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How long to let Gumby sit/settle



I have two buckets of extract sitting on chairs.
First has been sitting 3.5 hrs, second about 1hr.

I can siphon now +4hrs or wait overnight.
I have not been able to find (search) what is the accepted time.
Only this:
Chiefsmokingbud said:
waiting 4 hours for the heads to settle is laughable.
NOKUY said:
....also wont let it sit in the bath for 4 hours.

What are the pro's and cons here.
This is my first time today.


Active member
I sugest Ya pour both of them bukkits threw a perminent coffee filter. Syphonem both down to a more managable level and pourem threw a permanent coffe filter. Theyre ready to syphon down in a half hour tops. Just save the water if Your concerned. @0 minits to a half hour is fine tho for most Herbs. Like I said save your water if your concerned. But shurly syphonem both down to a more managable level and pourem threw a permanent coffee folter and get that shitt outta your trichs befrore you do a final syphonin down to the trichs. When Ya get down to the trichs, take a credit card and scrape a li'l landin pad in the bottom of your shallo pyrex that ya now got your trichs in. Syphon over this trichome bare aria till Ya cant get no more water without syphonin up any trichs. Then evaporate the rest of the water by puttin the lasania pan in fronta a heater of somethin. Works real good and Youl be real pleased with the results Ya get when Ya strain out somma the crap from Your final product with a perminent coffee filter. You'l be glad Ya did. I got 21 g of frosty bud trim and popcorn bud freezin up in my freezer rite now gettin ready to go like this. I bet I wind up with bout close to 2 g of some realy fine Hash!




Thanks for the reply's guys. I went ahead and started siphoning about 30 minutes after I posted.

I siphoned the bottom layer into a 1 gallon pitcher to let it separate again.
I really wasn't doing anything so I had all night.

I had some iso going too

After the trim stopped dripping I decided to go Pannin' for tricomes

You can see them reflecting in the light

Here are filters from the iso and a filter from the bottom of a jar of gumby.
They look so similar.

I siphoned down into jars

I would let it settle out and then mix in fresh filtered water to wash the trichomes. I got some additional plant matter out.
I let dry overnight. Before I got to work I went by the craft store and bought a clay extruder.
Couple of dimes and I pressed out 8 nice 1.0g pucks

There is also some left over and a broken puck. I never mixed in the panned trichs or the second wash. I maybe have 4 more grams there.
12 grams of gumby off of a little over 150 grams of Diesel trim.
Plus there is the iso and I still have a half jar of green iso from cleaning the equipment.

I think I'll take a super.
These are the panned trichomes. Worst looking stuff I got.
The oil will make it special



lover of all things hashlike
1. dont press anything water extracted or in any other way that is wet.
2. exposure to such a long soak time leaves some of the taste in the water.

all in all gumby methodology is sort of ghetto..

still concentrates are concentrates and it sounds like you got to enjoy the experience. ill look for the better methodology thats on here and link ya

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Active member
Hey Howdy Papulz! Howdy Pandemic! Ya did GREAT! I did 21 g of trim yesterday and wound up with a li'l beter than 2 g's stikky, pliable, potent Hash that ya can twiddle between your fingers and then press into a nearly transparent ribbon. Roll the ribbon up and pinch one end, and ya got a sweet li'l Hash rose. My wife LOVES this! Hash roses for the Ol Lady. Did Ya do like I sugested and strain everything threw a permanent coffee filter before your final syphon and evap? Its a prety important step I think. Its alot easier if ya mix all your mats in a five and then dumpem into another five with a 5 gal. paint strainen bag in it too. Then ya just pick the bag up outta the bukkit with all the waste mats in in the bag. Take this bukkit and sypon it down to a more managable level and then dump it threw the permanent coffee filter. What goes threw the filter and into your bukkit is some prety good trichs! Just syphon this down now and evap it off and youl have some REAL nice HASH! Your rite on target Pandemic! I been doin this for a while now and I found that I usualy get bout 1g Hash outta bout 10g frosty trim. Very nice Hash. One hit'l reck a barbeque.


Active member
Pandemic said:
I have two buckets of extract sitting on chairs.
First has been sitting 3.5 hrs, second about 1hr.

I can siphon now +4hrs or wait overnight.
I have not been able to find (search) what is the accepted time.
Only this:


What are the pro's and cons here.
This is my first time today.
Heres what I noticed on this. I usta syphon after lettin my trichs settle for bout 20 - 40 minits. What I noticed was this. If I save my waste water from this for 6 hours(overnite)I can resypon it down and extract another gram, to a g.5 of even beter quality Hash. I find I been gettin bout 4.5 grams of slightly bubbly Hash on my first syphon after 30 minits of settlin, and 1.5 grams of full melt amber dome bubble outta the second syphonin after 6 hours of settlin. I usta loose these trichs till I started goin threw my waste water. Im glad I found uot theres still somethin left in there. Its the beter quality Hash that comes outta the second syphonin. You get beter Hash the second syphon but less of it. I guess you could let it ALL settle like the origional tek says and get all the differant trichs at once. Or you could syphon off the finer trichs first and harvest the heavier and lesser quality ones, -Then MUCH later you can come back after the finer trichs settled and harvest them seperatly. This way you get 2 differant quality Hashes with the Sadu Sam Tek!


Slap-A-Ho tribe
that gumby video makes me laugh....just another newb spreading misinformation via that video. Do really think it takes 4 hours for triches to settle? The longer you let that soak the more water soluble terpens will be extracted resulting in flavorless hash.


Active member
I thought terpents added flavor. -Annyhow. The lighter trichs stay suspended longer so you can come back for them later. You can get the heavier trichs after bout half hour and then the lighter ones later, outta the syphoned off bukkit.


Active member
He means water soluble terpenes leaves the kief/trichromes/notpressedhash and solutes into the water, leaving the water with some tasty terpenes in the water and flavor-less hash, hey heres an idea, distill the water, and try to get pure terpenes?