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How legitimate is moving to CA and growing to support yourself

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I would try another state, cali is kind of a shit storm right now, and its only gonna get worse.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
same thing ive said on all these threads...if you are good at what you do, you can make it...quality wins out in the end...especially when the majority of the supply is sludge...lotsa peeps out here doing it, but a huge percentage either dont know how, or dont care to do it right....good luck

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
California is broker than people think. Drowning in debt and if you live in CA and want to know why, just look around at all the sheep that voted these thieves and do-nothings into office. There aren't enough quality people running for office and all the good voices get drowned out by the idiot career politicians that are good for nothing.

Thinking about Bell makes me sick to my stomach, but I'm glad those people got arrested. I would bet they won't be the last city administrators to get in trouble with the Attorney General, well at least until the next election....

Anyway, if you wanted to be really cost conscious, Betty, you would get in on the ground floor of the nearest med state instead of dealing with the boondoggle that is CA right now. Stay back east, work your way up with the rest of the folks and you may find that it's for you or it isn't. The grass isn't always greener and all that. Best to find out if it's what you really want to do before making a big move.

Anyway, if you do well for yourself back east, you can always pack it up and move on out west with your pockets phatter and some experience and contacts in place by then.

I think NORML has a map on their site that might help with researching some med states that are close to you. That and Craigs list will give you some idea of rental prices to help you narrow down your focus. Keeping your costs down should be your first consideration. Overhead is a killer.

Funny that you mention NJ. I could be wrong here, but they seem to be a real popular state all of sudden. I'm always reading stories about them. I don't watch much TV, but there are at least two shows (jersey shore and housewives of NJ) that are very popular. They seem to be on some kind of resurgence or something.



Freedom Fighter
what about to just grow and smoke legally? and has nice weather?

Then California is the place you want to be!! lol


Active member
so cal is great but expensive. everything is about how much capitol you got to start.last count in downtown san diego homeless was up to over 800 just downtown.dont become 801


Well-known member
on the NJ situation, from what i can see, it is not good at the moment
i believe they suspended implementation when Rutgers balked on being the sole grower/supplier
so NJ's really looks nebulous right now
right next door in the great state of NY(sarcasm now off) there is some chance we will have MMJ this year
not a cali system by a long shot, but looks like there will be some number of grower permits issued
but that's a ways to go yet, and also a bit murky


Active member
Just realize you're probably the 5-millionth person to think of this, so there's a long line ahead of you.

As a side note, if 19 passes in the state, the Feds won't allow it to fly, California will be sued instantly and the measure blocked in court. States cannot supersede Federal law.

Then how did Prop 215 stay in place?


Then how did Prop 215 stay in place?

AG Eric Holder promised that the Fed wouldn't intervene in states' matters when it came to medical cannabis.

The question is...will he hold true to that if Prop 19 passes...

I doubt it...I'm sure the Feds will pull the same scummy shit as they did or are planning to do to Arizona with the immigration thing..

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
AG Eric Holder promised that the Fed wouldn't intervene in states' matters when it came to medical cannabis.

The question is...will he hold true to that if Prop 19 passes...

I doubt it...I'm sure the Feds will pull the same scummy shit as they did or are planning to do to Arizona with the immigration thing..

Two questions for you, IE...

1. When was 215 passed?

2. When was Eric Holder appointed AG?


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