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How many do I need?


I have a 1000W MH and 8 x 10 room. I have big bud, White Widow, Jock Horror, NL X Big Bud.

I need about an ounce a week.

If I grow 12 hrs@ 1000W and then supplement the other 12 with CFL's during veg and then switch to a 1000W HPS and CFLS for 12 hrs a day will this work and how many plants would I need?

i figure to veg for 30 days then flower for 60 or so.

I also want to keep the cycle going...does anyone have a schedule or system they could pass on about how to do this?

I guess you just have to experiment and see how the crop does then clone some every couple weeks...

get a veg room and a flowering room going....

any ideas or comments?


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Well when your first starting up there are two ways to go about it. Smaller cycles with more frequent, but smaller harvests (every two weeks). Or a larger cycle every 30 or 40 days pull in more bud. Really you get the same amount of bud.

You say you want an ounce a week and you have a 1000 watt light? I mean if that is all you need you can take clones from your mom about 40 days before the original plants finish flowering that will give you rooting + 30 days veg time and eventually if dialed and all conditions correct you should be easily yielding enough to have an ounce a week.

I assume you mean an ounce a week until the next harvest so the next harvest will be roughly 3 months after the lasts which includes a min. 30 day cure (+ 60 days flower) which is around 12 ounces, you will probably get a lot more that that. You could even clone before flower and veg as big as you can and pull more.

Or the more frequent pulls which would require say twenty plants pulling two every weekend, and at the same time take two clones from the veg chamber and stick in flower. The whole cycle would take around 70 days so the most recent plants put in are 70 days away form being the most mature ready to harvest plants.In this instance you would need to take into account the amount of time each clone takes to root. This would obviously be a SOG set up and not much if any veg time will be required at a price: problem with doing this is its a lot of work and you have a lot of plants at all stages at all times.

Any way you work it if an ounce a week is all you want and you are going to have a flo veg and flower room with a 1000 watt, the cycle can really be spaced out that should be easy to pull no matter how you do it.

If your talking about like an ounce of bud being done curing week after week would be a lot more complicated. Unless your on some kind of schedual jsut do a spaced out cycle.
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Active member
you should really get into cloning your favourite quickish finishing female plants if you want to grow as much as fast as possible.
you can do a bunch at once or you can add some every week. it depends if you need to harvest an oz a week or can wait for a big harvest every 2months which will last you untill the next one..


kinderfeld-thanks very much, that was actually very helpful...i did not consider all of what you pointed out until now..i will definitely chew on this info..

smokey- right on- that is what i did last time...i had a white widow that would finish at 45 days...i crossed it with a moroc x afghani that i am germing right now...last time i had a thai x haze x skunk mother that grew like a rocket..you could not slow it down, i was taking 20 clones or more a week and lst'd one of the clones just to make other clones...then i had to move...but i have some seeds..

i figure the perpetual clone-veg-flower-harvest routine with quick turn arounds..


i have also been looking at some guerilla gold and some other auto-flowering strains...

i would like to find the best, earliest strain around right now and i heard it was guerilla gold..

thanks again for the feedback..



This is the money you could be saving if you grow
If you think about it, if you start one plant every week, once you start harvesting, the finished plants should be about a week apart. It's juat going to take at least 90 days to get the production line moving.