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How long is good between waterings


Active member
I'm in the standard LC mix, Peat mix, perlite and lime. It 's about 10 days between my watering?feedings, is this too long? If so, do i just add more perlite?


i would just waite till top soil is dry like 2 inches down to shere it doesent stick to your fingures


It takes 10 days for the pots to dry out or are you asking for a feeding cycle?
I'm a little confused by the question.
If I am understanding correctly, it takes 10 days for your pots to dry.
Seems like a long time to dry out for soiless. Are they in large containers for their size? Recently transplanted? Doesn't seem like there is anything inherently wrong with 10 days in between waterings as long as they are getting nutes they need. Are the plants healthy?

Guest 10952

If your growing in pots lift it up and see how much wieght it has when full of water. Then lift daily to see when it will need another feeding. Just don't wait until its totally dry otherwise it won't make it another day if you don't water it then. Atleast without some visible damage.


**AWD** Aficianado
:wave: hey B

Don't sweat the 10 days, this is soil not hydroponics as long as there is enough moisture in the soil then your fine.
I water semi-heavily and wait until they get light when you lift them, the topsoil should be dry but if you dig your finger down there should still be moisture.
Water consumption and frequency depends on the size of the plant compared to it's pot size, if a plant is just transplanted to a new pot or just started in a large pot then it will take some time before you have to water again.
The important thing is not to overwater, don't water until runoff with organics it just washes away the good stuff, i like to water a little less but a little more often.
Perlite should be 30% of your mix by volume, i'm assuming your talking about a transplant mix.

Sub's :joint:
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Active member
Thanks guys, just seemed like a long time between watering, and yes most are transplant into final 4 or 5 gallon. I'm keeping a log this time and noticed it the other day. Not that I'm complaining, but it also would be wise to light fert about every water since I'll only water about 4 or 5 times a month, I'm assuming?
Hey Suby, I think my mix might be closer to 20%, I'll add a little more perlite. Also good call on overwatering, lately I just wait till I see a few drops coming out the holes and I stop. Before was a different story. LOL

Also, when transplanting into final containers, is it OK to use twice as much soil for the transplant, like from a 1.5 gal to a 5 gal, I did this with my skunk, and tossed it in flower after transplant (too big for veg cab)


**AWD** Aficianado
You shouldn't fertilize more because you water less, plants will absorb nutes and water in the same proportion, I prefer a plain watering in between feedings.
I always transplant from a 2gal to a 5gal container, when you transplant the plant will root the new pot before puting out a growth spurt, when you see that spurt starting it's a good time to fertilize.
PS 20% is close enough lol.



Active member
Suby said:
I always transplant from a 2gal to a 5gal container, when you transplant the plant will root the new pot before puting out a growth spurt, when you see that spurt starting it's a good time to fertilize.

Suby, do you veg it a little when you do your final potting or toss it in


**AWD** Aficianado
I veg them for an extra week after transplant before I flower them unless I'be been lazy and last minute which happens.


Active member
Suby said:
I veg them for an extra week after transplant before I flower them unless I'be been lazy and last minute which happens.

Thats cool, I'm building my last veg cab (first was just built into my closet)

It's basically the same size as this one, it's an old time amoure I found at a thrift store for 35 bucks, no cam right now but soon I hope. Just want to leave extra vertical heighth in the new cab so I can veg'm a week more, if I dont get lazy too. But this time clones on top. To hell with breaking my back all the time. although it was nice so the temtation of messing with them was gone
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My little pony.. my little pony
Imo 10 days is kinda on the longer side for optimal growth [ understandable with the recent transplant.] They will grow faster if you can get the wet to dry cycle down to 2-3 days. Youre on the right track with the extra perlite as my mix is about 60-70% perlite.


Im only a novice grower but the best advice i was given is to lift them up and see how heavy they are if they feel light water them, if they feel heavy leave them. i followed this method and have had no probs with watering... smoke on :joint:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
on all my plants containers even except fresh planted seed i drill extra holes in bottom for better drainage, i drill holes every 2-3 inch down each side of the container. holes in the side help for better root aireation and for soil to dry faster,also if you can place a few spacer blocks 1/2in think type. your root aireation will be even more better, i also space my containers 1/4 inch apart for air flow in the grow erea


Active member
Hello all,

I water when the pot is light and do not have problemsa with overwatering.

Also when I water/fed a fixed amount each time. I flower in 2 gallon pots and I give one liter of solution every 4-5 days depending on temp and humidy. I sometime pour it on fromt eh top all at once and let the soil soak up the liquid. Sometimes I just pout it in the tray and let it soak up and while other times I will slowly pout it in over a time of like 30 minutes or so. It depends. The soil soaks it all up in 2-3 hours so the roots are not submerged for long. My plants seem to like it.

But always the same volume. Thats how I keep from overwatering and it works for me.



Extra holes on the sides are defenately not needed. What's needed is a good texture soil mix.
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