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How I've thwarted drug dogs multiple times, and how you can too!

If you must. Vacuum that shit every time. With Gloves, This especially goes for money.The I R esss are also pulling mfs over When the sniff happens pay attention to the dog and officer. Roll your window up for the sake of fuck! Got a camera ? Whip it out and record if you can catch the trigger for a false hit your beat it.. Chat up the officers they are cock-sure happy go lucky fucks, youd be surprised how much you can get out of em once the adrenaline gets flown ( I seen a guy get a rush soo hard id swear he was rolling or speedballn ) get their NBn get the name of the dog. It could be a legit dog or some random pooch. Find out if the dog served in the wars sniffing ied's.
Never consent even if you are clean.If you consent in any way your fucked. Cannot overstaet this .This is a police state and if they are bored enough you will go to jail, any one can for anything as we in s.d. know about the kid detained two years ago, left dying in a cell .show them we are willing to waste their $$. Its one of our only weapons besides voting these fucks out and banding together in already med or rec states. Drive safe and sober. Anything else on this thread is hilarious and frightening .....
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
You can beat the dogs. Mylar bags(Not the mylar for yer growroom), moisture barrier bags. Non permeable.
As long as you don't contaminate the outside with the smell you're sweet.
If the odour molecules aren't getting out, the dog ain't smelling shit.

I would have liked to see mythbusters test an ozone genny compartment in a car against the dogs.

Vac sealing is no use really. The plastic is permeable, it is just a matter of how long it takes for the molecules to get through.
Moisture barrier bags, sealed with a household iron or even a girl's hair straighteners, no vac needed. You can even buy rolls of the stuff to make your own bags of any size.
Albiet, they probably will search your car again to see if they missed anything... but they wont open a bag of potato chips and reach in it to feel for bud lol.[/quote]
Why oh why would you want us to think that these officers are that naïve? .2g is more than enough for a 2k fine in most states. I don't care if these chips were deep fried in chocolate and caviar Trader Joes organic croch crum dust, This dude is soo checking them out. How do you think they make rank, being smarter than their coworkers.

Whoa nice fun bags!
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Active member
glass jars are also non permeable provided they are mason type canning jars. they seal airtight. wipe down the outsides with some ISO or ethyll or acetone, some solvent. get any oils and fingerprints off.


Active member
Oh man this thread is rich! I needed some good laughs today too!

Who the fuck gets pulled over 100s of times? I dont care where (bad neighborhood) you live, if you had any brains at all, your next move wouldnt be "how to fool the dog" it would be "how the hell do i move out of this dumpster of a place i live in".

.2 grams in gas tank, lol! have you ever watched the show "cops" before? How many times have you seen them stop after they find the roach and just let dude go?

Do i even need to say anything about "trick dog with hash oil paste idea"? They are tearing that ride the fuck apart ASAP!

I also found humor in the part about "you might have a lawsuit on your hands if they tear car apart and find nothing". LOL! What fucking country do you live in? Seen plenty of peoples cars torn to bits .... there was no compensation when they found nothing. They didn't even fix the seat belts they split in two, so why would they sew up the seats of your ford taurus that they just sliced because the dog hit on the hash oil paste?

#1 advice: dont consent. period. Your asking for it. Why would you want to make someone's job easier? Your playing a game of numbers\cards everyday, why show everyone your hand? Im sure cartels can spend much more $\time researching methods then we could hiding shit, there success rate isnt that good. Im sure the cartel would rather buy a 55 gal drum of deer piss than a million dollar friggen submarine.

"Oh but it makes you look suspicious"....cops are twats, if they want you want bad enough, they will put their own evidence in your car and not think twice about it. They dont need to worry about finding yours.

Thread should be re-titled: Follow me on the fast track up state


Well-known member
Is there a thread of classics here?cause this deserves to be there with yummybud and Yukon threads.lmfao

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Is there a thread of classics here?cause this deserves to be there with yummybud and Yukon threads.lmfao

Quit posting cryptic references to you psst identity.....
Have you spent the trust fund on Hair extensions yet?

Just fucking with you....... mostly:tiphat: