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How long 'til I transplant seedlings?


Currently the plants in the bubbler are about 2wks old just bubbling in ph (~5.5) adjusted tap water. I'm just wondering how long I am supposed to leave them in this environment. I have a 400w hps/mh ballast. When do I switch to MH?



I think the general rule is to wait until they have three sets of full leaves. The first set of leave that come out (the round ones) don't count.

Are the rockwool cubes sitting in the water all of the time? This could be an issue... they usually like to be dried out for about half the time.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I transplant the moment I see sprouts. Sometimes earlier if I see the sprout trying. Get them under the big lamp yesterday. The weak light is causing stretch. These things are designed to sprout under the Sun and blow their nose on your puny 400 watts. Because you've allowed them to believe floros are the Sun, you'll need to hang the 400 high for a day or three.

There are no problems with saturating Rockwool as long as the water is well aerated. Just as weed is the delivery system for THC, water is the delivery system for oxygen. Because the cubes are constantly soaking up fresh oxygen from the water, they don't need to dry out.

Here's Jo, then and now.



Yeah bro id get them in some soil or you hydro setup, transplant them deep so u got just a bit of stem not covered by your media.
And fire up that 400w and give em a light feeding.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
FyahBlaZe said:
transplant them deep so u got just a bit of stem not covered by your media.

Another method is to roll the cube, wrapping the root around it. Either will stall growth a week or more so, don't panic. It's just new roots sprouting closer to the surface.



the crappy thing about using my HID light is that I don't have a good fan to exhaust the hot air from the ballast in my closet so I will have to deal with some high temps and running my A/C like crazy.


wavedash said:
the crappy thing about using my HID light is that I don't have a good fan to exhaust the hot air from the ballast in my closet so I will have to deal with some high temps and running my A/C like crazy.

I have a 400 and 1000 w ballast next to each other. The 1000 gets way hotter IMO so i dont think the 400 w ballast is going to be too hot. Second I think the light is going to create more heat than that ballast.

At some point you need to address the heat, whether now or later. You want to play, you got to pay. :D

Do something, dont let them keep stretching cause they will get paper thin and die. Trust me, I lost a couple seedlings last batch doing that


well until i get some more funds (very soon) basically the only option i have right now is to transplant them into some plastic cups and put them on my ebb & flow table. until i get the funds soon i only have a HPS bulb. i know its not best but an hps will veg them just fine? and does it hurt the plants to switch the CMH bulb in 2 weeks when i do get it?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
You can do your whole grow under HPS. The only problem switching to CMH, or any other type, is if you go for a larger wattage lamp. Larger lamps put out more heat and must be hung higher for a day or three as plants acclimate. When I switch, I start them under the bigger lamp at "noon" so they only get a half day of light from the big lamp on day one.


ok i finally got everything transplanted but now i just see one problem. all the seedlings are wilting :(.

temps ~ 80F
ph ~ 5.7
TDS unknown
im using 1/2 tsp per gal of fox farm veg nutes and about the same of the bloom nutes too and a couple of drops of superthrive
plants are about 2wks old


ok i finally got everything transplanted but now i just see one problem. all the seedlings are wilting :(.

temps ~ 80F
ph ~ 5.7
TDS unknown
im using 1/2 tsp per gal of fox farm veg nutes and about the same of the bloom nutes too and a couple of drops of superthrive
plants are about 2wks old

and a close up of a wilting seedling



Active member
wavedash said:
the crappy thing about using my HID light is that I don't have a good fan to exhaust the hot air from the ballast in my closet so I will have to deal with some high temps and running my A/C like crazy.

Cold air comes out of the a/c and across the room, dropping slightly as it moves. Almost at the other wall is a fan that catches the cold air and blows it across the canopy in the closet and back out. It is then sucked back up into the window a/c unit.

It works. I'm never doing it again, but it works. :bashhead:

I'm working on using PL-L lighting for my next grow. ROTFLMAO!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
wavedash said:
ok i finally got everything transplanted but now i just see one problem. all the seedlings are wilting :(.
The longer a plant lives in any given container/substrate/condition the more freaked it gets from getting thrown into another. By transplanting prior to roots showing, the netcup becomes the only home they'll ever know.

Because of the open water tray, they became dependent on higher RH than actually exists and are now drying out. Try misting lightly or, much as I hate them, try a dome. Neither for too long as excessive RH is what you're trying to escape.


so for future reference how should i start seeds? i like to germinate in a towel and plastic bag. then when its almost an inch long transplant to the rockwool or whatever medium, and just water it and let it kinda dry out and water it again? instead of putting it in a bubbler?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
If towels and bags make your garden grow, keep on keepin' on. Never surrender a proven method unless you've got something you know is better. I've never had difficulty germing in my final medium, dirt or rockwool, so I see no need to expose roots to danger. If I can't see them, I can't break them.


the germinating i dont have any problems with. its when i put them in a medium while they are little bitty that i start to become clueless. and btw now i am having some serious problems.i mentioned the wilting earlier. i tried misting lightly like suggested. and after the last flood of the table the pants are now SERIOUSLY wilting.basically the leaves are having from the stem like dead weight, but they are not discolored at all. i think its a over/under watering problem but i dont know what im doing wrong :(


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
In my experience there's no such thing as too much water, only too little air. How are you aerating your roots? Before they were in highly oxygenated water. Here? Water needs to drain out of the cup unimpeded. New water pushes out old water and stale air. As water drains out, it pulls in fresh air all the way to the bottom so the roots are surrounded by oxygen. I'm not seeing any drain holes.

By the way, I tried Solo cups this time around (long boring story) and found them too weak to accommodate healthy roots. Note how my roots are saturated 100% of the time. I can do this because of the oxygen constantly pumped into the water. It looks like you're doing Flood and Drain but, have forgotten the Drain which is where the oxygen comes from.

Last thought, you may be over feeding. For seedlings I like a quarter strength solution (1/4 the recommended strength for full grown plants)

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