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How I've thwarted drug dogs multiple times, and how you can too!


Kiss My Ring
that is some hardcore trashing, sorry i was detained.
pal, you did that?...i use a chicken coop. hard to take on the road, butt smells.

...someones else pointed this out, 'i wouldn't take advice from someone who gets nicked so often', and i must concur. that would give me fits.


sanitize these beyond suspicion, no need for the dog.


that is some hardcore trashing, sorry i was detained.
pal, you did that?...i use a chicken coop. hard to take on the road, butt smells.

...someones else pointed this out, 'i wouldn't take advice from someone who gets nicked so often', and i must concur. that would give me fits.


sanitize these beyond suspicion, no need for the dog.

yeah Trich I did it more than once..advice:: use a trailer NOT your pick-up bed..Don't grab that one you just ran over!!! give it a bit for the spray to settle..And do NOT get cocky and try to add a dead possum (just as bait for some crow blastin) They Will even Gag W.Trash..sumbitches stink worse than a skunk...save The Possun for a nasty Chem4


I find if you carry a pair of fake testicles in your pocket you never come across problems. Heres the scenario. Cop pulls ya over....Asks you a question...you pull out the testicles and give him a weird stare...Tell him in a really calm voice.."i think i need to get home."....Sorted. Your welcome.


Active member
A person following the law should have no problem with it because usually when they ask and you conscent calmly they just do a brief search, because, you have nothing to hide, right?

Bullshit. The cop is not your friend, whether you say yes or not. Just because you say yes doesn't mean he's gonna be your buddy and just rifle around for a second then leave you alone. He might do that, or he might tear the whole fucking thing apart.

I made the big mistake of being honest with a local cop when I got pulled over earlier this year. When he asked where I was coming from, I told him I was coming back from meeting my medical patient. He seemed totally cool but that was just his act to get me to say something incriminating. Soon as the word marijuana was mentioned, BAM. That was all I had to say to get this mother fucker and his ham fisted friends all over my RARE 45k orig mile 1980s sports car (purchased while I was overseas a few years back) ripping it apart looking for marijuana. Then the stupid assholes half ass slapped it back together in a manner which was obviously totally wrong to anyone with more than 3 or 4 functional brain cells. Picked it up from the tow shop and it was full of dog hairs and leather interior scratched up.

Never again. Next time an officer asks where I came from or going? Or any questions besides can I see your license? "Am I being detained officer? ....No? Great. Have a nice day."

Why would someone who is hiding nothing resist a search so badly? Why do they care? The cop is just doing his job, and they're not breaking the law. By saying no, you always raise suspicion.

I don't give a fuck if he's suspicious or not. Fuck him. I'm not going to make it easy for him to fuck me over. If he wants to search, let him call out the drug dogs and have an it, and take the risk of looking like a moron when they don't find anything.


Active member
You know if there is one thing that really pisses me off about ICMag, and I would change if I could, it would be the endless legions of assholes and short-sighted people that have to crawl out of the woodwork and bash somebody's ideas the second they disagree with the "common wisdom" of the board. It's like one or two guys expressing doubts isn't enough, every nutswinger on the board has to pile on too and let everyone know just what a moron somebody is.

I happen to be what you would call "a good ole boy", at least in appearance and behavior. I get treated much differently than your typical stoner, hippie, black person, or other perceived "low class" individuals. When a cop pulls me over and I'm not doing anything obviously wrong, he is a lot more likely to be apologetic and less likely to try to be an ass, than if I were someone else. So *I* would never consent to a search, and because of my perceived status no cop would press one on me, if I play my cards right.

So for me, the best strategy is NOT to consent to a search. Not everyone is the same however. The OPs talk about hiding .2 grams then acting all nervous and "giving it up" is genius, and could work perfectly if one is a good actor.....or could blow up in your face if you are unprepared. It all comes down to knowing ones limitations and what is appropriate for the circumstances. You should never give up illegal stuff if you can avoid it, but in the right circumstances, this tactic could save your ass if it keeps them away from the quarter pound you have stashed away elsewhere.

I suggest everyone go and read up on the HUGE role British Intelligence had in winning WWII. They used strategies and psychological manipulation exactly like the OP is suggesting, to completely fool the Germans all the way through the war. German brass was so convinced from their "own" agents (British people sending back false info) that our big invasion would be occurring further to the north, that they did not send any reinforcements to protect Normandy even after huge numbers of troops started landing. They were *convinced* it was a distraction from the "real" invasion fleet.

