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How fast can you make a million growing weed calculator


We are Farmers
damn! you beat me!

for the record, i dont even have 1000 watts of light lol


Well I was bumping a lot more light than in reality (4k vs .8k) but still as a novice, pro's harvest much more apparently :)

With this plan you will make $1,000,000 by: Monday, August 03, 1992
Hey, it was right!

Could I borrow some cash? I need to add 3.2k in lights, the calculator says I will pay it back

im telling you it's wildly inaccurate... it says 47k in the next 6 weeks at 1300 a lb... thats 36 pounds... with 1450w.... are they weighing the pots n medium too? ...lol

I just did my own calculations... they said 2012... I say in FIFTY years based on the numbers above and 12 crops a year (pfft yah right) and that's if you sold everything you grew... :)

August 03, 2014 this caculator is off lol

apparently I'll make 47k by Jan 16th 2010 if I start today with 1450 watts and a wholesale price of about 1300 a lb

LOL utter nonsense.... for one thing.. I don't happen to have any 6 week strains handy ;)

wow thats crazy it may be a little off but still cool.

NO No No You guys are all wrong, this is based on SCIENCE with a capital SCIENCE! I will be rich soon and we don't need any negative Nelly's bringing us all down with crap like FACTS and REALITY, man, jeeze :yoinks:


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Did you check the different skill levels?

I did the math using real harvest averages and I average 12 ounces per year. It will take me 208 years to make a million. Even if I run at max, I'm still looking at 71 years retail.


Jamie if you are growing indoor and have any skill at all 4K is about the lowest you want to go.The average price for indoor quality erb is anywhere from 4 -6 thousand a pound

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
With this plan you will make $1,000,000 by: Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well that's not too far away at all. Good news for me!


Overkill is under-rated.
What a buncha BS, like you can profit from a grow, and have zero expenses. Pffft. I reinvest at least 50-75% of my harvests back into the room, so at times it doesn't feel like I make a cent off of it. It's ok though, soon I'll have a room that will start paying me back for my patience!


Active member
The more important calculator should be how to make a million growing weed in under a year you really can't expect to be doing it forever get in get out.
How fast can you make a million dollars by growing marijuana?


With this plan you will make $1,000,000 by: Saturday, October 01, 2011

lmfao i new i was onto a good thing ;)