretty hard to say with the color bleached out. Can you adjust your white balance? I think that's what you do to get that HPS wash out of the picture. Or take pics when the light goes out.


I'm gonna call less than a month. Looks like about half the pistils present are new and half are old. As the new pistil growth slows, eventually down to nothing, you're pretty much there I'd say.

I *do* love me those heady Sativas.


Active member
I love sativas.

Yeah, that looks nearly done. Last stage for sure, but that could still mean weeks to go with a sativa. But that's your preference.


Active member
get a 30x magnifier, make sure the trichs are not clear anymore. I think you want around 80% cloudy and 20% amber if too amber then degradation has begun but if all clear its not done


Active member
Mostly cloudy is highest THC content. Amber means THC is no longer THC. When I see amber, I cut. Depends on your preference, but you need a loupe to tell. Looks like another week or two at most.


New member
I love sativas.

Yeah, that looks nearly done. Last stage for sure, but that could still mean weeks to go with a sativa. But that's your preference.

I had 6 plants, They were 12/12 from seed under 300w CFLs.. I got 250w HPS 10days ago. I harvested one of my plants which is indica dominant. It was %10 clear %80 milky %10 amber. I wish I wait more the high wasn't good. My other plants needs 2 more week I think but this sativa dominant plant need 3+ like u say. Thanks for your help :=)


New member
get a 30x magnifier, make sure the trichs are not clear anymore. I think you want around 80% cloudy and 20% amber if too amber then degradation has begun but if all clear its not done

Some people wait for %50 amber, which one u prefer to harvest %20 or %50 amber ?


Really I wouldn't even be looking at trichs looks like a while. But if you chop it tomorrow then I guess its done. I wouldn't of even thought to look at trichs based on the pictures doesn't even look close..I don't think you have to check trichs really it's nice to confirm but you can look at the plant and pretty well tell...I swear I can eyeball the trichs and when I check with the loupe I am usually right...yours look few and far between still flowering looks like you better settle down and be ready to ride it out but who knows ..


No its not exactly unheard of...the real question is are you prepared to take it there if need be. I've had a plant flower for 14weeks...it wasn't even a "pure sativa"..just a hybrid. Who knows you just have to wait and see good luck.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I would move passed seeing what the trichs are doing and instead focus on if the plant looks finished or not. New hairs to me mean more weight unless I run too long which can mean later hermies, the good thing though is late hermies usually do not mean seeds in any fashion.

I used to focus on trichs but ended up with loose buds and NOT dense stuff so I stopped stressing over the trichs and just watched them. Overtime you will be able to tell when they are how you like them done and not need any microscopes or radioshack scopes etc.


Couldnt agree more. except i always watch my trichs. I harvest when she looks ready though.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
The first pictures look like 3-5 weeks left. I think you would be a little disappointed if you took it now. It would be wispy and leave you with a hay smelling weed. Sativas can be a little deceptive as to when to harvest by just looking at trichome development. I also focus more on bud development as when to harvest MJ. Ready to harvest weed has a dinstinct look to it. The calyx are swollen and the gland heads are full looking. It doesn't require magnification. There is a white look to the bud.

I would also suggest taking lots of pictures so you can study the development of the plant. Of course post the best one's but take lots of pictures. You might also want to look in the ACE sub-forum for some pics of ready to harvest sativas.

You are doing a good job with it just let it grow a little longer.


8 weeks ? now its 7,5 weeks in flowering +8 it will be 15,5 weeks isnt that much?
I called a month out, however, I've run strains that take 16 weeks to finish properly. You really don't want to take a strong Sativa too early, unless you really like paranoid highs. That's why it's important not to take a Sat until the clear trichomes have at least gone as close to all cloudy as possible.

Trichome coloration/maturation is only one measure to gauge doneness. I use other measures/metrics as well.

Pistils--popping new pistils all over the place, or have they slowed down significantly?
Bananas--the later into flowering it gets the more likely a girl is to throw them. No big deal, pluck and spritz and you're golden.
Bud development--are they still stacking/building, or has bud development slowed down significantly?

Specifically for Sativas, I go for more amber trichomes if possible due to the reason I mentioned above. I don't know anyone who likes a paranoid high, and for me that is actually a depression-type of high, lots of bad thoughts, lots of downer thoughts, that sort of thing. No bueno!

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