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How long till we see "Green Hornet" strain?


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
i watched attack of the show the other day with seth rogen and he mentioned that The Green Hornet should be a name of a strain.

i thought it was pretty dumb when i first heard about pineapple express but i have not tried it so i cant talk. but i bet one person will cash in by naming a cross the green hornet, so how long will it take?


donut engineer
Seth Rogan pisses me off. He seems like a nice guy and all but his movies... just portray stoners as disorganized retards. Also, his films are not good:

Pineapple Express was almost unwatchable. Half of the movie was moderately funny, the other half was action-film-derivative nonsense. I fell asleep in the theater.

Knocked-up was alright but I just felt like I was watching a movie about a total fucking loser. Seth Rogan, the lazy douche who needs money but can't because he's too much of a "stoner" to get his ass off the couch. He leans on his more competent friends for the potential for startup green, but they also suck. Has child with hot successful chick somehow who should have left him and had the baby on her own.

And fucking Green Hornet. God dammit. I thought he would make SOME attempt exercise, or portraying a role other than a lazy stoner BUT NO! He farts all over this classic by portraying the same character from the aforementioned two films but with a fucking Green Hornet costume on.

I hate you Seth Rogan.


Cautiously Optimistic
His popularity is based on him being the chubby/loser/affable guy. To quote a line from one of his films FUNNY PEOPLE, "Physical fitness isn't funny. No one wants to hear Lance Armstrong tell a joke." :D
What you said could be said about any stoner movie, really. Anything by Cheech and Chong springs to mind.


donut engineer
His popularity is based on him being the chubby/loser/affable guy. To quote a line from one of his films FUNNY PEOPLE, "Physical fitness isn't funny. No one wants to hear Lance Armstrong tell a joke." :D
What you said could be said about any stoner movie, really. Anything by Cheech and Chong springs to mind.

But Cheech and Chong are ANIMATED and MOTIVATED! Those two are always on the move. That's why their films work. Also it's clear that they are being cartoonish charactatures of real people.

Rogan doesn't do this at all. He's lazy, slow, and boring and I BELIEVE he acts like this in real life. There's nothing cartoonish about him, only pathetic.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
i can understand, but still. it's hard to change stereotypes and to make things funny for a huge audience. Im sure he's not doing these movies for intelligent cannabis users, but rather for big time picture companies. its all about the $$$.

green hornet still sounds like a proper name, im sure we will see someone use it eventually.

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
i don't know if you guys heard......
some guy yourcorpse just made some green hornet weed!
just like the comic book and movie


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
ha, if i had proper breeding space for serious #s you better believe i would.


I say Green Crack x The White = The Green Hornet.

Also - TOTAL agreement with Seth Rogen (SP?) being a brainless BORING AS HELL, comediane, guy is a waste of celluloid.

my two cents...


Old School Cottonmouth
You kidding? There are already 17 year olds who have changed the name of their beaster from orange kush to green hornet.

All kidding aside I like Seth Rogan though. Wasn't crazy about knocked up but I loved Pineapple Express. I think people want too much out of a stoner comedy.

Where is the comedy in a white collar guy with a degree who works all day, comes home, tends his crop, takes a few puffs and leads a normal healthy life? That is just not funny. What kinda plot to a stoner action adventure comedy would that make?

People seem to want a movie that would be ridiculous. Like saying I want a movie about the politics of World War 2, set in Germany in 1943. But antisemitism brings me down. So none of that.


But Cheech and Chong are ANIMATED and MOTIVATED! Those two are always on the move. That's why their films work. Also it's clear that they are being cartoonish charactatures of real people.

Rogan doesn't do this at all. He's lazy, slow, and boring and I BELIEVE he acts like this in real life. There's nothing cartoonish about him, only pathetic.

Cheech and chong act more "slow and unorganized" then seth rogan. I aint hating on them but they do.

And excuse if this comes off as a little harsh, you're a dick.

How does seth rogans films not work? They made more money then cheech and chongs im sure. They were funny, maybe not to your old mind. But they were.

I have actually met seth rogan on 2 seperate occasions, 1 was while he was filming a movie at a "friends" house, and another time at a local dispensary.

Both times he was a great guy, not stupid or slow in anyway. He seemed like a normal guy. Was very funny. And very nice, also he supplied a joint when i did.

I think its really ignorant:bashhead: on your part for talking so much crap on Seth Rogan just for his "movies" that he starred in. So because someone plays a role in a movie, thats who they are? i think you smoke too much pot cause you're losing touch with reality.

I think you should just go rant to the creators of the movie and writers cause they made all that stuff you just said up, not Seth Rogan.

I think you're just jealous of all his success, and anything you say other wise is a cover up :biglaugh:

grow up


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
james franco is funnier as a stoner but i still like seth rogan. Pineapple express was hit and miss though. Some parts, hilarious, some parts, not so much.


Green is Gold
Agree with Funker there, Seth Rogan is like Kevin James, they have that same "schtick" and they keep running with it no matter what roles they play. I just watched "The Dilemma" so I'm a little bitter right now


There already is a green hornet strain. Myself and three other peopl have it. It's GDPXHumbolt Skunk. It'll be in a northern cal dispensary near you soon. Watch for it.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
lock that shit down midnight and get it out. im sure it will be popular because of the name, as gay as that sounds. im down with it regardless


donut engineer
So my friends wanted to see Green Hornet and I was like "alright, I just bitched about him on ICMag... I'll at least give him another shot..."

Wow. Just, wow. Wow. I saw Jonah Hexx in the theater and it made more sense.

If you watch this movie, try to keep track of the number of times you want Seth Rogan's character to DIE and let Kato take over for the rest of the film. In fact, the film should have just been about Kato with Seth Rogan making a few brief stoner appearances. That would have been an acceptable movie.


So my friends wanted to see Green Hornet and I was like "alright, I just bitched about him on ICMag... I'll at least give him another shot..."

Wow. Just, wow. Wow. I saw Jonah Hexx in the theater and it made more sense.

If you watch this movie, try to keep track of the number of times you want Seth Rogan's character to DIE and let Kato take over for the rest of the film. In fact, the film should have just been about Kato with Seth Rogan making a few brief stoner appearances. That would have been an acceptable movie.
:jump: someones mad
There's also the strain the old guy grows in Children of Men, Raspberry Cough. I doubt the strain was out before the movie, so they must just be capitalizing on the name.

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