These kind of tactics work in the War on Drugs too. We are dealing with people, after all, and all people have egos that can be manipulated....especially cops. A typical drug dog in LA might be highly trained and perfect, and his handler might be too, but out here in bumfuck Michigan or Alabama it's not always the same story. You could just be dealing with some moronic redneck on a power trip. Psychological manipulation works better the stupider your opponent is, and the more you understand his mindset. I'd bet the average ICMag poster is smarter than the average cop....so put your brains to use and fool their asses any way you can. Just because some random short sighted person on ICMag thinks an idea is stupid, doesn't mean it won't work beautifully if you use it at the right time and in the right circumstances.

One of the KEY things the Brits did was to send back lots of good (but strategically useless) info, that the Germans could easily verify as true and thus build up trust in their source. Then every now and again at key moments they would slip in some totally false info. Most times the Germans would be completely fooled, but even when they found out this piece of info was totally wrong they still trusted the source because it had given them so much good info in the past. Many "German" agents (ALL of which were actually British agents by midway through the war) actually received Iron Crosses for the false info they supplied....lol.

Well, apply this thinking to a cop. Once you get a cop to believe a certain thing, and his mind is made up, all evidence he sees will now be used to support that belief, rather than try to disprove it. If you act like you have a pound in the trunk and you're nervous as fuck he'll find it, that's what he will believe and pull every dirty trick possible to prove. But like the OP said, if you let him find a tiny amount and put on all appearances like you're just a small timer who got caught red handed, and are convincing enough, that's what he will believe. Then he will often look right over other evidence (or fail to look for it at all) that shows you to be a trafficker.

Our egos (especially the egos of stupid/ignorant people) don't like to be disproved. You have to set up his suspicions, then confirm them, and you can make him believe anything you want. Making him believe he just busted a small timer through his kick ass police work is an ego-flattering belief YOU can consciously plant in his brain through your behavior. This is a science, and it's called Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Look it up.

Of course, if one is that adept at mental manipulation, you're going to set things up so you don't look suspicious or get busted at all, right? But in real life, shit happens, and you might find yourself in a situation you normally try to avoid. In that case you need to be mentally equipped to deal with it. That's why advice like the OP's is useful and could work, for the right people, and shouldn't be just laughed at as stupid, by ignorant people.

So in this guy's case, when the cop finds the .2 grams, obviously his exemplary investigative skills have led him straight to the reason for the victim's nervousness, right? He's too busy patting himself on pack and feeling smug and powerful to ever consider this might be a ruse. Complacency is the word. After all every common good person knows that .2 grams of POT is a BIG DEAL since it's DRUGS, right? So that totally explains your apologetic nature....even though the cop is actually somewhat disgusted at your groveling (there's the ego, feeling superior to you) because HE knows it's not a big deal.

So in this situation why would he have any reason to suspect you have more hidden? It's when they DON'T find anything (has strong suspicions but no confirmation found yet) that they tear everything apart looking. With .2 grams, there's no point in prosecuting, and he would just look like a douchebag in front of judge and everyone, so unless he is just a complete dick in a complete dick jurisdiction, and you look like a scumbag who needs to be thrown in jail "just because", it makes cops feel powerful (there's that ego again) to "cut someone a break" over such a trivial thing, and most times they would just let you go.

One last thing: Relying on Mythbusters is stupid. This show is meant for entertainment. They aren't the end-all-be-all authority on everything. Just because they couldn't get something to work doesn't mean you can't. There are about a hundred different ways they could have screwed up (accidently or on purpose, for entertainment value) in the drug dog test. How would you know the difference if the dogs on the show found the pot because they have magic noses that never fail, or because the Mythbusters crew sloppily left traces of bud smell all over the bag?

TL;DR -- This thread is packed full of good and useful advice, thanks to the OP and others, and it's a shame some are too stupid/ignorant to see it. Hope you enjoy your jail cells.


Active member
And of course some asswipe was offended and "didnt find my post helpful." Oh well....some people's skulls are like granite, just too thick to bore any sense into.


