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How many pot smokers out of 100....


How many pot smokers out of 100 do you think grow pot? I mean, when it's so easy to grow top stuff in a closet these days, who is gonna pay 500 an ounce for crap next to the stuff you grow yourself for free?
I really wonder how many of the people around where I live who I know smoke pot, grow it too. I hope I'm not the only one the pot penalties are terrible where I live. Hope there not just looking for me, hope I have friends
Um, I seriously hope you don't pay $500 per ounce no matter what. If you want my guess, I'd say probably only 1 out of a hundred smokers actually grows. If everyone grew, who would be buying it?!


really, you think only 1 or 2 percent? man, it needs to be a lot higher or they will never change the laws. I thought 1 in 30 maybe. How can more people not be growing? for the cost of an ounce you can be growing. you can get the stuff at Lowes. what more do people want?


stone fool
Yes, less than one percent really, citizens are afraid, with good reason. We need to vote, to at least try to get a change.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
with the internet readily available to many, along with the other various forms of pro-marijuana media outlets, i believe that the number of marijuana producers/cultivators, on small or large scales, is on the rise.

15 years ago, growers WISH they had the resources we had today - the internet definitely will have an effect on our world - for good or bad.

invest in weed.


Well-known member
The main reason people get caught is because they tell someone they are growing. And once the cat is out of the bag....

I'm going to guess that in the UK it's between 3-7%. Lots try and grow it without knowing what they are doing and inevitably fail - but strains like Lowryder are making it more and more idiot proof.

And most dealers are scum who everyone really wants to avoid, so it's their only alternative.


Custom User Title
Well let's see... I know about a dozen smokers that I'm friends with, and about 1/3 of them have grown in the past. They all failed, one got busted. I'd be real curious to see how many smokers have attempted growing, and how many have had successful grows.


yea i guess i'm talking about people who grow pretty much all year. but man with cheap hps lights and cfl's you would think it would be 5 out of 100 who grow.


Active member
a lot of people simply dont realize how incredibly easy it is to grow a personal supply . i agree that the internet is changing that. it took me all of about 10 seconds to find my first on-line grow forum. until then, i had never (knowingly) conversed with a grower, and would have had no clue how to go about flowering, cloning, trimming, curing, etc.


Active member
Things must be different here, it's gotta be more than that 'cuz in BC, cannabis has surpassed forestry as the biggest industry in BC. Ontario is a close second. There are more ppl that do this, especially in personal amounts than we think...:rasta:



Active member
Count me...

Count me...

as a smoker who tried to grow. Was pretty successful. Didnt cure the end product correctly so not as good as it should have been. I cant grow now cause I have a babysitter home when I am not here and living in an apt there really isnt any place to conceal. I guess I could try outside but I need to grow my balls a little bigger. Sucks because I really cant afford to pay for the green any more. Maybe once or twice a month and it doesnt last a whole month between my wife and I. Actually it doesnt last a week. Oh well when the kids grow up I will try again. Until then I got to pay these rediculous prices that my friends charge me cause they say that is what they got it for. :nono: :rant: :joint: :smoweed:


+1 on the difference the Internet must be making. 20 years ago when I first tried growing I only knew what was recently printed in High Times. Now I have abundant high quality, anonymous information and advice, and high quality seeds from Europe and Canada. This time around I've been much more successful.

How many pot smokers out of 100 grow? who knows? I'm a personal use grower, and no one (besides wife) even knows I'm a user...


Custom User Title
Of those arrested in 2007, 89 percent - some 775,000 Americans -- were charged with simple pot possession, not trafficking, cultivation, or sale. (By comparison, 27 percent of those arrested for heroin and cocaine offenses were charged with sales.) Three out of four were under age 30; one in four were 18-years-old or younger.

Saw this from an article in another thread. So let's say 11% of smokers are involved in the selling and/or cultivation. Out of all the people that sell bud to more than a friend or two, how many of them are growing? Must be a pretty small number in the big picture.


i've been thinkin its more like 1 in a 1000...and 1 in 10,000 grows true dank.


Horse-toothed Jackass
I think the percentage who have TRIED to grow is much higher than the percentage who grows SUCCESSFULLY. In fact, I would say that a good portion of stoners, maybe even close to 50%, have TRIED to grow in their lifetime (this assumption is based on my own friends). All you really need is your own place/privacy.
However, the percentage of people who were successful at it and continue to do it is much lower, less than 5% of smokers, maybe 1 or 2%. I know that a fair number of my friends have tried it but failed for some reason or other (crappy growing conditions, bag seed genetics, aborted grows because of security leaks, etc).
I think though that the percentage of smokers who grow is probably higher in a medical state, just because it's legal there. :joint:


i agree with baba 100% i think every stoner has thought man its easy just throw my seeds off the porch it will grow...lol good call