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How far into flower can you foliar sm-90?


Hey guys, searched for this and didn't find an answer; how long into flower can I use sm-90 as a foliar? I've got fungus gnats and spider mites and I'm worried they're going to multiply before the cycle is over and wreak havoc...


VERY good question...Im wondering the same thing. I love SM-90,,,Works wonders...Wish they made SM-90 bug bombs to make the job easier..

Ive been told that one should not spray neem/Sm-90 on any flowers larger than a marble...Dont know if its true,,but I have never risked it...Couldnt immagine smokin SM-90, ya know.....Would rather (and have) smoke spider mite infested nuggs...

Ive also been told repeatedly to use a shop vac to handle mites in bloom.....Well, I tried that,,,Was viscious on the nuggs...Almost sucked in some large nuggs,,,Its hard to do, thats for sure...

Another thing ive heard is that you can use avid and floromite a coupple weeks before harvest,,,,but I have no idea.....Maby ask digitalhippy?


Active member
Dude, i feel your pain. I am 50+ days into flowering on a 70 day cycle and these fungus gnats are driving me fuckin crazy. I don't know what to do. Honestly, if it was spider mites I would use the floramite now and try to knock them out with two applications a few days apart. The gnats are killing me though. I have been using sm-90 in the nutrients but it has had little effect. My sm-90 might be too old (over a year old now) or I may need to ratchet up the dose. I thought about covering the tops of my containers with sand but it seems like such a huge pita (sooo many containers).

I figure to just buy a new bottle of sm-90 and start with that in my nutes. If that doesn't at least keep the buggers from multiplying too crazily I think I will just let them finish out and ditch the coco they are in. Everyday it gets too later to spray.


Active member
rootfingers said:
Dude, i feel your pain. I am 50+ days into flowering on a 70 day cycle and these fungus gnats are driving me fuckin crazy. I don't know what to do. Honestly, if it was spider mites I would use the floramite now and try to knock them out with two applications a few days apart. The gnats are killing me though. I have been using sm-90 in the nutrients but it has had little effect. My sm-90 might be too old (over a year old now) or I may need to ratchet up the dose. I thought about covering the tops of my containers with sand but it seems like such a huge pita (sooo many containers).

I figure to just buy a new bottle of sm-90 and start with that in my nutes. If that doesn't at least keep the buggers from multiplying too crazily I think I will just let them finish out and ditch the coco they are in. Everyday it gets too later to spray.

kill as many adult individuals as possible both by yourself or by a sticky trap, and let the soil go bone dry.

It worked wonder for me :)


I've had quite a bit of luck killing fungus gnats with pyrethrin spray, just apply it to the soil. What I do is wait until the plant is very dry, in my case that's about 2-3 days without water. Then saturate the surface of the soil with pyrethrin spray wait a few hours then water. Do this twice a week for two weeks.

You can also try keeping a fan directed right at your soil level...I've noticed that this causes the surface to dry out within hours of watering and deprives fungus gnats of their little safe haven right the soil level.


Active member
If you have fungus gnat problems i have a solution that worked in a week for me.

1.) mosquito dunks. They are common, very common. They look like little donut shapes. Break off 1/8 dunk and crush it up. Mix it with whatever you water with and apply thoroughly. This will kill every larvae in your medium.

2.) apply sticky traps. the ones that survive will fly to them and stick.

no larvae, no gnats. problem solved.

- SubN


Active member
Theres no substitute for predatory nematodes if you want to kill off soil or coco dwelling bugs. I use pot poppers and put them in my mix bottle. The gnats are never pleased as my nematodes eat their babies.

Takes a few weeks of doing it but they are gone after that


Well-known member
Premium user
yep grab you some predators quick.

SM-90 lists coriander as the active ingredient I believe. I would suspect it to be ok to foliar in bloom but not sure how close to finish you probably don't want to smoke that super lemon funk smell coming from it. I don't ever foliar however. I do not have mite problems or any bug problems for that matter.

Clean up your grow area.