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How Important Are They...Really?????

How Important Are They...Really?????

  • So Important that I'd enlarge them for my partner

    Votes: 16 5.5%
  • So important that I'd ask my girl to have them made bigger

    Votes: 14 4.8%
  • Not Important

    Votes: 261 89.7%

  • Total voters


Are we talking titty again? Well heres my revised statement....... I need examples to further study such opinions. Hands on testing will be required. So line up ladies I need to study. Mom would be proud. Look Mom I'm studying.



Let me make one thing perfectly clear...

Let me make one thing perfectly clear...

I LOVES titties, okay? Loves 'em. Large, medium, small, it don't matter. If you don't believe me, check out my profile.

If they are identifiable as breasts, then they can't be too small. I did see a woman on TV who could crush a beer can with hers... ugh. That's just a little TOO big, IMHO.

I don't understand why a woman would feel the need to make 'em bigger. I DO get it when one wants to reduce them for reasons of comfort... and my understanding is that really big ones can be WAY uncomfortable.

But other than that, or to correct some kind of actual defect, or if you had to have one removed, I don't get it.

OTOH, lots of people don't get my tattoos, either, and in the end I guess implants aren't all THAT different from tats. Easier to remove, tho.

Pat Smear: when do nice titties bring happiness? That's easy... when yer PLAYIN' with 'em!

Jazzy: as for having different sizes, to me, that just makes them more interesting. I knew a girl back in college, Michele. From Miami. Really nice girl... introduced me to Cuban espresso. (Now that is an addiction!) She had noticably different sized breasts... I found it fascinating and very attractive.

Now can somebody help me with this: the whole time I've been reading this thread, a song has been stuck in my head, and I can't figure out why:

I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
there they are all standing in a row
big ones, small ones,
some as big as yer head
singing rolla bolla bolla

Last edited:


Oh yeah, one more thing.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that really large penises cause cancer.

Really ladies, what you want is a man with a small wanger.

Really, I'm just looking out for your health.

Trust me.
if they be hanging down (like the old lady in Playboy cartoons)
and you can toss them over your shoulder...nips point to the ground... :) It is time for help.
And you men cannot say that you like them anyway... :)


Dr. D

Active member


Eye candy eye candy eye candy, they look fantastic hour glass figure in all dat but personally i like em hand size if ya kno wot i mean.peace


If you can stand on your head and they stay in the same spot that's just right for me. I love smaller firm breasts.My wife is obsessed with her b's she feels inadequit despite the fact that I love them exactly the way they are Perfect. Ladies leave them alone. Bigger is not better when it comes to boobs.Legs and ass are far more important eye candy. Love on the other hand is an entirely different subject


Actually, for what breast implants cost....I'd rather spend it on cosmetic dentistry, nothing like a nice perfect white smile to go with a set of 34B's. :D



Bubblegum Specialist
You gotta eat and you can always wear a padded bra. :) BOG

Your face cant be covered unless you are me...then a bag works...


New member
if there are two of them and they are where they are supposed to be,and in a somewhat natural shape then they are all good !!!nothing like a teasing flirting well covered somewhat daring darling to keep the blood flowing on cold winter evenings.Medron


Active member
Why incorporate plastic in your body, girls ? To be more sexy ? The idea is enough for me to horn off...

On the other hand, the idea that the body is sacred is a bit puritan.... :/

But what will happen in 10 years ? Change them ? And so the same with your legs, ass, lips, arms, wombs.. ? damn....... It's life that's rockin....

Take care,



New member
This is definately a subject I have to comment on. I was very athletic in high school. I was a dancer and lifted weights. However my breasts were always my down fall. I had what one of my boyfriends called "utters". I was so self conscious of my breasts that I would find myself looking at other women and comparing my breasts to theirs. I found myself depressed about the way that they looked. I was always dead set against implants. So much so that I tried herbal breast augmentation. Believe it or not, it worked. I went from an A cup to a B cup. I then got really sick and stopped taking the stuff. I stayed the size that I was, but I still had "utters". I started to take it again, but it was like I developed an immunity to it or something. Year before last I had an opportunity to get a breast augmentation. The only reason I agreed to it was it was free. YEP I SAID IT FREE. I did see the bill for it and I can say I'm wearing a $15K accessory everyday all day. Remember that I said I was dead set against it. However it was starting to affect me mentally. I didn't want to look at myself in the mirror. I didn't like to touch them when I showered. I didn't like for my boyfriend to play with them because they were so substandard. I just felt like I had to do this to make myself feel at peace with myself and my body. Needless to say, I didn't see any of my friends until they were two months old. The cool thing was everyone I saw was like, wow you look so incredible, but I don't what you did to yourself. I didn't tell anyone I was getting it done. Then I finally started telling people and they were like no way. They look so natural. I even let some of my guy friends squeeze them. The cool thing is my doctor was so good, when you look at them you can't tell their fake as there is no scarring. They're not filled to capacity so they aren't "hard" looking and when you squeeze them they feel like real boobs that are firm and perky. The point I am trying to make is it's not just a matter of a "guy" thing about the boobs. I was walking through the mall with my mother about a week after I got them done. I had on a baggy sweater and some jeans. That was the first time I was out and about since having them done. I got starred at by just as many women if not more than men. So much so I asked my mother if I looked like I had just had my boobs done or were they sticking out to far or something. She told me know and welcomed me to the big titty club. I just laughed. My clothes fit me better than ever before. I feel so much better about myself and my appearance. It wasn't about having big boobs for me, but feeling like I looked normal. I am now a D cup with a knock out shape. I can honestly say that I look like I should be in Playboy. I never would have thought that before. Not that I would ever pose but I could if I wanted to. I'm saying that I'm that confindent in myself and my self esteem is that high. Anyway, that's just my two cents. Sorry to be long winded!
damn sweetie,with your descreption i forgot what the topic was.i think i need a hit of that mazar you were talking about.lol
34b are a perfect size! I don't think you have anything to worry about in that regard. I personally, prefer small natural breasts. More than a mouthful is wasteful. I am more of a hip and backside admirer. God has done a great job construction the female body. Of course, the most important is the eyes and the smile. Everything else is just bonus.



if am man is not pleesed wat hes partner has to give (both ways i think) he not worth it
in wat are you in love in your womans breast or him self

(man wat a ripoff) :biglaugh:


My Ex wife had 34b's. Sexy as hell... My girl now has 34c's a big set of 34c's so to speak.. big or little doesnt make that much of a difference, Other than a big pair adds 1 more sexual position. aka titty fuqing. As to fakes, I prefer natual there is no other feeling than natural tiddies.. fakes are not attractive during sex either.. when they move. you can see the lining of the bag very well all the indentions.. lol its kinda gross
and a turn off.. anyway thats my 2 pennies on this subject KEEP IT REAL!! peace



Well....I have absolutely NO intentions of going under the knife
for such a procedure...I'm perfectly happy (and think someone else
is too) with my little ole 34B's :wink:

I do however find it very amusing that guys say boobs are not
important, and have voted that way it seems, when it is so obvious
that a big set of hooters sure turns fellows heads and creates such
a big goofy smile slapped across their faces...at least be honest
about it...don't think this poll is very accurate. :biglaugh:



haha, just found this thread.

Love it!

A friend once told me that women with small breasts (or thinner women in general) are more sensitive to stimulation because the nerve endings in their skin are compacted into a smaller surface area. Now, it must be general rule, because I have known women with big boobs who can practically hit the big O with just some heavy nipple work. But it sounded good at the time and it holds true ina general way as far as I can tell.