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How many of your guys and gals do not have health or dental insurance?

How many of your guys and gals do not have health or dental insurance?

  • Yes, Health insurance only

    Votes: 17 20.0%
  • Yes, Dental insurance only

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Yes, I have both Health and Dental insurance

    Votes: 19 22.4%
  • No, I am uninsured :(

    Votes: 47 55.3%

  • Total voters
I have medical insurance and that's all good.

I think Dental coverage is a scam. At least the plans I had. The maximum allowed benefit for the year is just a little less than the premium for the year.

That's all well and good if you have an employer paying the premium. But, it makes NO sense if your'e paying the premium yourself.

I don't understand how in the heck they call that insurance???


ICMag Donor

sure they're friendly

as long as they are not one of the kidnappers or various other crooks (police included)

the price of a ticket + 400$ won't it be more expensive then any work ?

you guys pay 2000$+ for dentist work ?

Last time i went i hadn't been to the dentist in 12-15 yrs.I had
2 root canals,2 implant post and crowns .2 tooth extractions,fillings recolored to white,LAb work and xrays.And a bridge installed all for $1200 bucks.I shutter to think of the bill i would have gotten here,Prob around 4 to $7000 bucks...


Active member
fuck no
If something happens to me let those fine tax-paying baby boomers that let this country go down the shitter pay for it.


Nothing pisses me off more then health insurance BS! Currently no coverage , even when I did have it , I couldn't afford to pay deductibles or extras for PT , etc . SO it was basically useless anyway .

If anyone needs dental , you can get coverage through AAA if your a member . Really cheap too , comparable to group plan offerings. Signup is quarterly


<---No insurance, health or dental.

I try to take good preventative care of my self, eat a good diet, vitamins, fish oil, sleep, lots of exercise, keep it organic when ever possible, no cigs and not much beer or booze and take care of myself when I get sick. It's worked out ok this far :::knock on wood:::

I haven't been to the dentist or had dental insurance in almost 10 years, but I'm pushing 30 and have never had a cavity or any other dental issues, I just stay away from soda, floss and brush real good.

The insurance industry is a blood sucking vampire, just think if you could be responsible and save the hundred $ a week in a bank account and use it when you actually need it would cost you way less if you're healthy. 100 x 52 = 5200, if you go to the doctor a few times a year and only get a few scripts thats maybe $1000 and you could pocket 4200. But this only works if you are a healthy person and responsible enough to save your money and not waste it.

For someone like me that only gets sick maybe once a year the insurance companies are pocketing all of that money and providing me with nothing.

Useful Idiot

Active member
yes I have both through my state...they give you a list of insurance companies and you review what each one offers and then you pick it. In my state you have to have insurance or they charge you like $500 on your tax return as a penalty.
So I get mine for free - it's like welfare insurance, but you pick an actual insurance company...so I did that for medical and dental and the medical is exceptional and I pay jack shit - I'm paying nothing for coverage a CEO would have - specialists, an awesome physician,pay like $1 for prescriptions, no copay on office visits or ER or anything at all. The dental on the other hand is SHIT - cleanings and abstractions only, they don't do braces or whitening or even crowns.
OK you caught me at a bad fuckin time. I have been seein ya trolling around in some threads sayin how you get this that and the other for free.Are ya disabled?? If ya are I apoligize in advance, BUT I think I got ya figured out overtime. Really?? or are ya just a fucking lazy piece of shit??? Really what is your deal?? I think it's funny how you refer to a tax return...when in another thread of MINE you talk about how you get lots of money from the Govt and make fun of workin folks tryin to get by.Do you actually get more of OUR $$ at tax time ??? How do ya file??? If you are actually doing what you say you are doing, you are the part of our problem. What is your disability??? I think I speak for lots of folks who WORK and get annoyed by folks like YOU!!! I HAVE NEVER SEEN AN HONESTLY DISABLED PERSON ON ICMAG FLAUNTING WHAT THEY GET FOR FREE!!!! AND I NEVER WILL AGAIN!!! UNLESS I READ ANOTHER 1 OF YOUR POSTS.I guess I will eat my fried bologna sandwich,and prepare for bed. Enjoy your meal that WE are providing for you, I bet it's better than what i'm having.
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Useful Idiot

Active member
Also Peroxide, did you you notice how your response just did not seem to fit in with the workin folks posts??? Read the thread again.

h^2 O

Fact: the system is corrupt, destroyed, manipulated and the current organization of our country will eventually collapse if if is not fixed.
I'm a veteran.
I say, what the fuck - if people are coming in from other countries and having "anchor babies" and getting housing, money and food benefits, why shouldn't I, a citizen be entitled to the same benefits?
Yes, I am disabled. And check this out - I get $900 a month. Plus $200 for food. That's $1,100 a month. I can also earn up to $1,200 a month. If I work for $300 a week part-time, I'd have hardly any taxes taken out and I'd be getting roughly $2,300 in my hands every month. Now, if I worked some office job and got paid $35,000 a year, I'd be taking in about $670 a week. After taxes probably like $525. Now go back to the $2,300 a month number I'd be working with if I worked just to earn $300 a week...I'd be getting about $575 a week. It PAYS to NOT get a job.
I will continue to not get a real job until I can either make money selling my own work or getting a job that pays considerably more than $35,000 a year. Plus I have property coming into my name, so I can just really chill.
I'm also on a list for a "renter's choice" housing voucher from a Section 8 program - I get a voucher to move anywhere in the US. I would have to pay 30% no more no less towards housing - and that includes heat,electricity, phone. I'm thinking of Northern California or Hawaii. I'd get a place that was rent to own by the owner, make it so the checks from the government go to him or her, and it pays off the property until I own it. Could find something for like $50,000 easily...a trailer on 10+ acres or a small house.

