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how many REAL friends do you have???

everyone saying they have 20 "real" friends, obviously have not been in trouble with them before...LOL....I have a few friends that i can count on almost anytime....They would NEVEr rat me out, but only 1 friend I trust with my life, and thats me wife. PERIOD!

But if we are counting facebook, then I have almost 500 friends.....lol.
Money problems and the shitty economy has really fucked up alot of generally good people and made them highly untrustworthy because with desperate times come desperate actions.

Unfortunately I do not trust really anyone other than maybe 2 or 3 people in my life and the rest are all fucking suspect. Friends you can really trust are very hard to come by and as far as I see it unless I grew up with you or we are family then you are kept at a distance, that's just the way it is. :joint:

No doubt.....


Active member
1 true friend. been inseperable for almost 20 years. been through things you see in the movies, and never did each other dirty. but damn is he bad with money...


Well-known member
I shake a lot of hands but, I don't have a lot of friends. True friends that is.

I have 5 close friends outside my family.

We have all known each other for 30+ years and we have what we call a closed circle. We have a standing pact that "NO ONE" is allowed in the circle, which we all have respected for many years now.

The closed circle keeps our personal lives, business, and family's safe & free from other peoples drama & babble.

On occasion, we allow others to visit, party, and play on the circle's perimeter, however, no one ever gets in!



there's nothing such as real friends only your family members will go thru whatever on this earth for you, those are your real friends
I couldn't disagree more. I wouldn't trust most of my family for anything, and wouldn't trust some of them for anything.

Luckily, I got to choose my friend. Much better than the unfortunate accident of being born to a particular set of parents.



Freedom Fighter
everyone saying they have 20 "real" friends, obviously have not been in trouble with them before...LOL....I have a few friends that i can count on almost anytime....They would NEVEr rat me out, but only 1 friend I trust with my life, and thats me wife. PERIOD!

But if we are counting facebook, then I have almost 500 friends.....lol.

Since I am the only one that said that...you should talk direct--:tiphat:
Sorry that you have only 1 friend that you trust-- Don't hate because some have more..that is just tacky--
Do you think I would just say this shit in a Forum because I like to lie?? My friends are Tried and True-- I was just answering a Thread man--
I have been in State Prison 12 times...trust me, I know what "Real" is--
I have a good dog and a girl friend. Somehow, someway she will find a better deal or just get pissed at me and take a lesser deal, still ultimately gone one day. My band mates are supposed to be friends, but they squabble like a pen a hens. We only appear to be friends when on stage. So I guess that leaves me a dog. He won't make some dramatic scene and make me out to be the arse just to justify his next climb the way a wench would.


everyone saying they have 20 "real" friends, obviously have not been in trouble with them before...LOL....I have a few friends that i can count on almost anytime....They would NEVEr rat me out, but only 1 friend I trust with my life, and thats me wife. PERIOD!

But if we are counting facebook, then I have almost 500 friends.....lol.

That my friend counts them out as REAL friends...if you can't count on their ass every fucking time....then :wave:

As for me, i have 2 friends that i've know longer then some of my brothers have been on this earth. I have another 2 whom i met in college. One of those 2 is my woman, since college, till this very day (she said whats up to ICMAG by the way...lol). All 4 of them i'd literally give my life for...and i KNOW they'd do the same for me no questions asked!!!

Classic Seeds

ive got 8 anytime anything anywhere friends and when you have that one is more than enough and any gathering is problem solved and to have friends like that you have to be one aloha


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
now that we mentioned family, thats where i have 0. not 0 family members but 0 that i would trust or that would help me. hell, if my sister ever won the lottery i would have to move away before she could find a competent hitman.....


Active member
i grew up being neighbors with these brothers they got my back no matter what, i got theirs too, and i got people i play sports with that are lifelong friends also but most have busy lives now and dont smoke anymore so i see 'em like once every month or so.

Panama Red

Active member

M'Lady and my dog.

Smith, Wesson, Heckler and Koch.

3 blood relatives.

My lawyer/accountant/brothafromanothamotha.

A timber rattler that showed up in April <---No more tequila for him, OK?


Active member
id say 4

id say 4

Id say 4 solid friends long term 30 yrs plus 2 of which i did time with and all 4 have done time for growing'


About 6 not including my wife. Funny thing is , only one smokes weed. They all know I use cannabis and most think its risky behavior.


How could I forget my brother? , he hates weed, but he has got my back and would rather cut his own throat than do me wrong.