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How many weeks till signs show for male of female?

theyve been under 18/6 for a week and a half now. theyre coming up pretty good, really green and the stems are getting thick and firm more and more every day. just wondering how long until first signs of gender start to show?


Active member
you need to flip-m 12 x 12, they need shorter days then night, then they will show sex in 10 to 20 days dependent upon strain.
what are you growing an how?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
18/6 is VEG lighting used to PREVENT flowers (autoflowers excepted)

12/12 is standard FLOWER lighting. However, note that 12 hours of dark are NOT required for the vast majority of plants to flower, it's just the simplest "one size fits all-works every time" solution.

The second your plant exits the seedling stage it tries to flower but, the flower hormones are allergic to light. They build all night, and die during the day. When days get shorter and night gets longer, there's no longer enough light to kill them all. The hormones build and build until they hit critical mass and... Voìla! Flowers.

Under 12/12, 2-3 weeks should show you what's up.
thanks everyone for your help, I'm growing in a micro box but freezerboy we want flowering to happen yea? veg stage is where I'm at now correct?


weed fiend
This one took ~10 weeks (I stopped counting) to preflower. Males of the same strain showed ~week 6.

green crack mom x tangerine haze pollen.


Throw haze in the mix and you get anything but typical.:)


Weed Cannasaur
My current 12\12 from seed took a tad over a month for most plants to show sex.
So I would add - probably not less than a month no matter what light regime you choose.