Useful Idiot

Active member
Fact: the system is corrupt, destroyed, manipulated and the current organization of our country will eventually collapse if if is not fixed.
I'm a veteran.
I say, what the fuck - if people are coming in from other countries and having "anchor babies" and getting housing, money and food benefits, why shouldn't I, a citizen be entitled to the same benefits?
Yes, I am disabled. And check this out - I get $900 a month. Plus $200 for food. That's $1,100 a month. I can also earn up to $1,200 a month. If I work for $300 a week part-time, I'd have hardly any taxes taken out and I'd be getting roughly $2,300 in my hands every month. Now, if I worked some office job and got paid $35,000 a year, I'd be taking in about $670 a week. After taxes probably like $525. Now go back to the $2,300 a month number I'd be working with if I worked just to earn $300 a week...I'd be getting about $575 a week. It PAYS to NOT get a job.
I will continue to not get a real job until I can either make money selling my own work or getting a job that pays considerably more than $35,000 a year. Plus I have property coming into my name, so I can just really chill.
I honestly have a hard time believin the veteran shit. READ YOUR OWN POSTS!! COME CLEAN!!! TRUE Veterans do not act like you!!!

Useful Idiot

Active member
h^2 O;47518 I'm also on a list for a "renter's choice" housing voucher from a Section 8 program - I get a voucher to move anywhere in the US. I would have to pay 30% no more no less towards housing - and that includes heat said:
Well I wish you the best. I just pray that wherever section 8 helps you to move to,there is no internet access.


Active member
Wow, really "entitled"

"it pays to not work" Really? If can work you SHOULD work. You should feel good about earning a living, even if it is a modest living.

disability is for those who are unable to work. Not for those who just CHOOSE not to work. If you are able to work, you work, even if it means taking a paycut. Otherwise, you are cheating the system, and stealing from us taxpayers. You are playing a large roll in driving country into the ground.

It's people like you that make me wish we could get rid of all "welfare" type programs. We, as a country can not afford to pay for people who truly need it, much less those who are cheating the system.

h^2 O

embrace creativity and happiness, that's all that matters


Active member
embrace creativity and happiness, that's all that matters

I agree, but do it with your own money. I work, pay taxes, and struggle to pay my mortgage. I am upside down, but not walking away like many others. Why? Because I made a promise to pay. And while my wife and I work our tails off to feed our family, and put a roof over our heads. You get to "embrace creativity and happiness". How can you live with yourself?

Useful Idiot

Active member
I'm also on a list for a "renter's choice" housing voucher from a Section 8 program - I get a voucher to move anywhere in the US. I would have to pay 30% no more no less towards housing - and that includes heat,electricity, phone. I'm thinking of Northern California or Hawaii. I'd get a place that was rent to own by the owner, make it so the checks from the government go to him or her, and it pays off the property until I own it. Could find something for like $50,000 easily...a trailer on 10+ acres or a small house.
Well Peroxide...I wish ya the best, I will NOT hijack this threat to argue with ya. BUT... I hope wherever our tax $$$ helps you move to,I can only PRAY there is no internet access.


Active member
Oh, I have good health ins., no dental. I pay $120 a month to insure myself, I will be adding the rest of my family and when I do I will be paying $500 month. Cost is kind of high, but it is good coverage.


Active member
I never said it was his fault. I'm just expressing how frustrating it is, as a tax paying citizen, to support someone elses lazy ass. I've been growing weed since back in the OG days. But since the kids came along, I just can't risk running a big show. I also wouldn't quite say I am broke, but I have worked my ass of for everything I have. I don't feel like anybody owes me anything. If I want something I work hard, save my money, and EARN it. Something the citizens of this country USED to pride themselves on.

Useful Idiot

Active member
Oh, I have good health ins., no dental. I pay $120 a month to insure myself, I will be adding the rest of my family and when I do I will be paying $500 month. Cost is kind of high, but it is good coverage.
Yeah I hear ya man. I wanted coverage for my wife an daughter, I was wanting to exclude myself due to cost,they would not let me do it. My wife and daughter is my top priority. Maybe I should just stop workin and get disability. NOT!! I will continue to work....even with issues that would deem me disabled, WHY?? Because I can still WORK. Shit ,I would not be able to sit at home all day.:tiphat:


Active member
I have 9 herniated discs, DDD, and spondylosis type arthritis of the spine. I am in pain everyday. I could be in pain at home, or I can be in pain at work. I've never even considered the former.

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