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How long can it take untill they pop up?


How long can it take untill they pop up?

They where 2 succesfully germenated seeds. Planted them ~1cm down in wet soil. How often should I water them now in the beggining?

the gnome

Active member
patience grasshopper....... patience

Ive had some take a week to pop up
others the next day
just keep the soil moist, not soaking wet.
once they sprout and are established for a a day or two get them on a wet-dry schedule.
but not too dry in the begining.
watch out for damp off
I have a small occillating fan to keep the air moving around them and haven't had dampoff since


:yeahthats It can take any where from 3 to 7 days, If its been after 7days i will carefully dig down to see whats up, but thats just me..


2 they popped up from the soil. One is going great.. one has just barely popped up, now been still for a day or something.. One seems to be slow or something? Should I germinate another seed or what?

is it sick or something? why is it so slow compared to the other seed? It hasnt formed any leaves at all.. it is just bend... and very smal and above soil. what is this shit?


Just give it some time, it'll probly catch up. You only wanna keep the soil real moist for another few days then let it dry out, this will cause the seedlings roots to strech out and find the water giving the plant a more developed and stable root system.

Saul Silver

patience grasshopper....... patience

Ive had some take a week to pop up
others the next day
just keep the soil moist, not soaking wet.
once they sprout and are established for a a day or two get them on a wet-dry schedule.
but not too dry in the begining.
watch out for damp off
I have a small occillating fan to keep the air moving around them and haven't had dampoff since
:yeahthatsSame here,,, some pop the next day,,, some a week later!


Active member
I had one I gave up on after 2 weeks. About 3 weeks later I came into the veg room and had a sprout staring at me from my "compost" bucket.


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Tom Hills Haze can take a couple to three weeks to come up.
