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How many here actually stay up til midnight?


Its the first ??? shit I thought today was Sunday...
So I guess that means for me Im in the stayed up catagory,, but I was just sitting here in the hut probably reading the joke thread(im on page 91) defiantly taking some bong hits,,but if you guys say its the year new all ready I'll just have to go with ya on this one

Ahhh,,, the pleasures and draw backs of not needing to know what day it is,,, or what time it is... :pirate:


Lover of Life
fell asleep before midnight...I tried to stay up but I was down and out....where's the bong?, super early here now...might as well get a head start on the day then and take the vitamins and drink some orange juice and kick it into low gear


I fell asleep. I got froggy when I heard about this event with fireworks down in Old Sacramento, thought, "Hey...! Maybe we can do that!" By the third glass of wine during one seriously fan-fucking-tastic dinner, I knew there was no way. I tried to take a nap, but my timing was really off so I had to have a cafe con leche to wake myself up later in the afternoon.
I do stay up, but I don't make a big deal out of it. Earlier this evening (it's 19:40 here) I drank two cups of Monk's, a black tea, and I don't feel sleepy at all. SeaMaiden, I think I know how you feel about staying up late, because I've never been a night owl. Usually, I get very sleepy around 22:30 to 23:00.
There are times when I feel like I'm ready for bed by 7pm. What is that in 24hr time?
Usually only if there is a really good/special party will I bother. Sometimes I can be bugged into a house party. I've had too much fun and become desensitized, I'm jaded and like to chill. To me its just another day, I also stopped doing the birthday thing at age 12.

I am all about some fireworks though.
I'm afraid to light 'em myself (phobic about being burned), but I love good fireworks shows, which was why I wanted to try to get out to Sac. I'm such a sleepyhead.
Surprised to see some of the comments in this thread. Some sad stuff,some really entertaining and hilarious.
Spending this year at home with the girl friend and dog relaxing by the fire. New Years is a time to reflect on the past year and hope for health and happiness in the New Year.
2012 was kind of a fucked up year for me personally. There were times I never thought I'd see 2013.
Cheers to all you guys on IC mag,wishing you all a happy and healthy new year with lots of great organic herb to enjoy.


I hear that, and have been praying for some of this to let up. 2012 has been an incredibly difficult, trying year for me personally as well. Lost more friends than I ever expected to, and in ways that... well, I lost friends, lost a lot this year. I still have most of my health, if not a little banged up and showing some wear & tear.

One thing for sure, all this stuff that's happened has made me so grateful for those I have in my life. I give thanks for them.

:thank you:


Professor Organic Psychology


When I posted that I didn't know about the shoot-out in Old Sacramento, and I had the bright idea late yesterday afternoon of going down there to see the fireworks show and street scene thing. But, by the third glass of wine during dinner I knew I was not going to make an hour+'s drive out there (let alone *back*) and do much walking around. So we came home, and it turns out that that was the best decision!

Thanks for sharing, that looks like it was a lot of fun. :)

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