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How long do you flush for, and why?


I can instantly say after first toke if it was well flushed or not. Very easy to tell if you have experience. Doesn't matter organic or not it must be flushed. I don't give a shit what plant 'needs' during last weeks - I know what I need and the rest is irrelevant.

Some plants need loooong flush to get rid of that harsh bite (haha I've seen people call it diesel cos it's like burning diesel when unflushed lol)


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Here's what I never understood: How do people water so god damned much?

Im in 2 gallon pails and water every 4 days. 2 Liters in each, with about 10% run off.

That means in 2 weeks, I can run water 4 times. I always end up flushing for 3 weeks.


Active member
the more you water the more regualar you can feed which means you can feed less but more often this stops ecsess nute rich water sitting in you medium which contributes to salt build up, well that what i believe anyway i could be wrong.

since i increased my pearlite and drainage of my soil i water every day and ive got much much bigger yields than when i watered every few days and its so much easier to get the green outta my leaves

nukn futz

I flush for 6 days in a UC style system, gonna try 5 days this next harvest, the last harvest I only flushed for 6 days didnt taste any different from stuff I flushed 10-14 days.
In coco I don't taper off feeds. I go cold turkey and do a same-day flush till runoff is under 500ppm @ 0.7. Nothing but water for almost two weeks...give or take a few days.

In hydro, I also do same-day flush till medium is under 250ppm. Run the system for a week.

Burns clean and tasty even with a quick-dry like bigwity said. I'm not using molasses though.


Well-known member
I used to shank my oD w a blade to stress it out and yellow em up in 5 days with organics to metabolize everything. I'm an indoor hydro rockwool grower. 10-25 days of carb based flushes work for me


New member
I am in the process of flushing. I grow hydro and have been running snow water for a week now. The PPM is at 33 and is not going up. Am I done? Also this strain has no yellowing of the leaves at all. No die off. The plant is at day 70. I have never seen the leaves not turn yellow? I flush with snow water no Ph adjust or nutes or anything. The water starts at 4ppm then goes to 33ppm. The Ph is at 6.3. I am confused as to why the leaves wont turn yellow..?? I am told its the strain. I also run the water 24/7 during the flush.
Do you think I am done?


ICMag Donor
give it a few more days vender. take off some of those leafs that won't yellow. patience patience patience.


Drop EC to half the week before flush and then plain water w/dripclean for ten days in coco pots. No actual flush i.e. runoff, I find the plants easily use up the remaining nutrients and start to die off well before chop.

Burns super clean, white ash etc...

Indian Culture

Do you guys actually "flush" as in flush the plant with a bunch of water until you have a bunch of runoff.

Or do you mean "flush" as in just give it water like you normally water but without the nutes.


Starving your plants the last few weeks does nothing other than stress and starve the plants and decreases yield. Taste comes from proper nutrients (and curing), not lack of.
7 days simple sugar and 14 days of pure hospital grade water... toohigh style... smokes like an absolute dream... here is an example (chemd, and the hospital grade water system).


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7 days simple sugar and 14 days of pure hospital grade water... toohigh style... smokes like an absolute dream... here is an example (chemd, and the hospital grade water system).

i never seen chemd look like that. low lights-off temps?
must be the water...


what about aeroponics guys? just plain water until the leaves are yellow? im guessing the flush wont take long


Well-known member
Tree king: replace your res in aero every day. Otherwise you will be counteracting the flush. A friend runs aero 15min on/off and running drain to waste for a week. Without media, they flush really quick unless your blatantly overferting. :tiphat:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
When I hit 55 days I m starting my flush. This should be a 70 day strain. I dot use copious amounts of water. I JUST STOP FEEDING. I use plain tap water. Sometimes I PH the water to 6.5 but not always. This continues until there ready


Tree king: replace your res in aero every day. Otherwise you will be counteracting the flush. A friend runs aero 15min on/off and running drain to waste for a week. Without media, they flush really quick unless your blatantly overferting. :tiphat:

got it thanks