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how many laws and regs are really fukin necessary????


Active member
for every thing they make "legal"...they surround it w/ five to a million new laws....ftw!!!


Assuming you're from the US, I agree. We have more damn complex laws and unnecessary regulations than are necessary...somewhere along the way "keep it simple, stupid" was lost. I think the perception is though, that most people are ignorant and can't make decisions on their own and must be guided for life by Father Government


Governments are scared of things they can't regulate/control/profit from. If it doesn't fall under one of those categories it's either illegal or something they want to criminalize.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
its simple business strategy for the top among the business....

pass law make legal pass redicoulous regulations so you root out all your competition then you own the state... pretty simple... plus you have the anti MJ movement working with this guy so all there efforts and backing supports these regulations too... also the "scared" MJ people as well... o yea and the government....


Active member
The Love of money is the root of many laws. We need no cannabis growing or possession laws . Maybe rules on where to smoke or age of consumption laws. [I have more than one legal plant on my property that can kill you if consumed ,why no laws against that? ]


The Love of money is the root of many laws. We need no cannabis growing or possession laws . Maybe rules on where to smoke or age of consumption laws. [I have more than one legal plant on my property that can kill you if consumed ,why no laws against that? ]

It mostly has to do with "inertia". The cannabis laws have been on the books for so long, that no one alive today remembers it being any different. That's why the change is so hard, even for those who want it. Humans tend to resist change. Completely erasing the laws overnight would be like all of a sudden building cars with the steering wheels on the right side and driving on the left side. Even though it's a perfectly doable concept (England, etc), mass chaos would ensue.


I can sum it up in 1 word LAWYER ! After all isn't it them that are running this country. ? Just look at how many politicians are either 1 or tied into them 1 way or the other.


Active member
Three laws.

Don't hurt other people.
Don't hurt other people's property.
Don't use fraud in your contracts.

That's it folks. Check out how to implement the solution locally before it is too late.
Look up Schaeffer Cox and the Solution on YouTube

The current American govt is coming to an end. Set up your local solution on the side while you still can. :jump:

Oh yeah and uh.... the American dollar will soon lose its status as the world reserve currency. I mean REALLY soon. If you have any clue what that means you'll understand how soon the shit is going to hit the fan. :jump:


Active member
Three laws.

Don't hurt other people.
Don't hurt other people's property.
Don't use fraud in your contracts.

That's it folks. Check out how to implement the solution locally before it is too late.
Look up Schaeffer Cox and the Solution on YouTube

The current American govt is coming to an end. Set up your local solution on the side while you still can. :jump:

Oh yeah and uh.... the American dollar will soon lose its status as the world reserve currency. I mean REALLY soon. If you have any clue what that means you'll understand how soon the shit is going to hit the fan. :jump:

good lookin out dawg!!





Three laws.

Don't hurt other people.
Don't hurt other people's property.
Don't use fraud in your contracts.

That's it folks. Check out how to implement the solution locally before it is too late.
Look up Schaeffer Cox and the Solution on YouTube

The current American govt is coming to an end. Set up your local solution on the side while you still can. :jump:

Oh yeah and uh.... the American dollar will soon lose its status as the world reserve currency. I mean REALLY soon. If you have any clue what that means you'll understand how soon the shit is going to hit the fan. :jump:

Amen! And I'm not even Christian, I'm Buddhist. :ying:

THX for the link. And the economic warning. :)

Of course, what we will hear from "our" politicians is that "Nobody could have seen this coming"©Part_III, lying sacks of shit that they are. They have been preparing for such an economic tsunami for years -- domestic spying, rise of the Police State, and martial law.:moon:

I think we need some more animal and insect control laws, personally.

Donkeys should not be allowed to run for Congress.
Pigs should not be allowed to carry guns.
Chickens should never be put in control of the Military.
Maggots should not be allowed to work for TSA


Well-known member
I was watching the news about Marijuana being legalized during the voting ballots and some Blond bimbo from L.A on the news was worried about what if they start to legalized Marijuana are they going to legalize prostitution too?

Marijuana has nothing to do with prostitution.What a blonde turd.
Her Shi*t Stinks.Dumb as a Doorknob dumb.

It's medical weed ! and tell that to 79,000 Dead Alcohol drivers and dead abusers last year in the United states. If they only went to medical weed.