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How important is air in res. with ebb'n flow?


just do it
hey whatever, you dont need to test when you supply them with adequate oxygen, gee lets see what the minimum amount of oxygen i can get away with is? maybe you should cut back your light and nute levels too


Thanks for the replies..

I think I'm going to start with just using the air pump when I'm not home, and also having the hose short enough to make the water splash..

If that doesnt work, I might try to make a hole in the tube so that splashes also..

Lets see...


kenned said:
Thanks for the replies..

I think I'm going to start with just using the air pump when I'm not home, and also having the hose short enough to make the water splash..

If that doesnt work, I might try to make a hole in the tube so that splashes also..

Lets see...
If you're gonna run when not home only just remove any air stones and use open lines. They are noisier but definitely more effective at raising DO than using the same equipment with stones. If you make the hole in the tube place it so that the resultant jet is really agitating the surface. This will raise DO fast and the water/solution holds onto DO for an extended period. Considering you'll be bubbling for half the day and then relying on the fill/drain and possibly the water jet I'd bet money your DO level will not fluctuate.

It is gonna work just fine.
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A guy at my hydro store said running a magnetic drive water pump in your res will take out some of the nutes. He said the magnet is what does it. Can anyone verify this?


^ yes, the magnet will attract heavier minerals like iron and zinc...

BUT after reading this thread, my thoughts begin to lead in the direction of having airstones in the TRAY which only turn on with the flood.
this would provide the 'DO' needed in the flood times where 'DO' is the lowest.
right? the only reason with this in mind to have a air stone in a res, would b to keep it circulated (prevent algae, and keep nutes mixed).


vigilo said:
^ yes, the magnet will attract heavier minerals like iron and zinc...

BUT after reading this thread, my thoughts begin to lead in the direction of having airstones in the TRAY which only turn on with the flood.
this would provide the 'DO' needed in the flood times where 'DO' is the lowest.
right? the only reason with this in mind to have a air stone in a res, would b to keep it circulated (prevent algae, and keep nutes mixed).

Increase of DO is done mainly at surface level. The flood itself increase DO more than any airstone.

I would recomend a way of increase DO in the res (bubbles, powerhead, a split on the duct toward the tray...) only if res temps are high (always talking about e&f), wich anyway is a bad thing, more aerated or not, but aerating a hot res should reduce slighty the risk of anaerobic pathogens developing in the res.

Having an airstone with a timer, working for example 15 min a hours should be more than enough in any other situation. Not required, but its cheap and cant do any harm.


I run Ebb & Flow without a powered air source in the res. The overflow comes back to the res and there's water fall effect that adds DO and theres air is held in the hydrotron. I'm with knna, the flood itself provides more then enough. Maybe there are differences depending on the grow medium used.


Active member
House and garden DOES NOT need a air stone. it will fuck your plants up. I use h&g and have spoken many times with the local distributors. H&g is made in europe, where most people use agitators (aka small pumps) to break the surface and allow oxygenation of the water. With aquaflakes for example, it will cause some of the precipitate matter to gather on one side of your rez rather than be mixed homogenously throughout. Another reason to not use an air stone with H&G is that it will cause your nutes to go bad. I dont know how to explain it, but it causes bad things to happen like nute lockout, and your rez to ferment with bacteria (dont believe me, take a 5 gallon bucket with root excellurator multi and coco a&b mixed, wait 3 days with an airstone running on full blast, test ph before and after as well, put somewhere where u wont be bothered by the smell either) This is for my ebb n flow tables, if you were using a dwc setup id have to talk to my guys to see exactly what you shouldnt run (i know roots would be a bad idea). For you people who are still not convinced, ever hear of product called Gravity (a flower hardener made by Humbolt) u put that stuff in a recirc system of any kind with an airstone and your SCREWED!!! it says you can put it in hydro, but the airstone makes weird things happen.

Conclusion - airstones are crucial in dwc systems, but can be avoided in ebb n flow. Depending on which type of system you run, should determine what type of compatible nutes to use.


I like keeping my 40g rezies pumped full of fresh o2 and constantly mixing my nutrients around keeping things fresh.

yo, they make a hose attachment for pumps that has an airline hookup. you dont need to run a pump into it, just put air hose out to a fresh source of air, hook it up to the output of your pump, and voila, free NOISELESS air being injected into your water and buckets.

if you dont know the part i'm looking for, go to hydro store, ask for pump fitting with air intake.

-- steve


Active member
statictattoo said:
Meh maybe Im wrong on this one, the guy was saying he wanted something quiet so his gf wouldnt complain... I don't use airstones my plants seems fine, and yes having that hole in my intake line mixes AND airrates.. but that is also my flowering REZ

Heres a picture of my veg rez

All it has is a short drain pipe, but yes i stand corrected my friend the airstone ph comment is not from personal experience but from something i read, thus I am probably wrong... but all I'm trying to say is you don't need a airstone.. and you don't cause I don't have one.. but everyones grows are different

you got it going on...
aslong as people get DO(Disolved Oxygen) in from one of the 3 or 4 ways then like you, they wont expeiance problems. d00d is smart making sure he dont kill his babies with a simple change. EBB does get alot of DO, NFT dosent, and DWC is a anaerobic-nightmare waiting to happen without an airstone. alot of people i know use secondary pumps to keep the 'mix' or res water moving, preventing 'settlers' on the bottom.... such people usualy run the mix pump 24/7... :rasta:


Active member
Haps said:
Bad advice times two, so far. DO is life or death for the girls. You can probably get by without air, but you will have less vigor if you slip below max do. I put air into all reses, and all buckets, and my girls are happy. DO your girls deserve to be all they can be, or is good enough good enough for you?

Wow this is the second time in two days that I've seen you call people out for giving good information. You talk about redundant systems but there is such thing as overkill. The guy was simply asking if an airpump is important/needed in e&f....the answer is no (even though I prefer to have one in my res). I understand what your trying to get across but people are looking for straight answers...not how to build redundancy.
You run a "tidal system". Of course YOU will need plenty of D/O for YOUR application.
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stone fool
I only know what I have seen work and not work, and concede that my systems are overkill. But DO is important, kinesis in water is the difference in good water and bad water. When you have seen enough failure, you learn to try to avoid it. Here, yes I believe a waterfall can give you enough, but will it be enough if your temps go up two degrees? How long will your girls survive if your pump fails? Is there a point of failure?

There is no one right way, I only know what I see.


myself like most people with big reservoirs have 2 pumps in each rez, one constantly circulating and one flooding the trays, both of my pumps have attachments for the hose that also have a small attachment for an air hose you can hook the airhose up to either of the pumps i have mine hooked up to the one that is circulating my water and my plants do great

the water is getting circulated and aerated at the same time
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Active member
Haps said:
I only know what I have seen work and not work, and concede that my systems are overkill. But DO is important, kinesis in water is the difference in good water and bad water. When you have seen enough failure, you learn to try to avoid it. Here, yes I believe a waterfall can give you enough, but will it be enough if your temps go up two degrees? How long will your girls survive if your pump fails? Is there a point of failure?

There is no one right way, I only know what I see.

You are not running normal e&f... It is not required in e&f, though I added a powerhead to my res just so when I add stuff to the res it gets mixed up better/faster. Otherwise its not required. Two degrees is also not going to hurt unless your temps are already borderline. And a pump failure. Who knows. A ciculating pump in your res (or airpump) is not going to help that. At least with e&f, it would be pretty easy to manually water them a couple times a day, as opposed to dwc which where you plants will start suffering very quickly...

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