Active member
As an example of good but strategically useless info you could feed a cop to make him believe a certain way and begin to trust you, how about an expired military ID card? Lots of cops are ex-military, and the ones who aren't still (mistakenly) feel there exists some sort of kindred relationship/respect between your group and theirs, just because you both wear guns I guess....so....why not take full advantage of this? Keep it in your wallet so that it's visible when you pull out your ID. Don't flash it in his face; just let him see it. Don't act smug or superior, just acknowledge it if he asks, and don't bring it up if he doesn't.

One that I know for sure works VERY well for young military folks, is to have a neatly starched and pressed uniform hanging up in the car, plus baggage...plus the proper haircut etc.....as if you're relocating from one of the many dozens of military bases in this country to one of the many dozens of others. Where are you coming from/to, in the U.S.? I guarantee there IS a military base somewhere near there. And just because you're Army, or Navy, or Air Force, doesn't necessarily mean you won't be assigned to any of the other types of bases, depending on your job. But don't take it too far; I'd have to say it would be pretty suspicious/odd for an Army private to be stationed on a Coast Guard base, for instance, or a Navy seaman stationed on an Air Force base in Nebraska.

Beware tho, it can backfire--some cops HATE military...probably because they (rightly) perceive themselves as inferior. This is where the lack of smugness, i.e. just being an overall nice/polite person, if a bit miffed at the inconvenience...comes in very handy.

The absolute KEY is to know EVERYTHING about your chosen role....and be rehearsed (it's ACTING) to talk about it in detail on a moment's notice, if needed. If you don't actually know anything about the military, you JUST might be surprised to meet a "fellow" former member of "your" branch of service who innocently decides to shoot the shit with you. If you claim to be/have been in the military yet don't even know where you went to basic training? Or where stationed, or know anything about your job? Um, yeah that's pretty suspicious. And I can't remember the last time I met a young military guy who didn't have "yes sir" and "no sir" drilled into his brain, if he didn't already from his cultural upbringing, and certain ways of walking/acting/talking/behaving that stick out from a mile away to anyone who's also been there. A guy claiming to be an up-and-coming sergeant in the Air Force but who responds with "yeah" and "naw" and "huh?" and slouches around with hands in pockets doesn't jive at all.

I'm sure the inventive people here can think of numerous other examples of "suggestions" you can easily plant in a cop's mind, just by leaving the right items in your car in plain sight, and by assuring your appearance/behavior matches, as well as ways you could fuck it ALL up by letting some vital clue slip that the cop picks up on and realizes you're a fake, or gets suspicious which leads him to start looking for said clues. But if ALL the suggestions the cops sees point to the same thing.....i.e. that you're a good guy/girl and not one of the "bad guys"...then that's what he will WANT to believe....and if you couple that with the suggestion that you are bending to his will because you recognize his superiority, you will have complete control of the interaction.


Active member
BTW---When I post I tend to just shoot from the hip with a rough draft and submit, then reread and keep clicking edit and refining it til my point comes across clearly, with minimal appearance of asshole attitude creeping through. So if you read one of my posts and it looks like I'm being a complete douche, check back in an hour and you may find I'm actually only 1/4, or 1/8th douche. (Not sure which....none of my ancestors appear on the Registry, so I can't "get mine" from the local tribe/casino...)


Active member


I want that on a t-shirt :)



ICMag Donor
It's one thing to plant examples in a cops mind as you say with the use of clothing and the such, but to let members think it might be a good idea to intentionally leave the smell of cannabis around your car when you are carrying would be completely negligent on our part. The last, and I mean the very last thing you ever want to do is give a narcotics dog a "hit". It's a sad thing to say, but there are many narcotics cops that carry a little something with them to plant so the dog, and them aren't made fools of.

It's best to say as little as you possibly have to. In truth, most people are nervous talking to a cop in the first place. So someone overly talkative who has appeared to have practiced what he is doing will draw more attention than the person that sits there saying very little. And in truth, many times the person carrying has been ratted out and the cop already knows the person has drugs with him.

People can think or do what they want when this happens, but the odds are going to be with the person that says very little, is polite and acts surprised at what is happening....


Game Bred
best real advice?

when you do get pulled over:
shut the vehicle completely off.
make sure you take your foot off the brake(make the brake lights turn off)
turn off the radio
have your pertinent paperwork in your lap
have your window rolled down
have your hands on the wheel
be respectful
answer questions with questions whenever possible(Eg: "do you know why i pulled you over?"
"why did you pull me over officer?")
the last little bit of psychology will work wonders if you manage it correctly.
dont push it and dont be a dick about it but if you can get him to answer a question before you do it will establish a modicum of control over the conversation.
smile,apologize and move along.


but there are many narcotics cops that carry a little something with them to plant so the dog, and them aren't made fools of.

I don't think they care that much. They can all make their dogs false hit whenever they wish, tear your crap apart and walk away empty handed with little more than a smile and a shrug.

The only reason they would plant something is if they intended to hold you.
best real advice?

when you do get pulled over:
shut the vehicle completely off.
make sure you take your foot off the brake(make the brake lights turn off)
turn off the radio
have your pertinent paperwork in your lap
have your window rolled down
have your hands on the wheel
be respectful
answer questions with questions whenever possible(Eg: "do you know why i pulled you over?"
"why did you pull me over officer?")
the last little bit of psychology will work wonders if you manage it correctly.
dont push it and dont be a dick about it but if you can get him to answer a question before you do it will establish a modicum of control over the conversation.
smile,apologize and move along.
so very true! 9 times out of ten if you do that, you wont get a ticket.

mad librettist

Active member
Lol @ advice to give up. 2 grams and act all freaked out to cover up the much larger bag elsewhere in the car. What planet are you from bro? .2 grams in your possession is what we call probable cause. What kind of moron cop leaves it at that, when there is an opportunity to seize a car and maybe some cash?

Please people, assume these kinds of threads are started by LEO.


Active member
I'm not going to reply to each post so I am going to try to address each argument the best I can.

It's only my witts that have gotten me this far.

It's fine if you all want to believe that the deer urine wont distract them, or anything like that. But there are many other fool proof solid methods of getting out of charges in this thread.

You guys may think I'm an idiot, but I'm not. I have many many methods that work perfectly for thwarting the cops. I have only leaked a few. While the deer urine method may be heavily scrutinized, maybe I just got lucky on those encounters, who knows. I have avoided charges my entire life with my wits alone
As for someone commenting on saying my lawyers were wrong about being able to be charged with mail of someone elses name that contains bud.
I run a business with multiple employees. Only I have access to the PO Box which I pick up mail from weekly, and this mail tends to stay in a bin in my trunk until I can get it to the employee. Out of the multiple lawyers I have consulted, all of them said if drugs were detected in a package that had an employees name on it, that I was carrying, I can not be held liable for it.
There is no solid case and there is no way to prove I knew what was in the box. The automatic assumption is I was doing what I usually do and there's no way I could have known I was unknowingly breaking the law. It's too circumstantial and the case would have little ground and would get thrown out of court. Chances are if I call my lawyer I wouldn't even be arrested.

I do know my many other methods have gotten me further than most. I travel a lot. To give you guys an idea, I travel at least 30 minutes aday, with at least an ounce of bud on me. I drive a total of several hours aday in the same parts of town. I travel heavily trafficked areas. My town is ridden with cops, and I do a lot of moving around town during the day. For business reasons and for side business reasons. I can't help the frequency that I get pulled over as I follow the law the best I can.

Again, anyone who was wondering, this thread is not completely useless. There are a lot of good ideas in here. Some from individuals posting, and some from me. Here's the list again

I have many many more techniques and tricks up my sleve. I've got 15-20 more that don't necessarily rely on 'distracting' the dog. I'll post more if I decide to. While some people thank me for sharing, I don't seem to be very appreciated here for sharing my experiences and my good intentions to helping others not get caught for something that shouldn't even be illegal. While some methods may be up for debate(Namely the deer urine), there are alot of solid good ideas in here.

A fuckin dead deer! jesus, why not rent a horse trailer and have a vet surgically implant lbs into the horses stomach... theyll never find that wtf???


Active member
Dunno about cars but....

An "X" of resin smeared on your doorstep every week will give the dog a "trigger" right off the bat and outside your house.

Worked in the barracks on MP dogs.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member


I don't think anyone has mentioned this obvious one.

A Radar / Laser detector is a useful tool.

The current one I have even alerts you when you are over a certain set limit compared to the posted limit when driving. For example, you think the limit in an unfamiliar area is 45 and you are doing 55 (thinking you are 10 over), when the limit is truely 35 and actually you are 20 over. I find this feature very useful.

Saved my ass from being pulled over many a time.

Money well spent.



Active member
mythbusters has done dog episodes. my new tactic is gonna be fill up on beans for a few days . it keeps the old lady away why not dogs? fart my way to freedom

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